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Installer Theme Xda

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root effectué sur mon X10, j'ai pu installer le bootscreen de Malabarth et un partie du Dark Theme...

Mais le répertoire et Mediascape été resté "bleu SE"...

Donc je suis le lien fourni par Charclo, je dézippe le fichier original, je lance le runme : mirac', la fenêtre cmd s'ouvre et tout se déroule normalement !!! :cool:

La fenêtre se ferme, je reboote et là... :mad: toujours du bleu SE dans le répertoire et Mediascape...

Question : ça vient de la 026 ? Faut se le faire a la mano , ou quoi ?

Merci de vos réponses... ;)

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non çà vien pas de la 026... j'ai 3 version du theme Dark10, la plus récente n'a pas bien fonctionné... je repassé la première version... tout est nikel... sauf Mediascape et TimeScape en mode Home (normal)

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Nan... TOUT Mediascape est bleu !!!

Je mets le thème le plus foncé pour Timescape et ça fait illusion, mais... ce qui m'embête le plus, c'est le répertoire !!! Toujours aussi bleu (aussi)...

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  • 2 months later...


J'ai un souci par rapport à l'installation du Dark10 theme

Je suis à la lettre les commandes, X10 en mode debug, mais pourtant a certaines lignes le cmd indique mount : not permitted et cannot open for write : read only system... et rien ne se passe (pas de nouveau clavier, pas de nouveau theme...)

Quelqu'un peut m'éclairer svp ?

1. On the phone, press the Menu button and go to Settings, Applications.

2. Click on "Development".

3. Place a check mark beside "USB debugging".

4. Connect the phone to your PC with the USB cable.

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Installing Apps

mount: Operation not permitted

2072 KB/s (4883528 bytes in 2.301s)

1908 KB/s (11950830 bytes in 6.115s)

2090 KB/s (2367993 bytes in 1.106s)

1532 KB/s (2362209 bytes in 1.505s)

1463 KB/s (1528409 bytes in 1.020s)

1989 KB/s (1558443 bytes in 0.765s)

2932 KB/s (4170987 bytes in 1.389s)

2148 KB/s (189176 bytes in 0.086s)

2868 KB/s (652138 bytes in 0.222s)

2730 KB/s (897464 bytes in 0.321s)

1469 KB/s (117398 bytes in 0.078s)

2504 KB/s (359095 bytes in 0.140s)

2701 KB/s (788498 bytes in 0.285s)

2779 KB/s (307461 bytes in 0.108s)

/system/usr/semc/seee/files/ms_bg_background_home_icn.acet: cannot open for writ

e: Read-only file system

/system/app/Settings.apk: cannot open for write: Read-only file system

/system/app/Launcher.apk: cannot open for write: Read-only file system

/system/app/mediascape.apk: cannot open for write: Read-only file system

/system/app/Phone.apk: cannot open for write: Read-only file system

/system/app/Phonebook.apk: cannot open for write: Read-only file system

/system/app/AndroidUI.apk: cannot open for write: Read-only file system

/system/app/Timescape.apk: cannot open for write: Read-only file system

/system/app/TimescapeThemeIndigo.apk: cannot open for write: Read-only file syst


/system/app/Email.apk: cannot open for write: Read-only file system

/system/app/Mms.apk: cannot open for write: Read-only file system

/system/app/Calendar.apk: cannot open for write: Read-only file system

/system/app/AlarmClock.apk: cannot open for write: Read-only file system

/system/app/FileManager-1.1.3.apk: cannot open for write: Read-only file system




Appuyez sur une touche pour continuer...

Appuyez sur une touche pour continuer...


# Dark10 Series Installer #


# Select an option: #

# 1. Pre Install Check #

# 2. App Backup #

# 3. Install Apps #

# 4. Install Boot Image + Wallpaper's #

# 5. Install Framework #

# 6. Install Dark10 Series Keyboard #

# 7. CHMOD (only use if told in step 1) #

# 8. Restore Backup #

# 9. Exit #


NOTE: Before you start, please install either Sony Ericsson

Update Service or PC Companion.

Enter a choice (1-9): 4

In order to use this, you MUST have USB debugging enabled, "Do NOT Enable Mass S


If you have not done so already, follow these steps:

1. On the phone, press the Menu button and go to Settings, Applications.

2. Click on "Development".

3. Place a check mark beside "USB debugging".

4. Connect the phone to your PC with the USB cable.

Appuyez sur une touche pour continuer...

