bsegonnes Posté(e) 22 mars 2010 Share Posté(e) 22 mars 2010 J'ai reçus çà : De: David Hello Bernard, please find included below a link you may find interesting. I am working for an Animal Science/Bio Tech company. I am migrating an existing web application for my company that helps them the company track the laboratory processing of animal semen. I have for some time been very interested in moving the web app mentioned in the previous sentence to an android based phone. In particular, I am very interested in the use of RFID with an android phone as noted on your website. Currently, I am collaborating with a developer in the Netherlands ( to use the Wicket framework to migrate the current company legacy system. Technology is going smaller (as always) but now in a different direction. The future of web apps is ultimately on smart phones. A company: has developed a Wicket based API extension to allow an easier and more cohesive method of maintaining a web app for both the browser and the smartphone (android, blackberry, iphone, nokia) interface API. The use of RFID has now reached a new advancement in RFID technology: the RFID nanotube. I am very interested in the future of and the technologies stated in the paragraphs above as they can apply to my company's enterprise software needs. Currently, my company makes extensive use of RFID and barcode in an arduous and inefficient manner. I am in need of some assistance with RFID and barcode as can be performed on a smart phone. Do have any experience with reading text data directly from a computer monitor? I would like to know if you are available as a Java consultant and could you work effectively in an international setting all online using an issue tracker such as to help maintain the project alluded to above? Links: (Wicket smart phone API) (RFID nanotube printer ink) Regards, David si çà vous intéresse... Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
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