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Brickage de mon MI3 plus d'idée

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J'y ai cru mais non reboot comme d'hab aprés ces commandes

C:\Program Files (x86)\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot flash recovery "C:\Prog

ram Files (x86)\Xiaomi\MiPhone\Google\Android\cwm-"

target reported max download size of 671088640 bytes

sending 'recovery' (8140 KB)...

OKAY [ 0.269s]

writing 'recovery'...

OKAY [ 0.145s]

finished. total time: 0.420s

C:\Program Files (x86)\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot reboot


finished. total time: 0.002s

Aurait tu un lien pour essayer de reflasher via les commandes le mi recovery ? Stp

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Tu vas trouver ton bonheur sur ce lien pour remettre d'aplomb ton MI3....

Tuto et explications complètes (assez technique) d'un modérateur du forum de miui.com



HEY GUYS , Recently i bricked my MI 3 (hard) and was looking for a solution all over the forum and internet but didnt got a reliable solution for it , even  i saw other users too on other forums and xda  having same problem but with no solution to it.... so now, I m gonna share a solution for the hard bricked MI 3 wcma devices.( i fixed my device twice using this method)

The symptoms of a hard bricked(totally dead) MI 3 are:


  • No recovery
  • No fastboot
  • No charging led while plugged to charging
  • Nothing happens when pressed( Vol up + power  or Vol down + power or power alone)
  • Mi flash unable to flash fastboot rom and giving errors like partition doesnt exits
  • Pc recognises the device as  qualcomm hs-usb qdloader 9008  or qualcomm bulk mode
  • Also sometimes pc detects the device as Unknown device
  • if using cwm recovery , not able to mount system , cache and other partitions and not able to flash Zip recovery rom


  • using Rayglobe MI 3 tool and used repartition option , which have corrupted the partition table and deleted system , cache partitions. (Symptom # 8)
  • the bootloader corrupted or deleted ( i deleted all partition using adb shell - gparted)
  • flash wrong device series rom ( like u have MI3 but flashed Redmi rom, hence corrupted the partition table)
  • played with some repartition app or recovery zip to increase system availabe memory
  • sometimes true enable boot.( i read other user in forum got bricked using this)

here are some pics of MI flash giving error when device was totally dead
here my device was just detected as com port 30 qualcomm hs-usb qdloader 9008.

when trying to flash here gave error partition doesnt exists.

well now i have the solution:
before doing anything just reboot your windows and press f8 before it starts booting and select disable driver verification option and then boot windows

1 - for those who can not go to recovery , fastboot , or  anything isnt happening to the device ( no charging led nothing totally dead )

well if you device is being detected as qualcomm hs-usb qdloader 9008 or unknown device

*  connect your device to pc > open Mi flash > if your device is detected like some com port no (  like the pic above )

*  then hold the power button and keep it holding and press the refresh button in Mi flash continuosuly  for atleast 2- 3 minutes untill a new               hardware gets detected to your pc .

*  as soon as new hardware is detected and is successfully installed to system...press flash button.

*  the Flashing would start, it will take a bit more time than usual but after succesfull flashing. it will boot with mi logo and if it doesnt boot them       just press the power button for a while ...it will start booting.

****** If Mi flash Still gives error( WAITING FOR PORT ) when flashing  after detecting new hardware, then uninstall the current Mi flash and install Mi flash V 2013.11.08.0    Link  http://enbigota.d.miui.com/tools/MiPhone20131108.exe *********before doing anything just reboot your windows and press f8 before it starts booting and select disable driver verification option and then boot windows

if this doesnt help....read the last section of the post.

2 - for those who can still go to recovery and fastboot

before doing anything just reboot your windows and press f8 before it starts booting and select disable driver verification option and then boot windows

*use Mi flash to flash the fastboot rom.

