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DeGRuS 4.2.2 : Tests pour résoudre les derniers problèmes

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Je crée ce topic pour uniquement les béta testeurs de ce forum


En effet nous avons encore quelques points à régler pour qu'on ait une 4.2.2 optimale sur le WIKO SLIM première génération

Ces problèmes sont les suivants :

  • 3G pour certains (Free)
  • EAP SIM (WIFI Free secure)
  • Point d'accès WIFI
  • Bluetooth
  • FM Radio
  • GPS
Ce topic est là pour éviter de polluer les autres topic


La base de Travail sera la version :     DeGRuS™ WCS_S4


link: [url=


Ensuite je vous proposerais ou d'autres des patchs qu'on va numéroté pour éviter de se perdre er merci de me dire si cela corrige ou pas les problèmes chez tout le monde


Patch 0  : correction du firmware modem (correction APN intégré) pour résoudre connection 3G!0cFl3bKJ!VsHhSS0TjTMJp2uIOPCO_CtY2SUxIcCwNbGgaGBK8yA

Patch 0 : A utiliser si vous n'avez pas de connexion 3G avec la version S4


Remarque : je peux tester les patch bien sur, mais pas l'EAP SIM par exemple

Donc pour essayer de faire avancer les choses je peut vous demander de prendre des logs, ci dessous la méthode :


Tu coches dans Seeting / Options pour les développeurs / Débogage USB


Tu branches en USB sur le PC

Dans une console de commande (cmd)

tu tapes :

         adb devices

Tu devrais avoir :

       List of devices

       un numero   suivi de devices


Ensuite si c'est bon (sinon il y a un souci avec les drivers) tu tapes :

     adb logcat > c:\test-eap.log


La commande normalement ne te rends pas la main


Sur le téléphone tu fais la demande de connexion EAP SIM


Après l'échec dans la commande tu fais CTRL C

Tu recherches le fichier crée C:\test-eap.log et tu me l'envois


Et après !

On verra bien ce que je peux en déduire


Modifié par steveJC
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J'ai eu un blocage du téléphone à cause de l'appareil photo. J'ai voulu regarder les différents réglages. Quand j'ai modifié les réglages de scène, tél bloqué.

Obliger de forcer un redémarrage avec Vol+/- et Power.

Je suis avec la Degrus_S1 et Gravity Box.

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Pour résoudre le problème de l'EAP SIM

On part sur la version S4 de Degrus

Ensuite passer le premier patch
Patch 1 : Test_EAP_SIM_1 ici!gVtnmSJY!X3S5zkA6HEVoKFD8oSbgCyKyGy9ATRf6cLrLjodC6RE


Si EAP SIM ne fonctionne pas :

Patch 2 : Test_EAP_SIM_2 ici!hZ8iTb7I!G7F942GlCp3R2Ztz7qnogRg5DxRpX5em5urexIojaDk


Si EAP SIM Fonctionne


     Pour savoir s'il faut les 2 deux ou pas, on restore les fichiers de la S4 avec ce patch :!hJsF2Qwa!du113VuGI1sW7_XvUqupG0yi0WJOofrzPCXJd1YyyYc


Ensuite on passe le Patch 2 uniquement => Si EAP SIM OK => FINI sinon il faudra les 2 patchs


Si EAP SIM ne fonctionne pas

Patch 3 :  Test_EAP_SIM_2 ici!9QkG0B5A!Qwoj0TMwvcOFGdZn0A-zqjcsWFsJxjNpnMqvxJfB0p4


Si OK, on restaure les fichiers de la S4, sinon je rajouterais d'autres patch!hJsF2Qwa!du113VuGI1sW7_XvUqupG0yi0WJOofrzPCXJd1YyyYc


Et on regarde si ça fonctionne toujours


Je ne peux pas tester aujourd'hui mais que demain matin donc j'attends vos retours


En gros un petit tableau de résultat come ça


S4 : KO (à priori)

Patch1 : OK ou KO  => si OK on arrete

Patch2 : OK ou KO


si OK

          RESTORE : KO (à priori)

          Patch2 : OK ou KO

si KO

          Patch3 : OK ou KO

          RESTORE :OK ou KO



Modifié par steveJC
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Soucis sur la S4: la led de notification reste allumee en permanence ici. Je vais refaire un flash pour etre sur que ca en vient pas d'une mauvaise manipulation. En attendant, suis-je le seul ?

Pas pour moi, mais chez moi c'est l'inverse elle ne s'allume plus après avoir enlever Flashlight.

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J'ai le soucis de la led de notification sur la S2 après installation de GravityBox. Seulement, GravityBox est utile car elle corrige le problème du Caller ID mismatch sur les appli contacts et messagerie en plus de la la désactivation de la conversion SMS vers MMS.

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Pour résoudre le problème de l'EAP SIM

On part sur la version S4 de Degrus

Ensuite passer le premier patch

Patch 1 : Test_EAP_SIM_1 ici!gVtnmSJY!X3S5zkA6HEVoKFD8oSbgCyKyGy9ATRf6cLrLjodC6RE


Si EAP SIM ne fonctionne pas :

Patch 2 : Test_EAP_SIM_2 ici!hZ8iTb7I!G7F942GlCp3R2Ztz7qnogRg5DxRpX5em5urexIojaDk


Si EAP SIM Fonctionne


     Pour savoir s'il faut les 2 deux ou pas, on restore les fichiers de la S4 avec ce patch :!hJsF2Qwa!du113VuGI1sW7_XvUqupG0yi0WJOofrzPCXJd1YyyYc


Ensuite on passe le Patch 2 uniquement => Si EAP SIM OK => FINI sinon il faudra les 2 patchs


Si EAP SIM ne fonctionne pas

Patch 3 :  Test_EAP_SIM_2 ici!9QkG0B5A!Qwoj0TMwvcOFGdZn0A-zqjcsWFsJxjNpnMqvxJfB0p4


Si OK, on restaure les fichiers de la S4, sinon je rajouterais d'autres patch!hJsF2Qwa!du113VuGI1sW7_XvUqupG0yi0WJOofrzPCXJd1YyyYc


Et on regarde si ça fonctionne toujours


Je ne peux pas tester aujourd'hui mais que demain matin donc j'attends vos retours


En gros un petit tableau de résultat come ça


S4 : KO (à priori)

Patch1 : OK ou KO  => si OK on arrete

Patch2 : OK ou KO


si OK

          RESTORE : KO (à priori)

          Patch2 : OK ou KO

si KO

          Patch3 : OK ou KO

          RESTORE :OK ou KO

Bon steve j'attaque les tests et je te dis

patch 1 négatif

avec les deux patchs toujours rien, je vais tester avec le 2 seul.


Patch 2 seul, négatif, j'ajoute le 3

Je crois que le soucis vient du fait que les paramètres (EAP=SIM et numéro de la SIM sélectionneé) ne sont pas mémorisés, si tu reviens dessus c'est comme si tu n'avais rien paramétré

donc patch 2+3 rien non plus

Modifié par DMBFR
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Merci pour les tests ,j'ai regardé l'APK system et PHONE.apk il me semblait que ce n'était pas la le souci


Faut creuser !


Tu peux essayer de remplacer les deux apk systemes : settings.apk et phone.apk en prenant celle de la version V04 pour voir


En faisant une sauvegarde bien sur


On risque de perdre le Français mai on pourra le rajouter ensuite

Modifié par steveJC
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Tu veux pas tester juste settings.apk pour ma culture personnelle ;)

Salut Steve, tu veux que je fasse quoi exactement?

Je vous jure que tout est bon cette fois ci

Tous n'est pas bon tu as vu :)

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Stevejc, as-tu avancé sur le BT et le GPS?

DEGRUS, tu as dit qu'un ami à toi cherchait également, des news?


Si l'un d'entre vous à encore les logs pour les erreurs BT, je suis preneur.

Voici des logs, on voit qu'il n'arrive pas à ouvrir le port serie.

