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[A510][RECOVERY] CWM-based Recovery


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bonjour à tous

méthode testée et appliquée ce matin sur ma A510 en ICS 4.0.3

très simple du moment que vous suivez à la lettre le tuto et surtout que ADB

reconnaisse bien votre tablette (faire un adb devices)

tips: utilisez plutot le adb fourni avec le A510 AIO toolbox celui là reconnait la tablette

celui du SDK n'a jamais voulu la voir chez moi


[A510][RECOVERY] CWM-based Recovery

CWM-based recovery for the Acer Iconia TAB A510

Another recovery build? Yes... But I can say this recovery is pretty safe. Having said that, however:

*** I am not responsible for anything that happens to your device ***

There is still a risk in bricking your tablet

I've been testing various different ways to get custom ROMs going on this tablet, for over 6 months now. Developing for this tablet seems kinda dangerous (compared to my private building on HTC devices), and I already had to send my device back to Acer because of a brick once. At this point, I guess this recovery seems pretty safe, and hence I'm willing to release it in public. This recovery is inspired by the CWM-based recovery for the Icona TAB A700 by pawitp. So first of all, I want to say thanks for his work and the talks we had.

  • The recovery itself is built by me so all partitions on the A510 are propely initialized, sized, and mounted: Including access to both internal storage (the 'fake' sdcard) and external MicroSD cards, as well as the flexrom partition. As an additional (see below) precaution, i've supressed 'EMMC wipe' commands in the recovery.
  • The kernel for this recovery has been compiled by me, disabling all the MMC_CAP_ERASE functions to prevent the 'Samsung EMMC brick' from happening. This does not give you a 100% guarantee, but it comes pretty close.
  • As explained in this post, the new CWM recovery does not really format your /data partition. It simply removes all files with the 'rm' command, leaving your 'fake' sdcard intact. The recovery in this post does format your other partitions, but it should show this message: 'warning: wipe_block_device: Wipe via secure discard suppressed due to bug in EMMC firmware'. Don't worry, that's a good thing!

Things to note:

  • I have mounted every partition with this recovery without problems
  • I have formatted/wiped every partition with this recovery without problems
  • I have backed up and restored (nandroid) every partition with this recovery without problems
  • I have installed custom .ZIP files with this recovery without problems
  • I still won't give you any warranties - This recovery can brick your tablet

How to install:

  • Step 0:
    Check this thread to see if you can help the community before you let us help you!
  • Step 1:
    Copy the file attached to this post (remove_recovery_from_rom.zip, (MD5: 73aea1147f571a83caeb8743cd5972b4)) to your tablets internal memory or SD Card. Download the CWM-Based Recovery by NoThrills for A510 tablets and save it somewhere on your computer.
  • Step 2:
    If your device is already bootloader unlocked, skip step 3. Your boot screen (the one with the Acer logo when you turn the device on) should read Bootloader Version x.xx.xx-ICS (Unlock Mode). If your device is not yet unlocked, continue to the next step:
  • Step 3:
    Connect your tablet to your computer via USB. Make sure you have the Android SDK installed, and perform the following command:
    adb reboot-bootloader
    When the tablet reboots to the Acer logo, perform the next command:
    fastboot oem unlock
    Then, quickly press the Volume down (**) button on your tablet, followed by the Volume up (*) button to confirm the unlock. When done:
    fastboot reboot
  • Step 4:
    Connect your tablet to your computer via USB. Make sure you have the Android SDK installed, and perform the following command:
    adb reboot-bootloader
    When the tablet reboots to the Acer logo, perform the next command:
    fastboot flash recovery recovery_nothrills.img
    This assumes you have put the nothrills_recovery.img in the same folder as the ADB utility.
  • Step 5:
    Reboot your tablet with the following command, but you have to keep the Volume down (**) button pressed when the tablet boots:
    fastboot reboot
  • Step 6:
    Install the remove_recovery_from_rom.zip file from the Recovery, then reboot your device.

Your tablet now has this new recovery installed. You can enter the recovery by typing the command adb reboot recovery, or by booting your tablet with the Volume down (**) button pressed.


Anything else?

That's what this thread is for, so post away...

Attached Files zip.gifremove_recovery_from_rom.zip - [Click for QR Code] (150.4 KB, 127 views)

No Thrills, No Frills! Just plain ROMs...

Edited by harmakhis
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salut j'ai reinstaller un backup depuis cwm et depuis dans info sur la tablette j'ai version de l'image inconu et pareil pour reference de l'image

quand je verrifi si y a des mise a jour sa dit que ma connection est trop faible pour verifier alors que la connecte est au top

quelqu'un a deja vue ce probleme? et surtou quelqu'un a une solucion?

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