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[ROM][LeWa V5] JB 4.1.2-AnTuTu Benchmark of 8110

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Hello to all users Wiko Cink Peax!
I am from Pakistan (so I do not know much French. Long live  :emo_im_kissing: ) and using QMobile Black A9 which is a renamed version of Wiko Cink Peax, Fly IQ443 trend MyPhone A888 Duos and Intex Aqua Wonder.
I brought sweet success with Lewa V5 for our wonderful gadget. And yes, it is awesome and yummier as AOSP 4.2.2 JB. Here beauty in the attached screenshots ...  B)
1. Integrated Dialer, Contacts and Messaging
2. Beautiful interface with lots of themes for icons, fonts and lockscreen
3. Butter smooth touch experience
4. Widget clock and weather elegant
5. customizable notification bar and quick settings panel
6. Nighttime three colors of your choice
7. Smart Power +
8. Window for an eye-catching key task kill and background applications
9. In built security center and data monitor
10. Sounds Dialer too. I Love Piano  :emo_im_kissing:
1. Less free RAM because of many embedded applications running in the background. They can be frozen well with toolbox


Here is the link for the ROM.
The procedure is the same for flashing MCG:
- Wipe cache partition
- Wipe data
- Advanced Wipe cache / Dalvik
- Wipe System
- Flash zip
- End enjoy;-)
You may find that Compass Player and Browser are not visible in applications then please replace applications in / system / app / with the data in the apks and delete the file LewaPlayer.odex. Change the permissions for --rwrr-- too.
A few simple instructions to release the RAM and boost battery life with this ROM:
Free RAM:
- Use Battery Doctor also

If anyone is finding end of the soi Home launcher reloading again and again Then please write the following lines in the end of  build.prop  and hit enter for a blank line in the end of the build.prop Otherwise the last command won't work.


#ALLOW Purging of Assets to free up RAM
persist.sys.purgeable_assets = 1
#Force Home Launcher Into Memory
Use THIS  option if ROOT does not work perfectly.
Hey hey hey ,,,, press "Like This" too when you find it useful
Modifié par Ali Agha
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  Le 04/12/2013 à 12:07, kookesam a dit :

bonjour et merci a ali mais c'est pas la derniere version qui est 15.11.13.

Il s'agit de la dernière version. Cependant, il ya quelques mises à jour de cette version. Je vais essayer de port trop  :)

  Le 04/12/2013 à 10:18, murigny64 a dit :

Ok. Installed ...


Nice build, everything is working. But only English and China Spelling.

Yes only these. Because, I ported it from another phone and it gave only these option. Thanks for appreciation  B)

Modifié par Ali Agha
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  Le 04/12/2013 à 13:25, Ali Agha a dit :

Il s'agit de la dernière version. Cependant, il ya quelques mises à jour de cette version. Je vais essayer de port trop  :)

Yes only these. Because, I ported it from another phone and it gave only these option. Thanks for appreciation  B)


Installed to ! Top ROM ! i came from basic 4.1.2 with root, this ROM isn't rooted ?

Thanks !

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  Le 04/12/2013 à 14:19, Mrlsk a dit :

Installed to ! Top ROM ! i came from basic 4.1.2 with root, this ROM isn't rooted ?

Thanks !

Lewa has its own system of root. Open Security center>Details>Permission Management>PERM>Root. Grant the root management.


If this does not work than flash which is available on XDA, This should be working thanks to XDA...

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  Le 04/12/2013 à 20:47, redtigerr73 a dit :

i'll try that, i really fall in luv with lewa v5, had a new gift htc 500, and feel myself lost without lewa and this fcukin Htc sense !!!

Sure. Welcome  :)

  Le 04/12/2013 à 15:54, Mrlsk a dit :

It works without the superSU from xda ;)

Thanks !

That's good. Feedback is mandatory to have some real insight of this ROM.

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  Le 05/12/2013 à 12:41, wolfpapy a dit :

J'ai des soucis avec le GPS qui une fois activé ne s'arrete pas sans logiciel maps ou autres.

Je n'ai jamais trouvé ce problème, ne peut pas dire grand-chose. Essayez d'autorisations de Chache et fixes claires.

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  Le 06/12/2013 à 07:28, Lannig a dit :

Vu que ces mots apparaissent en anglais dans le recovery (wipe cache et fix permissions) autant les donner en version originale :) ...même si le reste du texte du message doit être en français.

Hmmm ok. Je pourrais apprendre un peu de français ici  ^_^

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Salutation du matin à tou(te)s


en me balladant sur le forum needrom, j'ai découvert que certains avaient fait la traduction de la rom. 


Est ce que quelqu'un veut essayer de porter la rom?


une en 4.22 (du model ZTE V987)

et une en 4.12.


si quelqu'un est calé pour en porter ou récupérer les traductions en complet.


Excellent portage. 



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