Je suis en train de tester avec un nouveau boot.img et d'autres fichiers mediatek

W/ContextImpl( 463): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.server.BluetoothAdapterStateMachine.broadcastState:814 android.server.BluetoothAdapterStateMachine.access$900:77 android.server.BluetoothAdapterStateMachine$PowerOff.processMessage:204$SmHandler.processMsg:905

V/ActivityManager( 463): Broadcast: Intent { act=android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED flg=0x8000010 (has extras) } ordered=false userid=0

D/BluetoothProfileManagerService( 463): [bT][profile manager]action:android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED

I/BluetoothService.cpp( 463): [GAP][API] enableNative

I/BluetoothService.cpp( 463): [GAP] btmtk_gap_power_on

I/bluetooth_common.cpp( 463): [JNI] bt_sendmsg(cmd=100, ptr=0x5738f3d8, len=28)

D/MTKBT ( 122): UART_Init : [bT] + UART_Init(0x400e730d)

D/MTKBT ( 122): UART_Init : [bT] + mtk_bt_enable

W/[bT] ( 122): mtk_bt_enable #417

D/[bT] ( 122): mtk: mediatek/external/bluetooth/driver/mtk.c 438

W/[bT] ( 122): init_uart #110

E/[bT] ( 122): init_uart: Can't open serial port

E/[bT] ( 122): mtk: Can't initialize/dev/stpbt

D/MTKBT ( 122): UART_Init : [bT] - mtk_bt_enable: ret=-1

I/bluetooth_common.cpp( 463): [JNI] send msg success : 28

I/BluetoothService.cpp( 463): [GAP] MSG_ID_BT_POWERON_CNF: result=0

E/BluetoothService.cpp( 463): [GAP] btmtk_gap_power_on failed

E/BluetoothAdapterStateMachine( 463): failed to prepare bluetooth, abort turning on

D/BluetoothAdapterStateMachine( 463): Bluetooth state 11 -> 10

Salut Steve, tu veux que je fasse quoi exactement?

C'était à propos de la V04 qui avait l'EAP SIM OK.

J'essayais de comprendre la différence qui faisait que ça marchait ou pas

Je pensais qu'en prenant le settings.apk de celle là cela pouvait marcher mais au final cela ne doit pas suffir

Je suis un peu paumé en fait lol

Parce que à chaque fois il y a pas mal de différences dans les fichiers entre les versions, le principal c'est que Degrus s'y retrouve ;)

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Bon pour résumer voici les erreurs que l'on obtient pour les différents essais (hotspot, Bluetooth, GPs et Radio)

Si y en a que cela inspire parce que moi je tourne en rond

Log erreur hotspot :

Could not open file /sys/class/net/ap0/phy80211/name: No such file or directory

D/WifiCommon( 101): wifi_ap_start_supplicant

D/WifiCommon( 101): wifi_start_supplicant [2]

D/WifiCommon( 101): Start "ap_daemon"

D/VelocityTracker( 2286): VelocityTracker: int datax = 10

D/VelocityTracker( 2286): VelocityTracker: int m_velocity_magnify_x = 1.000000

D/VelocityTracker( 2286): VelocityTracker: int datay = 10

D/VelocityTracker( 2286): VelocityTracker: int m_velocity_magnify_y = 1.000000

D/dalvikvm( 4131): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1144K (20550), 21% free 6254K/7916K, paused 132ms+4ms, total 163ms

D/dalvikvm( 4156): threadid=9: interp stack at 0x51d12000

D/dalvikvm( 4156): threadid=10: interp stack at 0x51d1a000

D/WifiCommon( 101): [ap0]wifi_connect_to_supplicant

D/VelocityTracker( 2286): VelocityTracker: int datax = 10

D/VelocityTracker( 2286): VelocityTracker: int m_velocity_magnify_x = 1.000000

D/VelocityTracker( 2286): VelocityTracker: int datay = 10

D/VelocityTracker( 2286): VelocityTracker: int m_velocity_magnify_y = 1.000000

V/ActivityManager( 1545): Binding process pid 4156 to record ProcessRecord{41d7c8e0}

V/ActivityManager( 1545): New death recipient$AppDeathRecipient@41cba138 for thread android.os.BinderProxy@41f8c540

V/ActivityManager( 1545): New app record ProcessRecord{41d7c8e0} thread=android.os.BinderProxy@41f8c540 pid=4156

I/SurfaceTextureClient( 2286): [sTC::queueBuffer] (this:0x561217c8) fps:1.81, dur:1105.48, max:902.51, min:202.97

I/BufferQueue( 104): [](this:0x418e0888,api:1) [queue] fps:1.81, dur:1106.14, max:902.29, min:203.85

I/BufferQueue( 104): [](this:0x418e0888,api:1) [release] fps:1.79, dur:1116.79, max:900.07, min:216.71

D/wpa_supplicant( 4172): wpa_supplicant v2.0-devel-4.1.1

D/wpa_supplicant( 4172): Add randomness: count=1 entropy=0

D/wpa_supplicant( 4172): random: Added entropy from /data/misc/wifi/entropy.bin (own_pool_ready=2)

D/wpa_supplicant( 4172): random: Trying to read entropy from /dev/random

D/wpa_supplicant( 4172): Get randomness: len=20 entropy=1

D/wpa_supplicant( 4172): random: Updated entropy file /data/misc/wifi/entropy.bin (own_pool_ready=2)

D/wpa_supplicant( 4172): Initializing interface 'ap0' conf '/data/misc/wifi/p2p_supplicant.conf' driver 'nl80211' ctrl_interface 'N/A' bridge 'N/A'

D/wpa_supplicant( 4172): Configuration file '/data/misc/wifi/p2p_supplicant.conf' -> '/data/misc/wifi/p2p_supplicant.conf'

D/wpa_supplicant( 4172): Reading configuration file '/data/misc/wifi/p2p_supplicant.conf'

D/wpa_supplicant( 4172): ctrl_interface='/data/misc/wpa_supplicant'

D/wpa_supplicant( 4172): driver_param='use_p2p_group_interface=1'

D/wpa_supplicant( 4172): update_config=1

D/wpa_supplicant( 4172): device_name='Android_12e1'

D/wpa_supplicant( 4172): manufacturer='SIM'

D/wpa_supplicant( 4172): model_name='Mojito'

D/wpa_supplicant( 4172): model_number='123'

D/wpa_supplicant( 4172): config_methods='virtual_push_button physical_display keypad'

D/wpa_supplicant( 4172): p2p_oper_reg_class=81

D/wpa_supplicant( 4172): p2p_oper_channel=12

D/wpa_supplicant( 4172): p2p_ssid_postfix='-Android_12e1'

D/wpa_supplicant( 4172): persistent_reconnect=1

D/wpa_supplicant( 4172): Could not open file /sys/class/net/ap0/phy80211/name: No such file or directory

I/wpa_supplicant( 4172): rfkill: Cannot open RFKILL control device

D/wpa_supplicant( 4172): nl80211: RFKILL status not available

D/wpa_supplicant( 4172): nl80211: Set mode ifindex 0 iftype 2 (STATION)

D/wpa_supplicant( 4172): nl80211: Failed to set interface 0 to mode 2: -19 (No such device)

E/wpa_supplicant( 4172): nl80211: Could not configure driver to use managed mode

D/wpa_supplicant( 4172): netlink: Operstate: linkmode=0, operstate=6

E/wpa_supplicant( 4172): Could not read interface ap0 flags: No such device

D/wpa_supplicant( 4172): nl80211: Set mode ifindex 0 iftype 2 (STATION)

D/wpa_supplicant( 4172): nl80211: Failed to set interface 0 to mode 2: -19 (No such device)

E/wpa_supplicant( 4172): ap0: Failed to initialize driver interface

D/wpa_supplicant( 4172): Failed to add interface ap0

D/wpa_supplicant( 4172): Get randomness: len=20 entropy=0

D/wpa_supplicant( 4172): random: Updated entropy file /data/misc/wifi/entropy.bin (own_pool_ready=2)

Log erreur bluetooth :

Probleme de communication avec le port serie

W/ContextImpl( 463): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.server.BluetoothAdapterStateMachine.broadcastState:814 android.server.BluetoothAdapterStateMachine.access$900:77 android.server.BluetoothAdapterStateMachine$PowerOff.processMessage:204$SmHandler.processMsg:905

V/ActivityManager( 463): Broadcast: Intent { act=android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED flg=0x8000010 (has extras) } ordered=false userid=0

D/BluetoothProfileManagerService( 463): [bT][profile manager]action:android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED

I/BluetoothService.cpp( 463): [GAP][API] enableNative

I/BluetoothService.cpp( 463): [GAP] btmtk_gap_power_on

I/bluetooth_common.cpp( 463): [JNI] bt_sendmsg(cmd=100, ptr=0x5738f3d8, len=28)

D/MTKBT ( 122): UART_Init : [bT] + UART_Init(0x400e730d)

D/MTKBT ( 122): UART_Init : [bT] + mtk_bt_enable

W/[bT] ( 122): mtk_bt_enable #417

D/[bT] ( 122): mtk: mediatek/external/bluetooth/driver/mtk.c 438

W/[bT] ( 122): init_uart #110

E/[bT] ( 122): init_uart: Can't open serial port

E/[bT] ( 122): mtk: Can't initialize/dev/stpbt

D/MTKBT ( 122): UART_Init : [bT] - mtk_bt_enable: ret=-1

I/bluetooth_common.cpp( 463): [JNI] send msg success : 28

I/BluetoothService.cpp( 463): [GAP] MSG_ID_BT_POWERON_CNF: result=0

E/BluetoothService.cpp( 463): [GAP] btmtk_gap_power_on failed

E/BluetoothAdapterStateMachine( 463): failed to prepare bluetooth, abort turning on

