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[PROGRAM] Acer A510 AIO Toolbox


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utilisée ce matin pour voir si l'adb reconnaissait bien ma tablette (adb device) et pour faire le crack du bootloader et flasher le recovery CWM

[PROGRAM] Acer A510 AIO Toolbox


Acer A510 Iconia Tab AIO Toolbox


By: marlopainter

I posted this here because there isn't an A510 Forum yet.

All the A510 people come to the A500 Forum.

Delete this if it's a problem.

Not all options are specific to the A510.

UPDATED 5/23/2012 : v2.3.0


See Changelog at the bottom.

Inspired by: Bay_wolf's AIO Vibrant Toolbox 2.5



This is a Work In Progress.

I'm distributing this program as-is

and make no guarantee that it will

not hurt your device. So, use at your

own risk and don't blame me for bricking

your device. I am to not be held liable for

any outcome of the use of this program.

Options are tested personally on my A510.

It is written in VB2010, NOT C,

and you will need the Framework from MS.

I use Windows 7 - 64 bit, so that's why.

What is this:

This program will do many of the tasks in a few clicks

rather than opening command prompts, etc.

The routines are ALL visible and OPEN for inspection.


This program uses the SendKeys commands available in VB.

This means a window will open and the info will be "auto-typed" for you.

You will clearly see all the commands I am sending to your device.


The function doesn't care where the info is sent, it just sends it.

Allow the function to finish before attempting to do something else.

The functions take less than a minute, you will NOT be waiting long.

Setup Your Device:


Connect the USB cable to your PC and Tablet

Some options require root

Use this program to root your device

What can You do:

At the moment, there are 9 tabs of options.

They are divided up by functions. Similiar functions are grouped.


*** Menu Stip across the top for quick access to commands/tabs.

*** Access Google, XDA, AcerTabletForum, and this thread with 1 click

*** Send me an email

*** Donate

Tab 1 : Drivers : ONLY A510

*** Download the USB Drivers directly from Acer.

*** To save program weight, I removed the drivers from the package.

*** Most people will have them already, or only need them once.

*** You can also open the "Device Manager" from this screen if there

*** are difficulties seeing your device with ADB.

Tab 2 : ADB Connection : Any ADB Enabled device with USB Debugging Enabled

*** Use this tab to check your ADB connection.

*** It is recommended to do this before most operations.

*** A link is provided with more info on ADB

Tab 3 : Command Prompts : Any ADB Enabled device with USB Debugging Enabled; Root

*** Open Command Prompts quickly

*** Two options: Shell with SU; Raw CMD prompt

*** Links for more info on Shell and SU also provided

Tab 4 : Misc Tools : Any ADB Enabled device with USB Debugging Enabled; Root

*** Mount /system/ RW with 1 click

*** Clear dalvik cache with 1 click

*** Link for dalvik info provided

Tab 5 : Reboot Controls : Any ADB Enabled device with USB Debugging Enabled

*** Reboot device into 1 of 3 modes

*** Normal, Recovery, Bootloader

*** Links for info on Recovery and Bootloader provided

Tab 6 : Root : A10x and A5xx with ICS; USB Debugging Enabled

*** Root your A10x and A5xx with the ICS Simple Method

*** Link to ZeroNull's post and info on Root provided

*** 'Unroot'

All thanks go to ZeroNull for the exploit

and to Jesse6749 for discovering it works on the A510


Don't install Busybox! It is already installed and established!

If you reinstall it, some programs will become unable

to access root permissions!

Tab 7 : Bootloader : Any Device in which "fastboot oem unlock" is acceptable

*** Unlock your Bootloader and Reboot Out


Tab 8 : Backup : Any ADB Enabled device with USB Debugging Enabled

*** Pull files and APKs

*** Buttons to Pull from:

****** build.prop

****** /data/app/

****** /data/app-private/

****** /system/app/

****** /system/vendor/app

****** Custom Pull : Just type the file's address and click

Tab 9 : Install : Any ADB Enabled device with USB Debugging Enabled

*** Mass install APKs

*** Simply place the APKs in the 'APK' folder in this app's directory and click.

*** A list of APKs will appear, click to install the list.

*** The list isn't 'choose-able' It's there more for debugging, make sure it sees them.

Possible Additions in the future:

Custom Push Options

Choose-able list for Mass APK install

To INSTALL the Program on your PC:

*** Download the zip file [LESS THAN 3MB]

*** Most of the weight is Superuser.apk and the Root Package

*** Extract to desired folder

*** Leave the file structure intact.

*** Click Acer_A510_AIO_Toolbox.exe

*** Version Number is shown on the Title Bar of the program

*** Have fun!


Screenshots available at the site.

Please hit the Like/Thanks Button!

Please leave comments/suggestions/bugs in the thread!



*** Fixed Error preventing Bootloader options

*** from activating


*** Fixed Typo in Unroot Function

*** Line was: /data/tools/local

*** Should be: /data/local/tools


*** Replaced Root Files as a Precaution

*** Added 'Unroot'

*** Removed UAC Access


*** Overhauled GUI

*** Redid how functions deliver commands to the device

*** Needed UAC Access

*** Fixed Crash that occured if certain options cancelled via prompts

*** Pull APK Directories should be working now

*** Updated the root files to latest as provided by ZeroNull (5/16/2012)

*** Added 'Clear dalvik'

*** Added Info Links

*** Added more information for newer people

*** Added Custom Pull Options

*** Added prompts to ensure proper operation

*** Removed Drivers from install package


*** Changed execution of CMD windows for Reboots

*** CMD window no longer appears


*** Fixed ROOT issue. Replaced typo where app looked for

*** non-existent apk file instead of Superuser.apk

*** Fixed CMD window hang on mount R/W button

v1.0 - Release Candidate "There is no such thing as TMI on the internet."

Acer A510 AIO Toolbox @ XDA: Updated 5/23/2012

(Has many universal Android functions)


T-mobile Samsung Galaxy S3

Date on box: 6/16/2012

CM10 Preview 7/29/2012

Flash Count: >9


Rooted Stock


T-mobile Samsung Vibrant

T-mobile HTC G1

Modifié par harmakhis
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