3- for those who are stuck at fastboot and cant go to recovery or boot device.
before doing anything just reboot your windows and press f8 before it starts booting and select disable driver verification option and then boot windows
* connect device to pc

* run cmd
* go to fastboot path

*run this command
   fastboot flash recovery xyz.img         ( here xyz.img is the recovery image  cwm recovery link : http://en.miui.com/thread-32222-1-1.html  
                                                           extract the zip and copy the recovery.img to the fastboot folder )

* next command
    fastboot reboot recovery

* now device is in recovery ...u can use zip recovery rom to flash rom via adb sideload.

4- for those who can go to cwm recovery (symptom #8)
before doing anything just reboot your windows and press f8 before it starts booting and select disable driver verification option and then boot windows

* boot to CWM recovery
* connect to pc
* connect adb and fastboot (setup adb first -- tutorial here by @DoxMAZz  Link : http://en.miui.com/thread-24219-1-1.html                                                                                                   http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2588979)

* when adb  and fastboot setup and connected succesfully , follow this

run cmd as administrator > go to fastboot path

run these commands

fastboot erase system
fastboot erase system1
fastboot erase recovery
fastboot erase cache
fastboot reboot

now you device will reboot

but it wont switch on or show any mi logo.

just conect to miflash and follow the same procedure as above :-

well if you device is being detected as qualcomm hs-usb qdloader 9008 or unknown device

*  connect your device to pc > open Mi flash > if your device is detected like some com port no (  like the pic above )

*  then hold the power button and keep it holding and press the refresh button in Mi flash continuosuly  for atleast 2- 3 minutes untill a new               hardware gets detected to your pc .

*  as soon as new hardware is detected and is successfully installed to system...press flash button.

*  the Flashing would start, it will take a bit more time than usual but after succesfull flashing. it will boot with mi logo and if it doesnt boot them       just press the power button for a while ...it will start booting.

last section

if nothing helps ....then try to drain out the battery ...dont try to charge it and let it be like that for more than 24 hrs ..so that it is sure that battery is drained out ....and then connect to pc and try  option 2 ...

if above doesnt help ;... i dont suggest but you need to teardown the device and disconnect the battery and then connect the device and use miflash(this way i fixed mine).    teardown procedure :http://en.miui.com/thread-39589-1-1.html

p.s : iam no way responsibble for any harm to your device while doing this unbricking.

for any error in miflash when device hard bricked try this :before doing anything just reboot your windows and press f8 before it starts booting and select disable driver verification option and then boot windows 



Edited by kuan
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Alors j'ai essayé d'utiliser la méthode 3 qui je pense est la meilleur mais voila je ne peux pas faire une commande " fastboot reboot recovery" : 


C:\Program Files (x86)\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot flash recovery "C:\Prog
ram Files (x86)\Minimal ADB and Fastboot\recovery.img"
target reported max download size of 671088640 bytes
sending 'recovery' (14174 KB)...
OKAY [  0.468s]
writing 'recovery'...
OKAY [  0.248s]
finished. total time: 0.722s
C:\Program Files (x86)\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot reboot recovery
usage: fastboot [ <option> ] <command>
  update <filename>                        reflash device from update.zip
  flashall                                 flash boot + recovery + system
  flash <partition> [ <filename> ]         write a file to a flash partition
  erase <partition>                        erase a flash partition
  format <partition>                       format a flash partition
  getvar <variable>                        display a bootloader variable
  boot <kernel> [ <ramdisk> ]              download and boot kernel
  flash:raw boot <kernel> [ <ramdisk> ]    create bootimage and flash it
  devices                                  list all connected devices
  continue                                 continue with autoboot
  reboot                                   reboot device normally
  reboot-bootloader                        reboot device into bootloader
  help                                     show this help message
  -w                                       erase userdata and cache (and format
                                           if supported by partition type)
  -u                                       do not first erase partition before
  -s <specific device>                     specify device serial number
                                           or path to device port
  -l                                       with "devices", lists device paths
  -p <product>                             specify product name
  -c <cmdline>                             override kernel commandline
  -i <vendor id>                           specify a custom USB vendor id
  -b <base_addr>                           specify a custom kernel base address
  -n <page size>                           specify the nand page size. default:
  -S <size>[K|M|G]                         automatically sparse files greater th
Edited by noxious
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