D/BluetoothAdapterStateMachine( 463): Bluetooth state 11 -> 10

Log erreur GPS :

il y a des erreurs de droits du type

error openning file /sys/devices/platform/gsensor/driver/cpsbandwidth<reason> Permission denied

D/LocationManagerService( 1825): request provider: gpscom.chartcross.gpstest

D/LocationManagerService( 1825): request 4235b480 gps Request[ACCURACY_FINE gps requested=0 fastest=0] from com.chartcross.gpstest(10141)

V/Provider/Settings( 1825): from settings cache , name = location_providers_allowed , value = network,gps

D/LocationManagerService( 1825): provider request: gps ProviderRequest[ON interval=0]

D/PowerManagerService( 1825): acquireWakeLockInternal: lock=1109348960, flags=0x1, tag="GpsLocationProvider", ws=null, uid=1000, pid=1825

D/PowerManagerService( 1825): updateWakeLockSummaryLocked: mWakefulness=Awake, mWakeLockSummary=0x1

D/PowerManagerService( 1825): newScreenState = 2

D/PowerManagerDisplayController( 1825): requestPowerState: screenState=2, useProximitySensor=false, screenBrightness=47, screenAutoBrightnessAdjustment=0.0, useAutoBrightness=false, useEcoBrightness=false, blockScreenOn=false, waitForNegativeProximity=false

I/PowerManagerService( 1825): setBrightness mButtonLight 0.

D/PowerManagerService( 1825): updateScreenStateLocked: mDisplayReady=true, newScreenState=2, mWakefulness=1, mWakeLockSummary=0x1, mUserActivitySummary=0x1, mBootCompleted=true

D/PowerManagerService( 1825): handleSandman: canDream=true, mWakefulness=Awake

D/SettingsProvider( 1825): call request for 0

V/SettingsProvider( 1825): call(global:assisted_gps_enabled) for 0

D/dalvikvm( 6582): create interp thread : stack size=32KB

D/dalvikvm( 6582): create new thread

D/dalvikvm( 6582): new thread created

D/dalvikvm( 6582): update thread list

D/SettingsProvider( 1825): lookupValue table global cache contains Key assisted_gps_enabled , value = Bundle[{value=1}]

D/dalvikvm( 6582): threadid=15: interp stack at 0x55278000

D/dalvikvm( 6582): threadid=15: created from interp

D/dalvikvm( 6582): start new thread

D/dalvikvm( 6582): threadid=15: notify debugger

D/dalvikvm( 6582): threadid=15 (android.hardware.SystemSensorManager$SensorThread): calling run()

D/SensorService( 1825): SensorDevice::activate: ident=0x55d01738, handle=0x00000002, enabled=1, count=0

D/SensorService( 1825): ... index=-2

D/SensorService( 1825): >>> actuating h/w

D/Sensors ( 1825): hwm__activate: handle 2, enable or disable 1!

V/Provider/Settings( 1825): from db cache, name = assisted_gps_enabled , value = 1

D/bstd ( 138):

D/bstd ( 138): [25386481]BS_INFO<channel_cntl><channel_on_cmd_received><784>command to ORIENTATION, cmd: 1 value: 1

D/bstd ( 138):

D/bstd ( 138): [25386481]BS_INFO<channel_cntl><channel_on_cmd_received><801>transition 5, 10

D/bstd ( 138):

D/bstd ( 138): [25386481]BS_INFO<channel_cntl><channel_set_state><646>channel:ORIENTATION prev_state:1 state: 0 ---> 1 reason: 0

D/bstd ( 138):

D/bstd ( 138): [25386481]BS_INFO<channel_cntl><channel_check_dep_hw><579>check dependency of ORIENTATION, 1

D/bstd ( 138):

D/bstd ( 138): [25386481]BS_INFO<channel_cntl><channel_check_dep_hw><589>3 dep on 1, 1

D/bstd ( 138):

D/bstd ( 138): [25386481]BS_INFO<hw_cntl_a><hc_acc_set_opmode><536>acc op_mode: 2

D/bstd ( 138):

D/bstd ( 138): [25386481][E]BS_ERR<hw_cntl_a><hc_acc_set_opmode><561>error openning file /sys/devices/platform/gsensor/driver/cpsopmode<reason> Permission denied

D/bstd ( 138):

D/bstd ( 138): [25386481]BS_INFO<channel_cntl><hw_ref_up><502>ref count for channel ACCELERATION: 1

D/bstd ( 138):

D/bstd ( 138): [25386481]BS_INFO<channel_cntl><channel_check_dep_hw><589>3 dep on 2, 1

D/bstd ( 138):

D/bstd ( 138): [25386481]BS_INFO<hw_cntl_m><hc_mag_set_opmode><317>mag op_mode: 2

D/bstd ( 138):

D/bstd ( 138): [25386483][E]BS_ERR<hw_cntl_m><hc_mag_set_opmode><395>error openning file /sys/devices/platform/msensor/driver/cpsreptz<reason> Permission denied

D/bstd ( 138):

D/bstd ( 138): [25386483]BS_INFO<channel_cntl><hw_ref_up><502>ref count for channel MAGNETIC: 1

D/bstd ( 138):

D/bstd ( 138): [25386483]BS_INFO<channel_cntl><channel_on_cmd_received><865>command handle result: 0

D/bstd ( 138):

D/bstd ( 138): [25386483]BS_INFO<channel_cntl><channel_thread_proc><1010>ORIENTATION is signaled

D/bstd ( 138):

D/bstd ( 138): [25386492]BS_INFO<channel_cntl><channel_on_cmd_received><784>command to MAGNETIC, cmd: 1 value: 1

D/bstd ( 138):

D/bstd ( 138): [25386492]BS_INFO<channel_cntl><channel_on_cmd_received><801>transition 5, 10

D/bstd ( 138):

D/bstd ( 138): [25386492]BS_INFO<channel_cntl><channel_set_state><646>channel:MAGNETIC prev_state:1 state: 0 ---> 1 reason: 0

D/bstd ( 138):

D/bstd ( 138): [25386492]BS_INFO<channel_cntl><channel_check_dep_hw><579>check dependency of MAGNETIC, 1

D/bstd ( 138):

D/bstd ( 138): [25386492]BS_INFO<channel_cntl><channel_check_dep_hw><589>2 dep on 2, 1

D/bstd ( 138):

D/bstd ( 138): [25386492]BS_INFO<channel_cntl><hw_ref_up><502>ref count for channel MAGNETIC: 2

D/bstd ( 138):

D/bstd ( 138): [25386492]BS_INFO<channel_cntl><channel_on_cmd_received><865>command handle result: 0

D/Sensors ( 1825): hwm__set_delay: Set delay 200000000 ns

D/bstd ( 138):

D/bstd ( 138): [25386493]BS_INFO<channel_cntl><channel_thread_proc><1010>MAGNETIC is signaled

D/bstd ( 138):

D/bstd ( 138): [25386494]BS_INFO<channel_cntl><channel_on_cmd_received><784>command to ORIENTATION, cmd: 2 value: 200

D/bstd ( 138):

D/bstd ( 138): [25386494]BS_INFO<channel_cntl><channel_on_cmd_received><855>new interval for sensor ORIENTATION is 100

D/bstd ( 138):

D/bstd ( 138): [25386494]BS_INFO<algo_adapter_bst><algo_on_interval_changed><685>handle: 1 new hz: 10 dr: 2

D/bstd ( 138):

D/bstd ( 138): [25386494]BS_INFO<hw_cntl_a><hc_acc_set_bandwidth><746>bw: 0

D/bstd ( 138):

D/bstd ( 138): [25386494][E]BS_ERR<hw_cntl_a><hc_acc_set_bandwidth><787>error openning file /sys/devices/platform/gsensor/driver/cpsbandwidth<reason> Permission denied

D/bstd ( 138):

D/bstd ( 138): [25386494]BS_INFO<algo_adapter_bst><algo_on_interval_changed><685>handle: 2 new hz: 10 dr: 2

D/bstd ( 138):

D/bstd ( 138): [25386494]BS_INFO<channel_cntl><channel_on_cmd_received><865>command handle result: 0

D/Sensors ( 1825): hwm__set_delay: Set delay 66667000 ns

D/gps_mt3326( 1825): mt3326_gps_set_position_mode

D/gps_mt3326( 1825): mt3326_start

D/bstd ( 138):

D/bstd ( 138): [25386504]BS_INFO<channel_cntl><channel_on_cmd_received><784>command to ORIENTATION, cmd: 2 value: 66

D/bstd ( 138):

D/bstd ( 138): [25386504]BS_INFO<channel_cntl><channel_on_cmd_received><855>new interval for sensor ORIENTATION is 66

D/bstd ( 138):

D/bstd ( 138): [25386504]BS_INFO<algo_adapter_bst><algo_on_interval_changed><685>handle: 1 new hz: 15 dr: 2

