yuppie91 Posté(e) 28 mars 2015 Share Posté(e) 28 mars 2015 Salut, je suis un étudiant de l'université Darmstadt en Allemagne. Mon francais n'est pas très bien, alors pardonnez-moi si je vous ecris en anglais:I conduct a survey as part of my bachelor thesis about "The tension between independence and compliance on mobile platforms".You will be asked to fill out a short questionnaire which should take about 5 - 10 minutes to complete. Just click the link below to complete the questionnaire.http://umfragen.ise.tu-darmstadt.de/sosci/guidelines/The aim of this study is to determine how app developers are restricted by platform-specific app store guidelines and to identify success factors for app developers. You will have the opportunity to receive a summarized report of the study in order to compare yourself with the performance of others.Merci and thank you for your support! Citer Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
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