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Recherche dév. portage Jeux iPhone -> Android


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Si qqun est intéressé :

De: "Stelian Balta" <stelian.balta@gmail.com>

À: bsegonnes@free.fr

Envoyé: Lundi 18 Avril 2011 13h59:24 GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin / Berne / Rome / Stockholm / Vienne

Objet: Re: programming ANDROID

Yes, we can do it, but it's hard to find here in Romania good android people. If you know somebody please let me know :)

On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 2:54 PM, <bsegonnes@free.fr> wrote:


I am not specialiazed in Game developpment.

If you have a team with Game dev. exp. on Android,

I suppose you can reuse existing images & sounds & server side services from the iPhone project.

I also suppose you would have some kind of support (application architecture, game rules, game loop, etc....) from Big Blue Bubble.

So, creating a 25Mo application (+resources) 'may' take around 5 months and 4 programers.

Bernard Segonnes




----- Mail Original -----

De: "Stelian Balta" <stelian.balta@gmail.com>

À: bsegonnes@free.fr

Envoyé: Lundi 18 Avril 2011 12h45:38 GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin / Berne / Rome / Stockholm / Vienne

Objet: Re: programming ANDROID


I have very strong collaboration with Big Blue Bubble from Canada, they made dozens of apps for iOS and now they need to port them on android. For now I need a rough estimate on cost and time for porting Home Sweet Home from iOS to android. Regarding your experience can you give me some details on this?

Also now we are developing 3 games in parallel for iOS and after the launch we will port them on android.

Stelian Balta

CEO Playkoko




Stelian B.

CEO Playkoko



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