D/bstd ( 138):

D/bstd ( 138): [25386504]BS_INFO<hw_cntl_a><hc_acc_set_bandwidth><746>bw: 0

D/bstd ( 138):

D/bstd ( 138): [25386504][E]BS_ERR<hw_cntl_a><hc_acc_set_bandwidth><787>error openning file /sys/devices/platform/gsensor/driver/cpsbandwidth<reason> Permission denied

D/bstd ( 138):

D/bstd ( 138): [25386504]BS_INFO<algo_adapter_bst><algo_on_interval_changed><685>handle: 2 new hz: 15 dr: 2

D/bstd ( 138):

D/bstd ( 138): [25386504]BS_INFO<channel_cntl><channel_on_cmd_received><865>command handle result: 0

D/gps_mt3326( 1825): mt3326_daemon_send: send: 3,1

E/gps_mt3326( 1825): mt3326_gps_start: mt3326_start err = -1

E/GpsLocationProvider( 1825): native_start failed in startNavigating()

Log erreur Radio :

D/FMPlayer( 109): [0]FMAudioPlayer constructor

D/FMPlayer( 109): I2SGetInstance

D/FMPlayer( 109): onFirstRef

D/FMPlayer( 109): got buffer size = 9216

D/FMPlayer( 109): mAudioBuffer: 0x4204d050

D/FMPlayer( 109): sched_setscheduler ok, priority: 90

D/FMPlayer( 109): render mMutex.tryLock ()

D/FMPlayer( 109): [0]render start mRenderTid=6732

D/FMPlayer( 109): render - signal wait

D/FMPlayer( 109): [0]render thread(6732) started

D/AudioSink( 109): AudioOutput(14)

D/FMPlayer( 109): [0]setdatasource

D/FMPlayer( 109): I2SOpen

D/AudioI2S( 109): ...[open]...

D/AudioI2S( 109): [open] ClientIndex=2, Identity=1516104505

D/FMPlayer( 109): Finish initial I2S driver, instance:0x4191fe28, ID:1516104505

D/dalvikvm( 6713): create interp thread : stack size=32KB

D/dalvikvm( 6713): create new thread

D/dalvikvm( 6713): new thread created

D/dalvikvm( 6713): update thread list

D/dalvikvm( 6713): threadid=11: interp stack at 0x54eb5000

D/dalvikvm( 6713): threadid=11: created from interp

D/dalvikvm( 6713): start new thread

D/dalvikvm( 6713): threadid=11: notify debugger

D/dalvikvm( 6713): threadid=11 (FmRadioServiceThread): calling run()

I/FmRx/Service( 6713): Register broadcast receiver.

V/FmRx/Service( 6713): registerSDListener >>>

V/FmRx/Service( 6713): registerSDListener <<<

D/FmRx/Service( 6713): >>> FMRadioService.openDevice

I/FMLIB_JNI( 6713): JNI_OnLoad

D/FMLIB_JNI( 6713): jint registerNativeMethods(JNIEnv*, char const*, JNINativeMethod*, int), success

W/System.err( 6713): java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/mediatek/FMTransmitter/FMTransmitterNative

W/System.err( 6713): at java.lang.Runtime.nativeLoad(Native Method)

W/System.err( 6713): at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary(

W/System.err( 6713): at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(

W/System.err( 6713): at com.mediatek.FMRadio.FMRadioNative.<clinit>(

W/System.err( 6713): at com.mediatek.FMRadio.FMRadioService.openDevice(

W/System.err( 6713): at com.mediatek.FMRadio.FMRadioService.onCreate(

W/System.err( 6713): at

W/System.err( 6713): at$1600(

W/System.err( 6713): at$H.handleMessage(

W/System.err( 6713): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(

W/System.err( 6713): at android.os.Looper.loop(

W/System.err( 6713): at

W/System.err( 6713): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)

W/System.err( 6713): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(

W/System.err( 6713): at$

W/System.err( 6713): at

W/System.err( 6713): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)

W/System.err( 6713): Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "com.mediatek.FMTransmitter.FMTransmitterNative" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/system/app/FMRadio.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/vendor/lib, /system/lib]]

W/System.err( 6713): at dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findClass(

W/System.err( 6713): at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(

W/System.err( 6713): at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(

W/System.err( 6713): ... 17 more

E/FMLIB_JNI( 6713): Native registration unable to find class 'com/mediatek/FMTransmitter/FMTransmitterNative'

D/FMLIB_JNI( 6713): jint registerNatives(JNIEnv*), success

I/FMLIB_CORE( 6713): FMR idx = 0

I/FMLIB_CORE( 6713): Go to run cust function


I/FMLIB_CUST( 6713): WCN CHIP ID fail!


I/FMLIB_CORE( 6713): FMR_get_cfgs succefully. chip: 0x6628, lband: 875, hband: 1080, seek_space: 1, max_scan_num: 40

I/FMLIB_CORE( 6713): Go to run init function


I/FMLIB_COM( 6713): COM_open_dev start

E/FMLIB_COM( 6713): Open /dev/fm failed, No such device or address

I/FMLIB_COM( 6713): int COM_open_dev(char const*, int*), [fd=-1] [ret=-1007]

E/FMLIB_CORE( 6713): int FMR_open_dev(int) failed, [fd=-1]

D/FMLIB_JNI( 6713): jboolean opendev(JNIEnv*, jobject), [ret=-1007]

D/FmRx/Service( 6713): <<< FMRadioService.openDevice: false

D/FmRx/Service( 6713): >>> FMRadioService.useSpeaker: false

D/AudioYusuPolicyManager( 109): setForceUse() usage 5, config 0, mPhoneState 0

D/AudioYusuPolicyManager( 109): getDeviceForStrategy() from cache strategy 5, device 8, mAvailableOutputDevices = b

D/AudioYusuPolicyManager( 109): getDeviceForStrategy() from cache strategy 5, device 8, mAvailableOutputDevices = b

D/AudioYusuPolicyManager( 109): getDeviceForStrategy() from cache strategy 1, device 8, mAvailableOutputDevices = b

D/AudioYusuPolicyManager( 109): getDeviceForStrategy() from cache strategy 1, device 8, mAvailableOutputDevices = b

D/AudioYusuPolicyManager( 109): getDeviceForStrategy() from cache strategy 2, device a, mAvailableOutputDevices = b

D/AudioYusuPolicyManager( 109): getDeviceForStrategy() from cache strategy 2, device a, mAvailableOutputDevices = b

D/AudioYusuPolicyManager( 109): getDeviceForStrategy() from cache strategy 3, device a, mAvailableOutputDevices = b

D/AudioYusuPolicyManager( 109): getDeviceForStrategy() from cache strategy 3, device a, mAvailableOutputDevices = b

D/AudioYusuPolicyManager( 109): getDeviceForStrategy() from cache strategy 2, device a, mAvailableOutputDevices = b

D/AudioYusuPolicyManager( 109): getDeviceForStrategy() from cache strategy 0, device 8, mAvailableOutputDevices = b

D/AudioYusuPolicyManager( 109): getDeviceForStrategy() from cache strategy 0, device 8, mAvailableOutputDevices = b

D/AudioYusuPolicyManager( 109): getDeviceForStrategy() from cache strategy 4, device 8, mAvailableOutputDevices = b

D/AudioYusuPolicyManager( 109): getDeviceForStrategy() from cache strategy 4, device 8, mAvailableOutputDevices = b

D/AudioYusuPolicyManager( 109): getDeviceForStrategy() from cache strategy 0, device 8, mAvailableOutputDevices = b

D/AudioYusuPolicyManager( 109): getDeviceForStrategy() from cache strategy 6, device 8, mAvailableOutputDevices = b

D/AudioYusuPolicyManager( 109): getDeviceForStrategy() from cache strategy 6, device 8, mAvailableOutputDevices = b

D/AudioYusuPolicyManager( 109): getDeviceForStrategy() from cache strategy 7, device 8, mAvailableOutputDevices = b

D/AudioYusuPolicyManager( 109): getDeviceForStrategy() from cache strategy 7, device 8, mAvailableOutputDevices = b

D/AudioYusuPolicyManager( 109): getDeviceForStrategy() from cache strategy 0, device 8, mAvailableOutputDevices = b

D/AudioYusuPolicyManager( 109): getDeviceForStrategy() from cache strategy 1, device 8, mAvailableOutputDevices = b

D/AudioYusuPolicyManager( 109): getDeviceForStrategy() from cache strategy 2, device a, mAvailableOutputDevices = b

D/AudioYusuPolicyManager( 109): getDeviceForStrategy() from cache strategy 3, device a, mAvailableOutputDevices = b

D/AudioYusuPolicyManager( 109): getDeviceForStrategy() from cache strategy 2, device a, mAvailableOutputDevices = b

D/AudioYusuPolicyManager( 109): getDeviceForStrategy() from cache strategy 4, device 8, mAvailableOutputDevices = b

