tassel Posté(e) 27 octobre 2014 Share Posté(e) 27 octobre 2014 (modifié) Bonsoir tlm j'ai un gros probleme j'ai essayer de mettre a jour mon huawei gt01 en 4.10.16【EMUI2.3_Android4.4】【2014年10月16日更新】 mais le probleme c'est qu'il rencontre une erreur Error:current version is not in VERLIST, unallow to update or j'ai deverouiller le bootload aidez moi svp si sa interesse quelqu'un voila le ficheir sdload.log : Starting recovery on Mon Oct 27 21:55:35 2014 Partition Information: preloader 0x0000000000040000 0x0000000000000000 2 /dev/misc-sd BOOT_1 mbr 0x0000000000080000 0x0000000000000000 2 /dev/block/mmcblk0 USER ebr1 0x0000000000080000 0x0000000000080000 2 /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 USER pro_info 0x0000000000300000 0x0000000000100000 2 /dev/block/mmcblk0 USER nvram 0x0000000000500000 0x0000000000400000 2 /dev/block/mmcblk0 USER protect_f 0x0000000000a00000 0x0000000000900000 2 /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 USER protect_s 0x0000000000a00000 0x0000000001300000 2 /dev/block/mmcblk0p3 USER seccfg 0x0000000000040000 0x0000000001d00000 2 /dev/block/mmcblk0 USER uboot 0x0000000000060000 0x0000000001d40000 2 /dev/block/mmcblk0 USER bootimg 0x0000000000a00000 0x0000000001da0000 2 /dev/block/mmcblk0 USER recovery 0x0000000001000000 0x00000000027a0000 2 /dev/block/mmcblk0 USER sec_ro 0x0000000000600000 0x00000000037a0000 2 /dev/block/mmcblk0p4 USER misc 0x0000000000080000 0x0000000003da0000 2 /dev/block/mmcblk0 USER logo 0x0000000000800000 0x0000000003e20000 2 /dev/block/mmcblk0 USER ebr2 0x0000000000080000 0x0000000004620000 2 /dev/block/mmcblk0 USER expdb 0x0000000001160000 0x00000000046a0000 2 /dev/block/mmcblk0 USER android 0x0000000050000000 0x0000000005800000 2 /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 USER cust 0x0000000010000000 0x0000000055800000 2 /dev/block/mmcblk0p6 USER cache 0x0000000008000000 0x0000000065800000 2 /dev/block/mmcblk0p7 USER usrdata 0x0000000163300000 0x000000006d800000 2 /dev/block/mmcblk0p8 USER bmtpool 0x0000000000000000 0x00000000ffff00a8 2 /dev/block/mmcblk0 USER recovery filesystem table ========================= 0 /tmp ramdisk (null) (null) 0 1 /boot emmc boot (null) 0 2 /cache ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p7 (null) 0 3 /data ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p8 (null) 0 4 /misc emmc misc (null) 0 5 /pro_info emmc pro_info (null) 0 6 /recovery emmc recovery (null) 0 7 /sdcard vfat /dev/block/mmcblk1p1 /dev/block/mmcblk1 0 8 /system ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 (null) 0 9 /cust ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p6 (null) 0 10 /Insdcard vfat /dev/block/mmcblk0p9 (null) 0 I:no boot messages I:Got arguments from /cache/recovery/command I:isUsbUpdate value = 0! locale is [fr_FR] can't open /dev/tty0: No such file or directory framebuffer: fd 3 (720 x 1280) ioctl(): blank: Invalid argument ioctl(): blank: Invalid argument app_info item=board_id content=MTK6592_G750-T01.VerB Unknow m_BoardType installing_text: fr (388 x 71 @ 606) erasing_text: fr (274 x 38 @ 507) no_command_text: fr (249 x 38 @ 507) error_text: fr (86 x 38 @ 507) Command: "/sbin/recovery" "--user_sd_update" "--local=fr_FR" ============================== [ASP] SECURE BOOT INIT 'Thu May 2 15:17:05 CST 2013(ASF.JB2)' ============================== [ASP.USIF] open /proc/dumchar_info [ASP.USIF] RN = 2 [ASP.USIF] usif enabled [DEV] open /proc/dumchar_info [DEV] # 0, part preloader, sz 0x 40000 [DEV] # 1, part mbr, sz 0x 80000 [DEV] # 2, part ebr1, sz 0x 80000 [DEV] # 3, part pro_info, sz 0x 300000 [DEV] # 4, part nvram, sz 0x 500000 [DEV] # 5, part protect_f, sz 0x a00000 [DEV] # 6, part protect_s, sz 0x a00000 [DEV] # 7, part seccfg, sz 0x 40000 [DEV] # 8, part uboot, sz 0x 60000 [DEV] # 9, part bootimg, sz 0x a00000 [DEV] #10, part recovery, sz 0x 1000000 [DEV] #11, part sec_ro, sz 0x 600000 [DEV] #12, part misc, sz 0x 80000 [DEV] #13, part logo, sz 0x 800000 [DEV] #14, part ebr2, sz 0x 80000 [DEV] #15, part expdb, sz 0x 1160000 [DEV] #16, part android, sz 0x50000000 [DEV] #17, part cust, sz 0x10000000 [DEV] #18, part cache, sz 0x 8000000 [DEV] #19, part usrdata, sz 0x63300000 [DEV] #20, part bmtpool, sz 0x 0 [sECCFG_VER] seccfg version v3 detected [sECCFG_VER] seccfg id = AND_SECCFG_v [sECCFG_VER] seccfg end pattern = 