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probleme rooter sous gingerbread

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a l'origine , sous ics , mon telephone ralentit face aux nombreuses applications installées d origine qui ne me servent a rien.

j'ai donc fait un flash vers la version anterieure d android : gingerbread 2.3.4 (4.0.2.A.0.42) FR .

operation reussie, j'essaie par la suite de rooter le telephone avec doomlord mais ce message final apparait:

C:\Users\JiB\Desktop\Root_Exploit_OneClick ICS (1)\Root_Exploit_OneClick ICS>ech

o off

Please plug the device in ADB-Mode

Rename /data/local/tmp to be able to create symlink

Trying to create /data symlink

Waiting for device to reboot

Trying to write qemu value to prop-file

cannot create /data/local.prop: permission denied


Waiting for device to reboot again

Try to remount /system

remount failed: Operation not permitted

Pushing su and Superuser.apk

failed to copy 'su' to '/system/bin/su': Read-only file system

Unable to chmod /system/bin/su: No such file or directory

failed to copy 'Superuser.apk' to '/system/app/Superuser.apk': Read-only file sy


Unable to chmod /system/app/Superuser.apk: No such file or directory

Cleanup of the Stuff created while running

rm failed for /data/local.prop, No such file or directory

Appuyez sur une touche pour continuer...

au final, telephone non rooté!

auriez vous une idée?

par avance, merci

bonne journée

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