D/AudioYusuPolicyManager( 109): getDeviceForStrategy() from cache strategy 0, device 8, mAvailableOutputDevices = b

D/AudioYusuPolicyManager( 109): getDeviceForStrategy() from cache strategy 5, device 8, mAvailableOutputDevices = b

D/AudioYusuPolicyManager( 109): getDeviceForStrategy() from cache strategy 6, device 8, mAvailableOutputDevices = b

D/AudioYusuPolicyManager( 109): getDeviceForStrategy() from cache strategy 7, device 8, mAvailableOutputDevices = b

D/AudioYusuPolicyManager( 109): getNewDevice() selected device 0 output= 2

D/AudioYusuPolicyManager( 109): setOutputDevice() output 2 device 0000 delayMs 0

D/AudioYusuPolicyManager( 109): setOutputDevice() output 2 device 0000 delayMs 0 prevDevice 0002 delayMs = 0

D/AudioYusuPolicyManager( 109): checkDeviceMuteStrategies outputDesc = 0x41924b30 prevDevice = 2 delayMs = 0

D/AudioYusuPolicyManager( 109): getDeviceForStrategy() from cache strategy 7, device 8, mAvailableOutputDevices = b

D/AudioYusuPolicyManager( 109): getDeviceForStrategy() from cache strategy 6, device 8, mAvailableOutputDevices = b

D/AudioYusuPolicyManager( 109): getDeviceForStrategy() from cache strategy 5, device 8, mAvailableOutputDevices = b

D/AudioYusuPolicyManager( 109): getDeviceForStrategy() from cache strategy 4, device 8, mAvailableOutputDevices = b

D/AudioYusuPolicyManager( 109): getDeviceForStrategy() from cache strategy 0, device 8, mAvailableOutputDevices = b

D/AudioYusuPolicyManager( 109): getDeviceForStrategy() from cache strategy 3, device a, mAvailableOutputDevices = b

D/AudioYusuPolicyManager( 109): getDeviceForStrategy() from cache strategy 2, device a, mAvailableOutputDevices = b

D/AudioYusuPolicyManager( 109): getDeviceForStrategy() from cache strategy 2, device a, mAvailableOutputDevices = b

D/AudioYusuPolicyManager( 109): getDeviceForStrategy() from cache strategy 1, device 8, mAvailableOutputDevices = b

D/AudioYusuPolicyManager( 109): getDeviceForStrategy() from cache strategy 0, device 8, mAvailableOutputDevices = b

D/AudioYusuPolicyManager( 109): setOutputDevice() setting same device 0000 or null device for output 2

D/FmRx/Service( 6713): <<< FMRadioService.useSpeaker

D/FmRx/Service( 6713): <<< FMRadioService.onCreate

D/FmRx/Service( 6713): FMRadioService.onStartCommand intent: Intent { cmp=com.mediatek.FMRadio/.FMRadioService } startId: 1

I/BufferQueue( 105): [unnamed-105-31](this:0x41d7c448,api:0) BufferQueue

I/BufferQueue( 105): [unnamed-105-31](this:0x41d7c448,api:0) consumerConnect

I/BufferQueue( 105): [unnamed-105-31](this:0x41d7c448,api:0) setConsumerName: unnamed-105-31

I/SurfaceTexture( 105): [unnamed-105-31](this:0x41d5c828,api:0) SurfaceTexture

I/BufferQueue( 105): [unnamed-105-31](this:0x41d7c448,api:0) setSynchronousMode: enabled=1 (mAllowSynchronousMode=1)

I/BufferQueue( 105): [unnamed-105-31](this:0x41d7c448,api:0) setDefaultBufferSize: w=1, h=1

I/BufferQueue( 105): [com.mediatek.FMRadio/com.mediatek.FMRadio.FMRadioActivity](this:0x41d7c448,api:0) setConsumerName: com.mediatek.FMRadio/com.mediatek.FMRadio.FMRadioActivity

V/WindowManager( 1825): Changing focus from null to Window{42577f30 u0 com.mediatek.FMRadio/com.mediatek.FMRadio.FMRadioActivity}

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1825): sendKeyguardVisibilityChanged(true)

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1825): handleKeyguardVisibilityChanged(1)

D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1825): handleMessage enter msg name=SET_HIDDEN

D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1825): handleMessage exit msg name=SET_HIDDEN

I/BufferQueue( 105): [com.mediatek.FMRadio/com.mediatek.FMRadio.FMRadioActivity](this:0x41d7c448,api:0) setDefaultBufferSize: w=480, h=800

I/WindowManager( 1825): Gaining focus: Window{42577f30 u0 com.mediatek.FMRadio/com.mediatek.FMRadio.FMRadioActivity}

D/FmRx/Service( 6713): >>> FMRadioService.onReceive

D/FmRx/Service( 6713): Action/Command: android.intent.action.HEADSET_PLUG / null

D/FmRx/Service( 6713): <<< FMRadioService.onReceive

D/FmRx/Service( 6713): >>> FMRadioService.switchAntenna:0

D/FmRx/Activity( 6713): FMRadioActivity.onServiceConnected start

W/FMLIB_CORE( 6713): FM antenna switch not support!

D/FmRx/Service( 6713): FMRadioService.isServiceInit: false

D/FmRx/Activity( 6713): ServiceConnection: FM service is not init

D/FMLIB_CORE( 6713): int FMR_ana_switch(int, int), [ret=-1014]

D/FmRx/Service( 6713): FMRadioService.initService: 1000

V/FmRx/Activity( 6713): start powerUpFM

W/FMLIB_JNI( 6713): Not support switchAntenna

D/FMLIB_JNI( 6713): jint switchAntenna(JNIEnv*, jobject, jint): [antenna=0] [ret=-1014]

D/FmRx/Service( 6713): <<< FMRadioService.switchAntenna: 2

D/FmRx/Service( 6713): FmServiceHandler.switch anntenna:isWitch:false

D/FmRx/Activity( 6713): FMRadioActivity.startAnimation end

V/FmRx/Activity( 6713): end powerUpFM

D/FmRx/Activity( 6713): FMRadioActivity.onServiceConnected end

D/FmRx/Service( 6713): performance test. service handler power up start:1381084372816

D/FmRx/Service( 6713): >>> FMRadioService.switchAntenna:1

W/FMLIB_CORE( 6713): FM antenna switch not support!

D/FMLIB_CORE( 6713): int FMR_ana_switch(int, int), [ret=-1014]

W/FMLIB_JNI( 6713): Not support switchAntenna

D/FMLIB_JNI( 6713): jint switchAntenna(JNIEnv*, jobject, jint): [antenna=1] [ret=-1014]

D/FmRx/Service( 6713): <<< FMRadioService.switchAntenna: 2

D/FmRx/Service( 6713): >>> FMRadioService.powerUp: 100.0

V/ActivityManager( 1825): Broadcast: Intent { flg=0x10 } ordered=false userid=0

V/InputMethodManager( 6713): onWindowFocus: null softInputMode=288 first=true flags=#810100

V/ActivityManager( 1825): Broadcast: Intent { act=com.mediatek.FMTransmitter.FMTransmitterService.ACTION_TOFMTXSERVICE_POWERDOWN flg=0x10 } ordered=false userid=0

V/InputMethodManager( 6713): START INPUT:$DecorView{41d3ca88 V.E..... R.....ID 0,0-480,800} ic=null tba=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@41cf8058 controlFlags=#104

V/InputMethodManagerService( 1825): windowGainedFocus: android.os.BinderProxy@4258f6c0 controlFlags=#104 softInputMode=#120 windowFlags=#810100

V/InputMethodManager( 6713): Starting input: Bind result=InputBindResult{null #17}

V/InputMethodManagerService( 1825): Current IMS pid=2253

D/FmRx/Activity( 6713): start FMRadioActivity.onCreateOptionsMenu

D/FmRx/Activity( 6713): end FMRadioActivity.onCreateOptionsMenu

D/FmRx/Activity( 6713): start FMRadioActivity.onPrepareOptionsMenu

D/FmRx/Service( 6713): FMRadioService.isPowerUp: false

D/FmRx/Service( 6713): FMRadioService.mIsMakePowerDown: false

D/FmRx/Activity( 6713): end FMRadioActivity.onPrepareOptionsMenu

I/BufferQueue( 105): [com.mediatek.FMRadio/com.mediatek.FMRadio.FMRadioActivity](this:0x41d7c448,api:0) connect: api=2

I/BufferQueue( 105): [com.mediatek.FMRadio/com.mediatek.FMRadio.FMRadioActivity](this:0x41d7c448,api:2) setSynchronousMode: enabled=1 (mAllowSynchronousMode=1)

I/BufferQueue( 105): [com.mediatek.FMRadio/com.mediatek.FMRadio.FMRadioActivity](this:0x41d7c448,api:2) new GraphicBuffer needed