0x45454545 [ASP] ty:0 , ld:'0' rmkb:0 ============================== [ASP] SECURE READ ROM INFO ============================== [ASP] rom info ver '0x2'. id 'AND_ROMINFO_v' ro.boot.mode=2 ro.boot.serialno=YSVWGI79TSMZ8DZH ro.serialno=YSVWGI79TSMZ8DZH ro.bootmode=2 ro.baseband=unknown ro.bootloader=unknown ro.hardware=mt6592 ro.revision=0 ro.factorytest=0 ro.crypto.state=unsupported ro.secure=1 ro.allow.mock.location=0 persist.mtk.aee.aed=on ro.debuggable=0 persist.sys.usb.config=mass_storage persist.service.acm.enable=0 ro.mount.fs=EXT4 ro.custom.build.version=185 ro.build.version.sdk=17 ro.build.version.codename=REL ro.build.date=Wed Aug 27 02:06:12 CST 2014 ro.build.date.utc=1409076372 ro.build.user=jenkins ro.build.host=sp-ci-01-desktop ro.product.brand=Huawei ro.product.cpu.abi=armeabi-v7a ro.product.cpu.abi2=armeabi ro.product.locale.language=zh ro.product.locale.region=CN ro.wifi.channels= ro.board.platform=mtk ro.build.flavor= ro.build.characteristics=default ro.config.hw_GSensorOptimize=true ro.mediatek.version.release=ALPS.JB9.MP.V1.2 ro.mediatek.platform=MT6592 ro.mediatek.chip_ver=S01 ro.mediatek.version.branch=ALPS.JB9.MP ro.mediatek.version.sdk=1 rild.libpath=/system/lib/mtk-ril.so rild.libargs=-d /dev/ttyC0 wifi.interface=wlan0 ro.mediatek.wlan.wsc=1 ro.mediatek.wlan.p2p=1 mediatek.wlan.ctia=0 wifi.tethering.interface=ap0 ro.opengles.version=131072 wifi.direct.interface=p2p0 dalvik.vm.heapgrowthlimit=128m dalvik.vm.heapsize=256m ro.sys.usb.mtp.whql.enable=0 sys.ipo.pwrdncap=2 ro.sys.usb.storage.type=mtp,mass_storage ro.sys.usb.bicr=yes ro.sys.usb.charging.only=yes ro.camera.sound.forced=0 ro.audio.silent=0 ro.zygote.preload.enable=0 persist.sys.primarysd=0 ro.config.hw_allowformat=true ro.config.switchPrimaryVolume=true persist.gemini.sim_num=2 ro.gemini.smart_sim_switch=false ro.gemini.smart_3g_switch=1 ril.specific.sm_cause=0 bgw.current3gband=0 ril.external.md=0 ro.btstack=blueangel ro.sf.hwrotation=0 ril.current.share_modem=2 launcherplus.allappsgrid=2d launcher2.allappsgrid=3d_20 curlockscreen=1 ro.mediatek.gemini_support=true persist.radio.fd.counter=15 persist.radio.fd.off.counter=5 persist.radio.fd.r8.counter=15 persist.radio.fd.off.r8.counter=5 persist.mtk.wcn.combo.chipid=-1 drm.service.enabled=true fmradio.driver.enable=1 ril.first.md=1 ril.flightmode.poweroffMD=0 ril.telephony.mode=0 dalvik.vm.mtk-stack-trace-file=/data/anr/mtk_traces.txt persist.mtk.anr.mechanism=1 mediatek.wlan.chip=MTK_CONNSYS_MT6592 mediatek.wlan.module.postfix=_mtk_connsys_mt6592 ril.radiooff.poweroffMD=0 ro.config.notification_sound=Bongo.ogg ro.config.alarm_alert=Huawei_Alarm.ogg ro.config.ringtone=Huawei_Tune.ogg ter.service.enable=0 persist.sys.display.clearMotion=1 persist.clearMotion.fblevel.nrm=255 persist.clearMotion.fblevel.bdr=255 net.bt.name=Android net.change=net.bt.name dalvik.vm.stack-trace-file=/data/anr/traces.txt ro.com.google.clientidbase=android-huawei ro.config.hw_enable_merge=true ro.config.hw_enable_sns=true ro.config.hw_blacklist=true ro.config.hw_showringtimes=true ro.config.hw_randomphoto=true ro.config.imeinumber=1 ro.ringtone2.enabled=true ro.config.ringtone2=Huawei_Tune.ogg ro.config.hw_opta=999 ro.config.hw_optb=156 ro.config.hwtheme=1 ro.config.hw_simpleui_enable=1 ro.config.hw_singlehand=1 ro.config.dsds_mode=umts_gsm ro.config.hw_glovemode_enabled=1 ro.build.version.emui=EmotionUI_2.0 ro.config.internal_sdcard=true ro.config.hw_allow_ums_and_mtp=true ro.config.hw_pic_limit_size=50 ro.config.browser_def_hw_nav=true ro.config.browser_hw_nav_switch=true ro.huawei.cust.oma_drm=true ro.config.hw.security_volume=0 persist.sys.phb.enable=1 persist.sys.phb.debug.enable=1 persist.sys.alarm.uhb.mode=blacklist persist.sys.alarm.enable.uhb=1 ro.config.lockscreen_lensflare=true ro.keyguard.hwbkpin=true ro.dual.sim.phone=true ro.config.hw_dts_effect=true ro.config.tips_network_error=true ro.config.app_big_icon_size=112 ro.config.hw_toolbox=true ro.huawei.show_two_cards=false ro.config.bg_call_twinking=true ro.config.small.previewpos=left ro.config.hw_browser_ua2g=http://wap1.huawei.com/uaprof/HUAWEI_G750-T01_UAProfile.xml ro.config.hw_ChipPlatform=MTK_Platform ro.config.hw_rightsmgr=1 ro.config.hw_wirenetcontrol=true ro.config.huawei_smallwindow=54,66,672,376 ro.config.sb_sim_colors=false ro.config.sb_show_sim_id=false