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Android opportunity in Brussels 3 months+


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J'ai reçu ce mail, si çà intéresse qqun :

Dear Bernard,

For one of my client leader in his sector in Brussels, I'm urgently looking for a front end Android developer:

-Minimum 1 year of experience in Android

-Strong knowledge in GUI (able to construc custom components in GUI)

-English is mandatory

-The mission is for minimum 3 months with big chances of extensions.

-No possiblity to work remotely

Feel free to contact me if you want to work with the lastest technologies in a challeging environement.

With regards

Issam Marrakchi

Computer Futures

3rd Floor

Place Schuman 11

11 Rond-Point Schuman

1040 Brussels


Phone 00322 645 3355

email i.marrakchi@computerfutures.be

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