Installing Boot Animation

mount: Operation not permitted

push: content/default/startupshow_29.png -> /sdcard/default/startupshow_29.png

push: content/default/startupshow_28.png -> /sdcard/default/startupshow_28.png

push: content/default/startupshow_27.png -> /sdcard/default/startupshow_27.png

push: content/default/startupshow_26.png -> /sdcard/default/startupshow_26.png

push: content/default/startupshow_25.png -> /sdcard/default/startupshow_25.png

push: content/default/startupshow_24.png -> /sdcard/default/startupshow_24.png

push: content/default/startupshow_23.png -> /sdcard/default/startupshow_23.png

push: content/default/startupshow_22.png -> /sdcard/default/startupshow_22.png

push: content/default/startupshow_21.png -> /sdcard/default/startupshow_21.png

push: content/default/startupshow_20.png -> /sdcard/default/startupshow_20.png

push: content/default/startupshow_19.png -> /sdcard/default/startupshow_19.png

push: content/default/startupshow_18.png -> /sdcard/default/startupshow_18.png

push: content/default/startupshow_17.png -> /sdcard/default/startupshow_17.png

push: content/default/startupshow_16.png -> /sdcard/default/startupshow_16.png

push: content/default/startupshow_15.png -> /sdcard/default/startupshow_15.png

push: content/default/startupshow_14.png -> /sdcard/default/startupshow_14.png

push: content/default/startupshow_13.png -> /sdcard/default/startupshow_13.png

push: content/default/startupshow_12.png -> /sdcard/default/startupshow_12.png

push: content/default/startupshow_11.png -> /sdcard/default/startupshow_11.png

push: content/default/startupshow_10.png -> /sdcard/default/startupshow_10.png

push: content/default/startupshow_09.png -> /sdcard/default/startupshow_09.png

push: content/default/startupshow_08.png -> /sdcard/default/startupshow_08.png

push: content/default/startupshow_07.png -> /sdcard/default/startupshow_07.png

push: content/default/startupshow_06.png -> /sdcard/default/startupshow_06.png

push: content/default/startupshow_05.png -> /sdcard/default/startupshow_05.png

push: content/default/startupshow_04.png -> /sdcard/default/startupshow_04.png

push: content/default/startupshow_03.png -> /sdcard/default/startupshow_03.png

push: content/default/startupshow_02.png -> /sdcard/default/startupshow_02.png

push: content/default/startupshow_01.png -> /sdcard/default/startupshow_01.png

push: content/default/startupshow_00.png -> /sdcard/default/startupshow_00.png

30 files pushed. 0 files skipped.

1228 KB/s (852031 bytes in 0.677s)

push: content/Dark10_Wallpapers/Royal.png -> /sdcard/Dark10_Wallpapers/Royal.png

push: content/Dark10_Wallpapers/Emerald.png -> /sdcard/Dark10_Wallpapers/Emerald


push: content/Dark10_Wallpapers/Dark.png -> /sdcard/Dark10_Wallpapers/Dark.png

push: content/Dark10_Wallpapers/Blue.png -> /sdcard/Dark10_Wallpapers/Blue.png

4 files pushed. 0 files skipped.

