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Nouvelle version Android 2.3.3

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Etant nouveau dans ce petit mon d'android, j'ai une petite question:

Je viens d'installer la nouvelle version android sur mon Samung Galaxy Gio (2.3.3 - Gingerbread), et j'ai l'impression que le mobile réagit plus lentement depuis cette mise à jour... est-ce normal et/ou faut-il configurer autre chose?

Merci pour vos réponses!

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i like android ,there are so much free and perfect apps. what are the bad is that during the years of 2011,and at the beggining of 2012,the prevailing andrid os must be android 2.3 ,but my G2 is still a updated android 2.1 :mad:


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i like android ,there are so much free and perfect apps. what are the bad is that during the years of 2011,and at the beggining of 2012,the prevailing andrid os must be android 2.3 ,but my G2 is still a updated android 2.1 :mad:

Your device is too old and may not handle the latest version of Android, that's why you don't have the upgrade (however you probably can still do it manually) ;)

You're on a french website, please speak french if you can :)

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