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[ROM] Alpha 4 - MIUI porté sur le Hero - Dvpt impossible


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Après Sense 2.1 , voila maintenant un essai pour une Rom MIUI.

ROM MIUI Alpha 4




1. Wipe of all (even if coming from previous installation)

2. Select Hero-MIUI_Alpha..

3. Flash

4. Wait, may take a while due to re-build of dalvik.

Hey Guys,

This is a port from an Xperia X8 MIUI Port, which is EXTREMELY buggy, if you are not very experienced in flashing then i urge you not to flash this ROM. I am not responsible if you brick your phone when flashing this ROM, so don't complain to me if you do

Okay the current release's are very very very buggy :P , we have only just managed to get adb working in the last hour. If you are interested in helping to develop this rom then feel free to download it. If you are looking for a fully functioning rom then they're are plenty others throughout the forum not here

Link to Current ROM ( really not ready for anything atm, unless you want to help dev, don't bother flashing )

http://www.mediafire.com/?reco2eej12a1w Use current version stated in OP. (Build0007 up tonight.. hopefully)

Thanks to:

Erasmux and Ybinnenweg for their help with this, couldn't do anything without them

Dsixda for an amazing kitchen

Feel free to pm me to offer your support, please do not ask for an ETA however.


Alpha0007 will NOT be released, major problems with egl. Changelog is for dev's mainly.

Alpha0007 (5+6 not released.)

removed themed adw launcher and put original back

switched to cm6 launcher

added AudioFilter to system/etc

added AudioPara4 to system/etc

added AudioPreProcess to system/etc

switched apns-conf for cm6 one (system/etc)

switched 01_qcomm_omx.cfg for hero one(system/etc)

removed HTC_imel01 from system/app

removed suquashi inputmethod from system/app

removed semcsfmfm from system/framework

added su from cm6 to system/xbin

added wlan_cu from cm6 to system/xbin

added egl libs from hero to system/lib/egl

removed original egl files from system/lib/egl

added original hero nanorc files to system/etc/nano

added 04module from cm6 to system/etc/init.d

added 30cpumem from cm6 to system/etc/init.d

added 99complete from cm6 to system/etc/init.d

removed yamato_pm4.fw from system/etc/firmware

removed yamato_pfp.fw from system/etc/firmware

removed TIInit_7.2.31.bts from system/etc/firmware

added tiinit_5.3.53 to system/etc/firmware

removed fmc_init_1273.1.bts from system/etc/firmware

removed fm_rx_init1273.1.bts from system/etc/firmware

removed fm_tx_init1273.1.bts from system/etc/firmware

added avpr.bts from cm6 to system/etc/firmware

added brf6300.bin from cm6 to system/etc/firmware

added brf6350.bin from cm6 to system/etc/firmware

added vac_config from cm6 to system/etc/firmware

kept original fm_tx_init_1273.2.bts


changed launcher2 to a themed adw launcher from a g1 rom

changed framework-res and mot-framework-res to resized versions from mdpi pack

used ele's update script

switched system/bin/.. files for cm6 ones (except those which have miui app dependencies)

updated ramdisk with hero lib's

removed com.sonyericsson.smfmf from system/etc/permissions

removed com.sonyericsson.suquashi from system/etc/permissions

removed com.ti.fm.fmrecieverif from system/etc/permissions

added Fw12551r1c.binto system/etc/wifi

deleted bootanimation.zip from system/media

switched all .kl files for keychars for hero-cm6 ones

switched all .kl files for keylayout for hero-cm6 ones

removed com.sonyericsson.suquashi from system/framework

removed radio.apk from system/app


framework-res fixed (hopefully)

system/libs updated

busybox problems solved (hopefully)

Build.prop fixed


Removed App2SD (Not removed yet, kept it for now..)

Switched to a different framework-res ( causes apps to f/c, i know )

Small changes

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Bonjour, Je pense que la rom MIUI qui va suivre sera une bonne rom car il y à déjà en l'espace de quelques jours des modifications trés importantes

J'installe la rom et je vous tiens au courant des nouvelles.

PS : Je suis disponible pour les tâches de traduction à partir de la rom anglais si c'est nécessaire.

PS2 : Je suis nouveau, je vais faire ma présentation et je suis possesseur d'un HTC HERO.

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Cool,si tu peux tester la Rom et puis faire un petit retour.Pour la traduction en anglais tu peux le faire si tu veux,personnellement cela ne me gêne pas que cela soit en anglais.

Post 1 mis a jour.

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cette rom il ne faut pas l'installer car j'ai eu un soucis avec mon hero il affichais le logo de démarrage et ne voulais pas démarrer sur la rom

Est la mise à jour 0007 est indisponible car elle contiens des erreurs.

Bonne chance

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