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Mise à jour Froyo 2.0.71


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Une mise à jour pour la gen8 est dispo sur le site d'Archos

Version 2.0.71 - December 16th, 2010

Wi-Fi: fix Wi-Fi stuck after a while when using WPA2/AES encryption mode

Wi-Fi: fix cannot connect on channels above 11 due to wrong default regulation domain

Power management: for A43/A70/A101 add a setting in about device to allow 3 levels of power management. Overdrive that allows CPU max frequency to be 1GHz with ondemand governor, optimal that brings CPU max frequency to 800MHz with ondemand governor and powersave that set CPU max frequency to 800MHz with conservative governor

Indexing: faster rescan is now achieved at USB disconnect

Storage: SDCard now supports NTFS (read only) and EXT3

Storage: fix sdcard not recognized sometimes when swapping different cards brands

Video: fix subtitles on A101

Network shares: enhance scanning speed

Network shares: handle the case where a server shares are not visible if not authenticated

Network shares: allow in wireless settings to define manually a server authentication details

Network shares: reload samba and UPnP services when switching between access points without disconnecting

Audio: a silent mode (Global Mute) has been enabled in the power button menu. It will impact all streams except alarms in case one select alarms sound always on in alarm settings

Application: appslib is now reinstalled after an Android device reset

Application: fix quadrant CPU benchmark

Power: fix shutdown sometimes happening on short power button press

Internationalization: support for Korean codepage tags and subtitles

Multimedia: use smaller memory footprint for decoding H264 SD

Memory management: achieve more progressive kill in low memory situation

Boot: fix deadlock happening sometimes preventing device to complete boot

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J'ai sauté dessus dès que je l'ai vue.

Installée sans soucis très rapidement depuis la 2.0.54.

Les sous-titres marchent enfin. pour le reste, je n'ai pas encore eu le temps de voir de changement notable.

Réglage performance "overdrive", quadrant = 1647. Mieux que mon nexus one...

J'ai enfin la tablette sous froyo à 1GHz que j'ai acheté.

Moi content (enfin!)

A voir dans les prochains jours...

Edited by Zerrac
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