1904 KB/s (4602906 bytes in 2.360s)

/etc/semc/startupshow/default/startupshow_29.png: cannot open for write: Read-on

ly file system

/etc/semc/startupshow/default/startupshow_28.png: cannot open for write: Read-on

ly file system

/etc/semc/startupshow/default/startupshow_27.png: cannot open for write: Read-on

ly file system

/etc/semc/startupshow/default/startupshow_26.png: cannot open for write: Read-on

ly file system

/etc/semc/startupshow/default/startupshow_25.png: cannot open for write: Read-on

ly file system

/etc/semc/startupshow/default/startupshow_24.png: cannot open for write: Read-on

ly file system

/etc/semc/startupshow/default/startupshow_23.png: cannot open for write: Read-on

ly file system

/etc/semc/startupshow/default/startupshow_22.png: cannot open for write: Read-on

ly file system

/etc/semc/startupshow/default/startupshow_21.png: cannot open for write: Read-on

ly file system

/etc/semc/startupshow/default/startupshow_20.png: cannot open for write: Read-on

ly file system

/etc/semc/startupshow/default/startupshow_19.png: cannot open for write: Read-on

ly file system

/etc/semc/startupshow/default/startupshow_18.png: cannot open for write: Read-on

ly file system

/etc/semc/startupshow/default/startupshow_17.png: cannot open for write: Read-on

ly file system

/etc/semc/startupshow/default/startupshow_16.png: cannot open for write: Read-on

ly file system

/etc/semc/startupshow/default/startupshow_15.png: cannot open for write: Read-on

ly file system

/etc/semc/startupshow/default/startupshow_14.png: cannot open for write: Read-on

ly file system

/etc/semc/startupshow/default/startupshow_13.png: cannot open for write: Read-on

ly file system

/etc/semc/startupshow/default/startupshow_12.png: cannot open for write: Read-on

ly file system

/etc/semc/startupshow/default/startupshow_11.png: cannot open for write: Read-on

ly file system

/etc/semc/startupshow/default/startupshow_10.png: cannot open for write: Read-on

ly file system

/etc/semc/startupshow/default/startupshow_09.png: cannot open for write: Read-on

ly file system

/etc/semc/startupshow/default/startupshow_08.png: cannot open for write: Read-on

ly file system

/etc/semc/startupshow/default/startupshow_07.png: cannot open for write: Read-on

ly file system

/etc/semc/startupshow/default/startupshow_06.png: cannot open for write: Read-on

ly file system

/etc/semc/startupshow/default/startupshow_05.png: cannot open for write: Read-on

ly file system

/etc/semc/startupshow/default/startupshow_04.png: cannot open for write: Read-on

ly file system

/etc/semc/startupshow/default/startupshow_03.png: cannot open for write: Read-on

ly file system

/etc/semc/startupshow/default/startupshow_02.png: cannot open for write: Read-on

ly file system

/etc/semc/startupshow/default/startupshow_01.png: cannot open for write: Read-on

ly file system

/etc/semc/startupshow/default/startupshow_00.png: cannot open for write: Read-on

ly file system




Appuyez sur une touche pour continuer...

Done. Please Choose step 5 on Menu

Appuyez sur une touche pour continuer...


# Dark10 Series Installer #


# Select an option: #

# 1. Pre Install Check #

# 2. App Backup #

# 3. Install Apps #

# 4. Install Boot Image + Wallpaper's #

# 5. Install Framework #

# 6. Install Dark10 Series Keyboard #

# 7. CHMOD (only use if told in step 1) #

# 8. Restore Backup #

# 9. Exit #


NOTE: Before you start, please install either Sony Ericsson

Update Service or PC Companion.

Enter a choice (1-9): 5

In order to use this, you MUST have USB debugging enabled, "Do NOT Enable Mass S


If you have not done so already, follow these steps:

1. On the phone, press the Menu button and go to Settings, Applications.

2. Click on "Development".

3. Place a check mark beside "USB debugging".

4. Connect the phone to your PC with the USB cable.

Appuyez sur une touche pour continuer...

Installing Framework

mount: Operation not permitted

2076 KB/s (7824934 bytes in 3.679s)

/system/framework/framework-res.apk: cannot open for write: Read-only file syste





Appuyez sur une touche pour continuer...

Please Select option 6 from the Menu.

Appuyez sur une touche pour continuer...


# Dark10 Series Installer #


# Select an option: #

# 1. Pre Install Check #

# 2. App Backup #

# 3. Install Apps #

# 4. Install Boot Image + Wallpaper's #

# 5. Install Framework #

# 6. Install Dark10 Series Keyboard #

# 7. CHMOD (only use if told in step 1) #

# 8. Restore Backup #

# 9. Exit #


NOTE: Before you start, please install either Sony Ericsson

Update Service or PC Companion.

Enter a choice (1-9): 6

To Activate Dark10 Keyboard Follow these steps.

Appuyez sur une touche pour continuer...

2127 KB/s (4531894 bytes in 2.080s)

rm failed for /system/app/HTC_IME*, Read-only file system

Open OI File Manager from the Menu

Scroll to HTC_IME_themed_by_gIMpSTa.apk and Click


Now Goto Settings

Local and Text

Tick HTC_IME Mod and Accept Notice

Press Home Button (The Middle Hard Key)

Goto Messaging

New Message

Press and Hold in "Type to Compose"

Press Input Method

Select HTC_IME mod

You Now have a working Modded Keyboard.

Done Press To Remove install file.

Appuyez sur une touche pour continuer...

Appuyez sur une touche pour continuer...


# Dark10 Series Installer #


# Select an option: #

# 1. Pre Install Check #

# 2. App Backup #

# 3. Install Apps #

# 4. Install Boot Image + Wallpaper's #

# 5. Install Framework #

# 6. Install Dark10 Series Keyboard #

# 7. CHMOD (only use if told in step 1) #

# 8. Restore Backup #

# 9. Exit #


NOTE: Before you start, please install either Sony Ericsson

Update Service or PC Companion.

Enter a choice (1-9):

Merci d'avance

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1) il faut d'abord ROOTer ton X10 : XDA : Exploid One Click .apk Root (Standalone X10 root.apk)

2) sur le kit de Dark10, choisir l'option 7, taper MANUELLEMENT ce qui est demandé

(ou utiliser mon Kit à tout faire avec le VbScript UnsecureShell.vbs )

3) choisir 3 install app

4) choisir 5 insall framawork

5) rebooter le X10

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ha ok je suis en R2BA026 ca doit venir de là

Pourtant il me semblait avoir tout suivi, j'ai du manquer une étape

non tu as bien le bon fw. mais tu as dû mal ROOTé

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