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Ma tablette ne demarre plus


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Non, il ne se passe rien, l'ecran ne reagit pas, rien ne s'affiche



Did you try to reflash a ROM onto your tablet?


You might need to flash your tablet with a complete ROM and an autoscript, if that doesn't work, you may need to make a rescue sdcard....


First which C91 do you have?  ZT-280 H1_2n, ZT-280 H1_3n, ZT-280 H1_3a, ZT-282 H3_1a or ZT-282 H3_1n?


Modifié par omarahum
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ZT-282 H3_1a

Then you are using the 0818 ROM?


On a FAT32 formatted sdcard (a full format, not quick) with no partitions on it, put the zt-update folder from the 0818 ROM onto it and add this autoscript file inside the zt-update folder with the rest of the files -


Then put the sdcard in your tablet while it is powered off and only press the Power button....  Please tell me if your tablet autoflashes itself, or if it is still non-responsive....  If the autoscript doesn't work, you may need to make a rescue sdcard...

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