ro.config.spare_ntp_server=pool.ntp.org ro.config.hw_vcardBase64=true ro.config.hw_multiscreen=true ro.hwcamera.sound.muteable=true ro.hwcamera.facebeauty.uibar=true ro.hwcamera.voicereg.threshold=23,23 ro.config.hw_emerg=on ro.hisuite.msimmobile_platform=MTK persist.sys.config.devicecheck=true ro.build.display.id=G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B148 ro.build.realversion.id=G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B148 ro.build.display.id2=G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B148 ro.build.cta.id=G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B106 ro.build.description=G750-T01-user 4.2.2 HuaweiG750-T01 C00B148 ota-rel-keys,release-keys ro.build.fingerprint=Huawei/G750-T01/hwG750-T01:4.2.2/HuaweiG750-T01/C00B148:user/ota-rel-keys,release-keys ro.build.type=user ro.build.tags=ota-rel-keys,release-keys ro.build.version.incremental=C00B148 ro.build.cust.id=G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B148 ro.build.model=G750-T01 ro.build.product=G750-T01 ro.product.model=HUAWEI G750-T01 ro.product.name=G750-T01 ro.product.board=G750-T01 ro.build.id=HuaweiG750-T01 ro.product.device=hwG750-T01 ro.build.version.release=4.2.2 ro.build.time.cmcc=2014-08-26 09:26:56 gsm.version.baseband.cmcc=WR8.W12.46.P6,2014/08/26 09:26 ro.build.kernel.version=3.4.5\nhuawei@android-server # 1 ro.product.manufacturer=HUAWEI ro.mtprof.disable=1 init.svc.ueventd=running sys.usb.vid=12D1 ro.sf.lcd_density=320 init.svc.recovery=running init.svc.adbd=running update_package = NULL Entry User mode SD upgrade..................................................... Entry SD upgrade... battery voltage is 4348,that's OK! sdcard is mounted Init dload file num=0,filename=/sdcard/dload/update.app file -/sdcard/dload/update.app size=50c02b14 bytes. Begin update /sdcard/dload/update.app First check parition of update package verify:MD5RSA module verify abort verify:CRC module verify abort verify:CURVER module verify abort verify:VERLIST module verify abort verify:MBR module is matched verify:EBR1 module is matched verify:EBR2 module is matched verify:UBOOT module is matched verify:BOOTIMG module is matched verify:RECOVERY module is matched verify:LOGO module is matched verify:SYSTEM module is matched verify:CUST module is matched verify:CACHE module is matched verify:USERDATA module is matched verify: end of module Parition check ok Goto first module header, start dload.............. ============================== [ASP] SECURE BOOT INIT 'Thu May 2 15:17:05 CST 2013(ASF.JB2)' ============================== [ASP.USIF] open /proc/dumchar_info [ASP.USIF] RN = 2 [ASP.USIF] usif enabled [DEV] open /proc/dumchar_info [DEV] # 0, part preloader, sz 0x 40000 [DEV] # 1, part mbr, sz 0x 80000 [DEV] # 2, part ebr1, sz 0x 80000 [DEV] # 3, part pro_info, sz 0x 300000 [DEV] # 4, part nvram, sz 0x 500000 [DEV] # 5, part protect_f, sz 0x a00000 [DEV] # 6, part protect_s, sz 0x a00000 [DEV] # 7, part seccfg, sz 0x 40000 [DEV] # 8, part uboot, sz 0x 60000 [DEV] # 9, part bootimg, sz 0x a00000 [DEV] #10, part recovery, sz 0x 1000000 [DEV] #11, part sec_ro, sz 0x 600000 [DEV] #12, part misc, sz 0x 80000 [DEV] #13, part logo, sz 0x 800000 [DEV] #14, part ebr2, sz 0x 80000 [DEV] #15, part expdb, sz 0x 1160000 [DEV] #16, part android, sz 0x50000000 [DEV] #17, part cust, sz 0x10000000 [DEV] #18, part cache, sz 0x 8000000 [DEV] #19, part usrdata, sz 0x63300000 [DEV] #20, part bmtpool, sz 0x 0 [sECCFG_VER] seccfg version v3 detected [sECCFG_VER] seccfg id = AND_SECCFG_v [sECCFG_VER] seccfg end pattern = 0x45454545 [ASP] ty:0 , ld:'0' rmkb:0 ============================== [ASP] SECURE READ ROM INFO ============================== begin whole-package CRC Verifying...... all module with crc 4k check is over. whole-package CRC verify Success. dloading module MD5RSA..... read module MD5RSA data and crc check success dloading module CRC..... read module CRC data and crc check success md5rsa_verify success md5_verify success dloading module CURVER..... read module CURVER data and crc check success main version string=G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B649 dloading module VERLIST..... read module VERLIST data and crc check success Main Version From Property is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B148 main version check: the market is same, go to continue.. Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B101 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B102 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B103 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B104 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B105 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B106 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B107 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B108 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B109 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B110 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B111 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B112 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B113 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B114 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B115 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B116 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B117 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B118 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B119 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B120 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B121 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B122 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B123 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B124 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B125 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B126 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B127 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B128 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B129 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B130 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B131 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B132 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B133 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B134 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B135 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B136 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B137 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B138 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B139 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B140 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B141 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B142 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B143 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B144 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B145 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B146 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B149 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B150 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B608 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B609 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B610 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B611 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B612 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B613 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B640 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B641 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B642 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B643 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B644 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B645 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B646 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B647 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B648 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B649 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B650 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B651 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B652 Version From VERLIST is G750-T01 V100R001CHNC00B653 Error: current version is not in VERLIST, unallow to update. Update /sdcard/dload/update.app failed sd_update errcode=1 Exit User mode SD upgrade..................................................... I:Saving locale "fr_FR" reset_time = 0 Modifié 27 octobre 2014 par tassel Citer Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
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