D/BufferQueue( 105): [OLD] gb:NULL

I/GraphicBuffer( 105): allocate buffer (w:480 h:800 f:2) err(0)

I/BufferQueue( 105): [NEW] gb=0x41d5c2d0, handle=0x41d61bc8, w=480, h=800, s=480, fmt=2

E/IMGSRV ( 6713): :0: hal_open: Invalid open ID 'extra'

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1825): sendKeyguardVisibilityChanged(true)

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1825): handleKeyguardVisibilityChanged(1)

D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1825): handleMessage enter msg name=SET_HIDDEN

D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1825): handleMessage exit msg name=SET_HIDDEN

I/SurfaceTexture( 105): [com.mediatek.FMRadio/com.mediatek.FMRadio.FMRadioActivity](this:0x41d5c828,api:2) [void* android::SurfaceTexture::createImage(EGLDisplay, const android::sp<android::GraphicBuffer>&)]

D/SurfaceTexture( 105): GraphicBuffer: gb=0x41d5c2d0 handle=0x41d61bc8

D/SurfaceTexture( 105): EGLImage: dpy=0x1, img=0x41d62f00

I/BufferQueue( 105): [com.mediatek.FMRadio/com.mediatek.FMRadio.FMRadioActivity](this:0x41d7c448,api:2) new GraphicBuffer needed

D/BufferQueue( 105): [OLD] gb:NULL

I/GraphicBuffer( 105): allocate buffer (w:480 h:800 f:2) err(0)

I/BufferQueue( 105): [NEW] gb=0x41d7b6d0, handle=0x41d67d18, w=480, h=800, s=480, fmt=2

I/ActivityManager( 1825): [AppLaunch] Displayed Displayed com.mediatek.FMRadio/.FMRadioActivity: +880ms

D/ActivityManager( 1825): AP_PROF:AppLaunch_LaunchTime:com.mediatek.FMRadio/.FMRadioActivity:880:25961368

V/ActivityManager( 1825): Stopping ActivityRecord{421f1148 u0 com.anddoes.launcher/.Launcher}: nowVisible=true waitingVisible=true finishing=false

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1825): sendKeyguardVisibilityChanged(true)

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1825): handleKeyguardVisibilityChanged(1)

D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1825): handleMessage enter msg name=SET_HIDDEN

D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1825): handleMessage exit msg name=SET_HIDDEN

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1825): sendKeyguardVisibilityChanged(true)

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1825): handleKeyguardVisibilityChanged(1)

D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1825): handleMessage enter msg name=SET_HIDDEN

D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1825): handleMessage exit msg name=SET_HIDDEN

I/SurfaceTexture( 105): [com.mediatek.FMRadio/com.mediatek.FMRadio.FMRadioActivity](this:0x41d5c828,api:2) [void* android::SurfaceTexture::createImage(EGLDisplay, const android::sp<android::GraphicBuffer>&)]

D/SurfaceTexture( 105): GraphicBuffer: gb=0x41d7b6d0 handle=0x41d67d18

D/SurfaceTexture( 105): EGLImage: dpy=0x1, img=0x41d5d708

I/BufferQueue( 105): [com.mediatek.FMRadio/com.mediatek.FMRadio.FMRadioActivity](this:0x41d7c448,api:2) new GraphicBuffer needed

D/BufferQueue( 105): [OLD] gb:NULL

I/GraphicBuffer( 105): allocate buffer (w:480 h:800 f:2) err(0)

I/BufferQueue( 105): [NEW] gb=0x41d78b40, handle=0x41d5b290, w=480, h=800, s=480, fmt=2

I/SurfaceTexture( 105): [com.mediatek.FMRadio/com.mediatek.FMRadio.FMRadioActivity](this:0x41d5c828,api:2) [void* android::SurfaceTexture::createImage(EGLDisplay, const android::sp<android::GraphicBuffer>&)]

D/SurfaceTexture( 105): GraphicBuffer: gb=0x41d78b40 handle=0x41d5b290

D/SurfaceTexture( 105): EGLImage: dpy=0x1, img=0x41d60bb0

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1825): sendKeyguardVisibilityChanged(true)

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1825): handleKeyguardVisibilityChanged(1)

D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1825): handleMessage enter msg name=SET_HIDDEN

D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1825): handleMessage exit msg name=SET_HIDDEN

I/BufferQueue( 105): [starting com.mediatek.FMRadio](this:0x41d63060,api:2) disconnect: api=2

I/SurfaceTexture( 105): [starting com.mediatek.FMRadio] [virtual android::status_t android::SurfaceTexture::forceAuxConversionLocked()] mCurrentTexture:0, mCurrentBuf:0x41d756b0

I/BufferQueue( 105): [starting com.mediatek.FMRadio](this:0x41d63060,api:0) getReleasedBuffers: returning mask 0xffffffff

I/SurfaceTexture( 105): [starting com.mediatek.FMRadio](this:0x41d63a98,api:0) destroying EGLImage dpy=0x1 img=0x41d768b0

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1825): sendKeyguardVisibilityChanged(true)

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1825): handleKeyguardVisibilityChanged(1)

D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1825): handleMessage enter msg name=SET_HIDDEN

D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1825): handleMessage exit msg name=SET_HIDDEN

I/BufferQueue( 105): [starting com.mediatek.FMRadio](this:0x41d63060,api:0) consumerDisconnect

I/BufferQueue( 105): [starting com.mediatek.FMRadio](this:0x41d63060,api:0) ~BufferQueue

I/AudioService( 1825): AudioFocus requestAudioFocus() from$4@41ce38f8

D/FmRx/Service( 6713): performance test. service native power up start:1381084373122

I/FMLIB_JNI( 6713): jboolean powerup(JNIEnv*, jobject, jfloat), [freq=100]

I/FMLIB_CORE( 6713): int FMR_pwr_up(int, int),[freq=1000]

I/FMLIB_COM( 6713): int COM_pwr_up(int, int, int), [freq=1000]

E/FMLIB_COM( 6713): int COM_pwr_up(int, int, int), failed

D/FMLIB_COM( 6713): int COM_pwr_up(int, int, int), [fd=-1] [ret=-1]

E/FMLIB_CORE( 6713): int FMR_pwr_up(int, int) failed, [ret=-1]

D/FMLIB_CORE( 6713): int FMR_pwr_up(int, int), [ret=-1]

D/FMLIB_JNI( 6713): jboolean powerup(JNIEnv*, jobject, jfloat), [ret=-1]

E/FmRx/Service( 6713): Error: powerup failed.

D/FmRx/Service( 6713): notifyActivityStatusChanged:clients = 1

D/FmRx/Activity( 6713): call back method flag:9

D/FmRx/Service( 6713): performance test. service handler power up end:1381084373123

D/FmRx/Activity( 6713): mHandler.handleMessage: what = 9,hashcode:1104394576

I/FmRx/Activity( 6713): [Performance test][FMRadio] power up end [1381084373133]

D/FmRx/Activity( 6713): updateFMState: FMRadio is powerup = false

D/FmRx/Activity( 6713): handleMessage

Je pense que le build.prop devrait contenir comme dans la 4.1



mais même avec cela cela ne fonctionne pas

il y a des erreurs

D/AudioYusuHardware( 109): MT66xx Get_FMPower_info

E/AudioYusuHardware( 109): open /proc/fm error fd = -1

D/AudioYusuHardware( 109): +getParameters Get_FMPower_info():0

A suivre

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   Il va falloir investiguer plus en profondeur la librairie "" car la fonction android::register_android_server_BluetoothService(_JNIEnv *) a complètement changé entre la 4.1.1 et la 4.2.2.

