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[KERNEL][18.07][1.5][exFAT] Adam Kernel

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-Ce Kernel fonctionne seulement avec le Samsung GT-I9505 EUR

Ce kernel a été crée sur la base du code source update1 de Samsung, Rooté avec la dernière version de SuperSu v1.30.

pic.pngBuilt from Samsung sources Update2
pic.pngInit.d support
pic.pngBusybox (/sbin)
pic.pngBuilt with Stock ARM Toolchain 4.6
pic.pngAutoRoot with SuperSU (If Not Rooted)
pic.pngNFS built-in kernel
pic.pngCIFSand NTFS File System built as modules (Stored on "/lib/modules")
pic.pngExFAT sdcard support
pic.pngStweak App support
pic.pngDisabled Wifi multicast for lower battery drain (Thanks to Entropy512 and GokhanMoral)
pic.pngTweaked Ondemand CPU Governor for better performance/power balance
pic.pngEnabled available stock CPU governors (conservative, powersave,interactive)
pic.pngDisabled Android Logger
pic.pngAndroid Logger switch trough Stweaks App (No Reboot required)
pic.pngDisabled some useless tracers
pic.pngimproved Ondemand CPU Governor tweaks for faster response
pic.pngIncreased timeout for some bad sdcards



Changelog 1.5:
pic.pngUpdated Root to 1.41
pic.pngUpdated InitRamfs/exFAT to MGA
pic.pngMany Battery life tweaks (MC Sched and Ondemand CPU Gov)

Changelog 1.4:
pic.pngPatched with Samsung kernel sources update 2
pic.pngUpdated Root to 1.34
pic.pngNFS Built-in kernel
pic.pngUpdated InitRamfs to MF4
pic.pngSome Battery life tweaks

Changelog 1.3.3:
pic.pngPatched with ME4 Samsung kernel sources (Thanks to Faux)
pic.pngUpdated Root to 1.32
pic.pngUpdated InitRamfs to MF2
pic.pngSome Battery life tweaks

Changelog 1.3.2:
pic.pngLower Ondemand CPU up_threshold
pic.pngAuto Wipe cache and dalvik_cache
pic.pngFew other fixes

Changelog 1.3.1:
pic.pngExFAT Sdcard support (Thanks to AndreiLux)
pic.pngEnable Sdcard encryption
pic.pngUpdate Root files V1.30 (Thanks to Chainfire)
pic.pngDisabled Android Logger
pic.pngAndroid Logger switch trough Stweaks App (No Reboot required) (Thanks to AndiP)
pic.pngCIFS/NFS/NTFS built as modules (located on /system/lib/modules)
pic.pngDisabled some useless tracers
pic.pngIncreased timeout for some bad sdcards (Thanks to AndreiLux and AndiP)
pic.pngimproved Ondemand CPU Governor tweaks for faster response

Changelog 1.2:
pic.pngDisabled Wifi multicast for less battery drain (Thanks to Entropy512 and GokhanMoral)
pic.pngTweaked Ondemand CPU Governor for better performance/power balance
pic.pngEnabled available stock CPU governors (conservative, powersave,interactive)
pic.pngRemoved NTFS support (you can mount it trough Cifs)

Changelog 1.1:
pic.pngCIFS, EFS, NTFS support (built as modules “/system/lib/modules”)
pic.pngStweak App support (Just introducing some basic stock options, more to come on next updates)
pic.pngKeep your busybox (/system/xbin” or “/system/bin”) on reboot
pic.pngSome Ram and Battery life tweaks

Initial release:
pic.pngBuilt from Samsung sources Update1
pic.pngInit.d support
pic.pngBuilt with Stock ARM Toolchain 4.6
pic.pngAutoRoot with SuperSU v1.25








Modifié par alienex
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