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Boat Browser un navigateur a essayer absolument !!!


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Voila je vous propose ce navigateur, il n'a pas la notorité de ses concurrents (dolphin, opera, miren, firefox, skyfire etc...) et pourtant il vaut largement le coup d'oeil !!!


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Voici un petit descriptif : (désolé c'est de l'anglais mais ca sera bientot traduit :) )

Boat Browser Mini is a fast, simple and pretty web browser, which will bring you the greatest user experience on Android.

- UI is simple, clean and easy to use

- Support multiple themes. Selecting theme by Menu->Advanced->Themes.

- Quick to start up, quick to load and render pages

- Support multi-tab in gallery

- Multi-touch Pinch Zoom

- Support HTML5 and HTML5 game perfectly

- Can share web page to facebook and twitter by their client apps

- Support creating shortcut for web page to home screen

- Support full screen option in menu

- Easy to add bookmark

- Animation effects when operation

- Can hide Zoom in/Zoom out buttons in settings

- Can set homepage easily by toolbar or settings

- Support dominant WAP website

- Support Adobe Flash Player on Android 2.2 above

- Support download manager

- Super easy Gingerbread style copy/paste

- Support App to SD function

- Support multi-language, including English, Chinese, German, Russian, Spanish, French, Korean and Japanese.

If you have tried Opera Mini Web Browser, Opera Mobile Web Browser, Dolphin Browser HD, Dolphin Browser Mini, Skyfire Web Browser, Mozilla Firefox Web Browser, Miren Browser, QQ Browser, Wikitude World Browser, Galapagos Browser, NetFront Life Browser and UC Browser English, but still not satisfied, you definitely need to try our Boat Browser Mini. It will make you feel totally different. It’s as fast as xScope Browser and as pretty as Safari on iPhone.

Keywords: Android, Mobile Browser, Google Chrome Lite, Webkit, Browser

Please feel free to give us your feedback, your suggestion will be very helpful to us.

email: boatbrowser@gmail.com.

Recent changes:

Version 2.1 update:

1.Fix the issue that Cache to SD can’t work on Android 2.1 system.

2.Add file size and downloaded size display when downloading.

3.Fix some translation issues of Japanese.

4.Fix some force close bugs.

Depuis ce matin il n'est plus disponible sur le market pour une raison qui demeure inconnue, en attendant je vous propose mon lien : http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ZOE1MZ0L

J'ai contacté le développeur pour en savoir un peu plus a ce sujet et je vous tiendrai au courant sous peu.

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