Même les dépendances de cette lib a changé aussi:



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.plt:00038248 ; Format      : ELF for ARM (Shared object)
.plt:00038248 ; Needed Library ''
.plt:00038248 ; Needed Library ''
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.plt:00038248 ; Needed Library ''
.plt:00038248 ; Needed Library ''
.plt:00038248 ; Needed Library ''
.plt:00038248 ; Needed Library ''
.plt:00038248 ; Needed Library ''
.plt:00038248 ; Needed Library ''
.plt:00038248 ; Needed Library ''
.plt:00038248 ; Needed Library ''
.plt:00038248 ; Needed Library ''
.plt:00038248 ; Shared Name ''
.plt:00038248 ;
.plt:00038248 ; EABI version: 5



.plt:0003C73C ; File Name   : C:\TEMP\r.4.2.2\lib\
.plt:0003C73C ; Format      : ELF for ARM (Shared object)
.plt:0003C73C ; Needed Library ''
.plt:0003C73C ; Needed Library ''
.plt:0003C73C ; Needed Library ''
.plt:0003C73C ; Needed Library ''
.plt:0003C73C ; Needed Library ''
.plt:0003C73C ; Needed Library ''
.plt:0003C73C ; Needed Library ''
.plt:0003C73C ; Needed Library ''
.plt:0003C73C ; Needed Library ''
.plt:0003C73C ; Needed Library ''
.plt:0003C73C ; Needed Library ''
.plt:0003C73C ; Needed Library ''
.plt:0003C73C ; Needed Library ''
.plt:0003C73C ; Needed Library ''
.plt:0003C73C ; Needed Library ''
.plt:0003C73C ; Needed Library ''
.plt:0003C73C ; Needed Library ''
.plt:0003C73C ; Needed Library ''
.plt:0003C73C ; Needed Library ''
.plt:0003C73C ; Needed Library ''
.plt:0003C73C ; Needed Library ''
.plt:0003C73C ; Needed Library ''
.plt:0003C73C ; Needed Library ''
.plt:0003C73C ; Needed Library ''
.plt:0003C73C ; Needed Library ''
.plt:0003C73C ; Needed Library ''
.plt:0003C73C ; Needed Library ''
.plt:0003C73C ; Needed Library ''
.plt:0003C73C ; Needed Library ''
.plt:0003C73C ; Needed Library ''
.plt:0003C73C ; Needed Library ''
.plt:0003C73C ; Needed Library ''
.plt:0003C73C ; Needed Library ''
.plt:0003C73C ; Needed Library ''
.plt:0003C73C ; Needed Library ''
.plt:0003C73C ; Needed Library ''
.plt:0003C73C ; Needed Library ''
.plt:0003C73C ; Needed Library ''
.plt:0003C73C ; Needed Library ''
.plt:0003C73C ; Shared Name ''
.plt:0003C73C ;
.plt:0003C73C ; EABI version: 5

Le driver bluetooth réside dans "" avec un wrappeur sur "".


==> Pour que le BT fonctionne, il va falloir utiliser de nouveau les outils bluez comme c'est le cas dans la de la 4.1.1. Cependant, je n'ai aucune idée comment on peut s'y prendre pour l'instant.

Modifié par new_profile
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En fait il y a une personne en Malaisie qui a réussi à avoir l'icone Bluetooth ON, mais à priori non fonctionnel. (pas de log)

J'attends qu'il nous partage ce qu'il a fait, pour voir si on peut avancer un peu



=> sinon à priori les composants Bluetooth / GPS sont les mêmes que ceux utilisés sur la NEXUS 7


bcm4330 et bcm4751

Modifié par steveJC
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  Comme je l'ai déjà noté, les 2 librairies ont été revu en profondeur.

Par exemple, prenons le cas de la fonction "destroyChannelNative"



.text:0007CAB8 sub_7CAB8                               ; DATA XREF: .data:000AD010o
.text:0007CAB8 var_40          = -0x40
.text:0007CAB8 var_3C          = -0x3C
.text:0007CAB8 var_38          = -0x38
.text:0007CAB8 var_34          = -0x34
.text:0007CAB8 var_30          = -0x30
.text:0007CAB8 var_2C          = -0x2C
.text:0007CAB8 var_24          = -0x24
.text:0007CAB8 arg_0           =  0
.text:0007CAB8                 PUSH.W          {R4-R9,LR}
.text:0007CABC                 MOV             R6, R1
.text:0007CABE                 MOV             R7, R2
.text:0007CAC0                 MOV             R5, R3
.text:0007CAC2                 SUB             SP, SP, #0x2C
.text:0007CAC4                 MOV             R4, R0
.text:0007CAC6                 LDR             R1, =(aBluetoothservi - 0x7CAD2)
.text:0007CAC8                 MOVS            R0, #6
.text:0007CACA                 LDR             R2, =(aS_1 - 0x7CAD4)
.text:0007CACC                 LDR             R3, =(aDestroychannel - 0x7CAD6)
.text:0007CACE                 ADD             R1, PC  ; "BluetoothService.cpp"
.text:0007CAD0                 ADD             R2, PC  ; "%s"
.text:0007CAD2                 ADD             R3, PC  ; "destroyChannelNative"
.text:0007CAD4                 BLX             __android_log_print
.text:0007CAD8                 MOV             R1, R6
.text:0007CADA                 MOV             R0, R4
.text:0007CADC                 BL              sub_7C0D4
.text:0007CAE0                 LDR             R2, =(unk_ADD48 - 0x7CAEC)
.text:0007CAE2                 MOV             R8, R0
.text:0007CAE4                 MOV             R1, R6
.text:0007CAE6                 MOV             R0, R4
.text:0007CAE8                 ADD             R2, PC
.text:0007CAEA                 LDR             R2, [R2]
.text:0007CAEC                 BL              sub_7C398
.text:0007CAF0                 MOV             R1, R0
.text:0007CAF2                 MOV             R0, R4
.text:0007CAF4                 BL              _ZN7android25get_EventLoop_native_dataEP7_JNIEnvP8_jobject ; android::get_EventLoop_native_data(_JNIEnv *,_jobject *)
.text:0007CAF8                 MOV             R9, R0
.text:0007CAFA                 MOVS.W          R0, R8
.text:0007CAFE                 IT NE
.text:0007CB00                 MOVNE           R0, #1
.text:0007CB02                 CMP.W           R9, #0
.text:0007CB06                 ITE EQ
.text:0007CB08                 MOVEQ           R0, #0
.text:0007CB0A                 ANDNE.W         R0, R0, #1
.text:0007CB0E                 CMP             R0, #0
.text:0007CB10                 BEQ             loc_7CB82
.text:0007CB12                 MOV             R1, R7
.text:0007CB14                 MOV             R0, R4
.text:0007CB16                 BL              sub_62918
.text:0007CB1A                 MOV             R1, R5
.text:0007CB1C                 MOV             R6, R0
.text:0007CB1E                 MOV             R0, R4
.text:0007CB20                 BL              sub_62918
.text:0007CB24                 STR             R0, [SP,#0x48+var_24]
.text:0007CB26                 MOVS            R0, #4  ; size
.text:0007CB28                 BLX             malloc
.text:0007CB2C                 CBZ             R0, loc_7CB82
.text:0007CB2E                 LDR             R3, [SP,#0x48+arg_0]
.text:0007CB30                 MOVS            R1, #0x6F
.text:0007CB32                 LDR             R2, =(aDestroychann_0 - 0x7CB3E)
.text:0007CB34                 STR             R3, [R0]
.text:0007CB36                 STMEA.W         SP, {R0,R9}
.text:0007CB3A                 ADD             R2, PC  ; "DestroyChannel"
.text:0007CB3C                 LDR             R0, =(aOrg_bluez_he_0 - 0x7CB48)
.text:0007CB3E                 LDR             R3, =(_ZN7android30onHealthDeviceConnectionResultEP11DBusMessagePvS2__ptr - 0x7CB50)
.text:0007CB40                 STR             R2, [SP,#0x48+var_38]
.text:0007CB42                 MOVS            R2, #0
.text:0007CB44                 ADD             R0, PC  ; "org.bluez.HealthDevice"
.text:0007CB46                 STR             R2, [SP,#0x48+var_2C]
.text:0007CB48                 STR             R0, [SP,#0x48+var_3C]
.text:0007CB4A                 ADD             R0, SP, #0x48+var_24
.text:0007CB4C                 ADD             R3, PC
.text:0007CB4E                 LDR             R3, [R3]
.text:0007CB50                 STR             R0, [SP,#0x48+var_30]
.text:0007CB52                 STR             R6, [SP,#0x48+var_40]
.text:0007CB54                 MOV.W           R2, #0xFFFFFFFF
.text:0007CB58                 STR             R1, [SP,#0x48+var_34]
.text:0007CB5A                 MOV             R0, R4
.text:0007CB5C                 LDR.W           R1, [R8,#4]
.text:0007CB60                 BL              _ZN7android20dbus_func_args_asyncEP7_JNIEnvP14DBusConnectioniPFvP11DBusMessagePvS6_ES6_S6_PKcSA_SA_iz ; android::dbus_func_args_async(_JNIEnv *,DBusConnection *,int,void (*)(DBusMessage *,void *,void *),void *,void *,char  const*,char  const*,char  const*,int,...)
.text:0007CB64                 MOV             R1, R7
.text:0007CB66                 MOV             R8, R0
.text:0007CB68                 MOV             R2, R6
.text:0007CB6A                 MOV             R0, R4
.text:0007CB6C                 BL              sub_62EDC
.text:0007CB70                 MOV             R0, R4
.text:0007CB72                 MOV             R1, R5
.text:0007CB74                 LDR             R2, [SP,#0x48+var_24]
.text:0007CB76                 BL              sub_62EDC
.text:0007CB7A                 MOVS.W          R0, R8
.text:0007CB7E                 IT NE
.text:0007CB80                 MOVNE           R0, #1
.text:0007CB82 loc_7CB82                               ; CODE XREF: sub_7CAB8+58j
.text:0007CB82                                         ; sub_7CAB8+74j
.text:0007CB82                 ADD             SP, SP, #0x2C
.text:0007CB84                 POP.W           {R4-R9,PC}
.text:0007CB84 ; End of function sub_7CAB8
.text:0007CB84 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:0007CB88 off_7CB88       DCD aBluetoothservi - 0x7CAD2 ; DATA XREF: sub_7CAB8+Er
.text:0007CB88                                         ; "BluetoothService.cpp"
.text:0007CB8C off_7CB8C       DCD aS_1 - 0x7CAD4      ; DATA XREF: sub_7CAB8+12r
.text:0007CB8C                                         ; "%s"
.text:0007CB90 off_7CB90       DCD aDestroychannel - 0x7CAD6 ; DATA XREF: sub_7CAB8+14r
.text:0007CB90                                         ; "destroyChannelNative"
.text:0007CB94 off_7CB94       DCD unk_ADD48 - 0x7CAEC ; DATA XREF: sub_7CAB8+28r
.text:0007CB98 off_7CB98       DCD aDestroychann_0 - 0x7CB3E ; DATA XREF: sub_7CAB8+7Ar
.text:0007CB98                                         ; "DestroyChannel"
.text:0007CB9C off_7CB9C       DCD aOrg_bluez_he_0 - 0x7CB48 ; DATA XREF: sub_7CAB8+84r
.text:0007CB9C                                         ; "org.bluez.HealthDevice"
.text:0007CBA0 off_7CBA0       DCD _ZN7android30onHealthDeviceConnectionResultEP11DBusMessagePvS2__ptr - 0x7CB50
.text:0007CBA0                                         ; DATA XREF: sub_7CAB8+86r

==> Il y a utilisation de D-BUS pour s'interfacer avec le service Bluez. Avec une petite recherche, je trouve que le code ressemble à celui décrit dans le fichier android_server_BluetoothService.cpp disponible sous


En 4.2.2

.text:0008EFB4 sub_8EFB4                               ; DATA XREF: .data:000C224Co
.text:0008EFB4 var_29          = -0x29
.text:0008EFB4 var_28          = -0x28
.text:0008EFB4 arg_0           =  0
.text:0008EFB4                 PUSH.W          {R0-R10,LR}
.text:0008EFB8                 MOV             R7, R2
.text:0008EFBA                 LDR             R5, =(aBluetoothservi - 0x8EFCC)
.text:0008EFBC                 MOV             R8, R3
.text:0008EFBE                 MOV             R4, R0
.text:0008EFC0                 MOV             R6, R1
.text:0008EFC2                 LDR             R2, =(aS_1 - 0x8EFD0)
.text:0008EFC4                 MOVS            R0, #6
.text:0008EFC6                 LDR             R3, =(aDestroychannel - 0x8EFD2)
.text:0008EFC8                 ADD             R5, PC  ; "BluetoothService.cpp"
.text:0008EFCA                 MOV             R1, R5
.text:0008EFCC                 ADD             R2, PC  ; "%s"
.text:0008EFCE                 ADD             R3, PC  ; "destroyChannelNative"
.text:0008EFD0                 BLX             __android_log_print
.text:0008EFD4                 MOV             R1, R6
.text:0008EFD6                 MOV             R0, R4
.text:0008EFD8                 BL              sub_8AC20
.text:0008EFDC                 LDR             R2, =(aHdpDestroychan - 0x8EFE8)
.text:0008EFDE                 MOV             R9, R0
.text:0008EFE0                 MOV             R1, R5
.text:0008EFE2                 MOVS            R0, #4
.text:0008EFE4                 ADD             R2, PC  ; "[HDP]destroyChannelNative"
.text:0008EFE6                 BLX             __android_log_print
.text:0008EFEA                 CMP.W           R9, #0
.text:0008EFEE                 BEQ             loc_8F04E
.text:0008EFF0                 MOV             R1, R7
.text:0008EFF2                 MOV             R0, R4
.text:0008EFF4                 BL              sub_6970C
.text:0008EFF8                 MOV             R1, R8
.text:0008EFFA                 MOV             R6, R0
.text:0008EFFC                 MOV             R0, R4
.text:0008EFFE                 BL              sub_6970C
.text:0008F002                 ADD             R1, SP, #0x30+var_28
.text:0008F004                 ADD.W           R2, SP, #0x30+var_29
.text:0008F008                 MOV             R10, R0
.text:0008F00A                 BL              _ZN7android23btmtk_hdp_parse_channelEPKcP14bt_addr_structPh ; android::btmtk_hdp_parse_channel(char  const*,bt_addr_struct *,uchar *)
.text:0008F00E                 CBZ             R0, loc_8F02A
.text:0008F010                 MOV             R0, R6
.text:0008F012                 ADD             R1, SP, #0x30+var_28
.text:0008F014                 BL              _ZN7android33btmtk_util_convert_objpath2bdaddrEPKcP14bt_addr_struct ; android::btmtk_util_convert_objpath2bdaddr(char  const*,bt_addr_struct *)
.text:0008F018                 MOV             R0, R9
.text:0008F01A                 LDRB.W          R2, [SP,#0x30+var_29]
.text:0008F01E                 ADD             R1, SP, #0x30+var_28
.text:0008F020                 LDR             R3, [SP,#0x30+arg_0]
.text:0008F022                 BL              _ZN7android20btmtk_hdp_disconnectEPNS_16bt_native_data_tEP14bt_addr_structhm ; android::btmtk_hdp_disconnect(android::bt_native_data_t *,bt_addr_struct *,uchar,ulong)
.text:0008F026                 MOV             R9, R0
.text:0008F028                 B               loc_8F03A
.text:0008F02A ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:0008F02A loc_8F02A                               ; CODE XREF: sub_8EFB4+5Aj
.text:0008F02A                 LDR             R2, =(aHdpApiDestroyc - 0x8F038)
.text:0008F02C                 MOV.W           R9, #1
.text:0008F030                 MOVS            R0, #4
.text:0008F032                 MOV             R1, R5
.text:0008F034                 ADD             R2, PC  ; "[HDP][API] destroyChannelNative: invali"...
.text:0008F036                 BLX             __android_log_print
.text:0008F03A loc_8F03A                               ; CODE XREF: sub_8EFB4+74j
.text:0008F03A                 MOV             R0, R4
.text:0008F03C                 MOV             R1, R7
.text:0008F03E                 MOV             R2, R6
.text:0008F040                 BL              sub_69954
.text:0008F044                 MOV             R0, R4
.text:0008F046                 MOV             R1, R8
.text:0008F048                 MOV             R2, R10
.text:0008F04A                 BL              sub_69954
.text:0008F04E loc_8F04E                               ; CODE XREF: sub_8EFB4+3Aj
.text:0008F04E                 MOV             R0, R9
.text:0008F050                 ADD             SP, SP, #0x10
.text:0008F052                 POP.W           {R4-R10,PC}
.text:0008F052 ; End of function sub_8EFB4
.text:0008F052 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:0008F056                 ALIGN 4
.text:0008F058 off_8F058       DCD aBluetoothservi - 0x8EFCC ; DATA XREF: sub_8EFB4+6r
.text:0008F058                                         ; "BluetoothService.cpp"
.text:0008F05C off_8F05C       DCD aS_1 - 0x8EFD0      ; DATA XREF: sub_8EFB4+Er
.text:0008F05C                                         ; "%s"
.text:0008F060 off_8F060       DCD aDestroychannel - 0x8EFD2 ; DATA XREF: sub_8EFB4+12r
.text:0008F060                                         ; "destroyChannelNative"
.text:0008F064 off_8F064       DCD aHdpDestroychan - 0x8EFE8 ; DATA XREF: sub_8EFB4+28r
.text:0008F064                                         ; "[HDP]destroyChannelNative"
.text:0008F068 off_8F068       DCD aHdpApiDestroyc - 0x8F038
.text:0008F068                                         ; DATA XREF: sub_8EFB4:loc_8F02Ar
.text:0008F068                                         ; "[HDP][API] destroyChannelNative: invali"...

==> Il y a interfaçage avec la nouvelle librairie


La seule solution que je vois pour l'instant:

  • Remettre l'ancienne librairie "" avec un nouveau nom.
  • Patcher la librairie de la 4.2.2 pour que lors de l'initialisation du système BT, elle fait appel à l'ancienne au lieu du nouveau code BT.
  • Réactiver le service D-BUS de la BlueZ (si ce n'est pas déjà fait).


Bref: tout un programme.

Modifié par new_profile
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@Degrus : ré-essaye avec une traduction en français ou mets juste un lien en expliquant en quelques mots et en français de quoi il s'agit STP, quitte au lecteur de se débrouiller pour traduire ce qu'il trouve sur cette page.

Nous ne sommes pas sur un forum malaisien.


@New_profile : ça serait bien de mettre les longues citations de code dans les balises spoiler pour ne pas faire un post trop interminable, merci d'avance.

Modifié par Lannig
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