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[RECOVERY] XZDualRecovery 2.7.146 [TWRP] [CWM] [PhilZ Touch]

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Question de noob, quand on installe un recovery pour la 1ere fois sur le telephone, faut-il une version d'android spécifique ?
Je suis en 4.4.2 firmeware 14.3.A.0.757 sur Z1 compact, cette technique fonctionne-t-elle pour moi?


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  • 5 months later...
  • 1 month later...

ALors moi c'est parce que j'ai déjà connecté plusieurs tel sur mon pc, du coup il me dit qu'il en trouve plusieurs, ça doit etre ça l'erreur, qqn peut me confirmer ?

=                                            =
=  PhilZ Touch, CWM and TWRP Dual Recovery   =
=           Maintained by [NUT]              =
=                                            =
=       For Many Sony Xperia Devices!        =
=                                            =

1. Installation on ROM rooted with SuperSU
2. Installation on ROM rooted with SuperUser
3. Installation on unrooted ROM using the TowelRoot method
4. Install ADB drivers to windows
5. Exit

Please choose install action.
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *

Waiting for Device, connect USB cable now...
error: more than one device and emulator
Device found!

error: more than one device and emulator
Device model is
error: more than one device and emulator
Firmware is

Step2 : Sending the recovery files.
error: more than one device and emulator
error: more than one device and emulator
error: more than one device and emulator
error: more than one device and emulator
error: more than one device and emulator
error: more than one device and emulator
error: more than one device and emulator
error: more than one device and emulator
error: more than one device and emulator
error: more than one device and emulator
error: more than one device and emulator
error: more than one device and emulator
error: more than one device and emulator
error: more than one device and emulator
error: more than one device and emulator
error: more than one device and emulator
error: more than one device and emulator

Step3 : Setup of dual recovery.
error: more than one device and emulator
error: more than one device and emulator
error: more than one device and emulator
error: more than one device and emulator
error: more than one device and emulator
error: more than one device and emulator

            Installation FAILED!

Please copy and paste the contents of this
window to the DevDB thread for troubleshooting!

Appuyez sur une touche pour continuer...

Si c'est ça, comment on fait pour supprimer les autres tel ? Merci

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J'ai trouvé ce soft, vous connaissez ?

Bon ça m'a bien aidé !

=                                            =
=  PhilZ Touch, CWM and TWRP Dual Recovery   =
=           Maintained by [NUT]              =
=                                            =
=       For Many Sony Xperia Devices!        =
=                                            =

1. Installation on ROM rooted with SuperSU
2. Installation on ROM rooted with SuperUser
3. Installation on unrooted ROM using the TowelRoot method
4. Install ADB drivers to windows
5. Exit

Please choose install action.
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *

Waiting for Device, connect USB cable now...
Device found!

Device model is ja3g
Firmware is KOT49H

Step2 : Sending the recovery files.
7 KB/s (31 bytes in 0.004s)
2556 KB/s (18340 bytes in 0.007s)
122 KB/s (501 bytes in 0.004s)
1983 KB/s (12198 bytes in 0.006s)
7150 KB/s (65965 bytes in 0.009s)
601 KB/s (3082 bytes in 0.005s)
4748 KB/s (29204 bytes in 0.006s)
331 KB/s (1357 bytes in 0.003s)
5605 KB/s (34473 bytes in 0.006s)
385 KB/s (1202 bytes in 0.003s)
7883 KB/s (96956 bytes in 0.012s)
12508 KB/s (1410852 bytes in 0.110s)
13117 KB/s (3415481 bytes in 0.254s)
12614 KB/s (2430907 bytes in 0.188s)
12030 KB/s (1935982 bytes in 0.157s)
1435 KB/s (11760 bytes in 0.008s)

Step3 : Setup of dual recovery.
Look at your device and grant supersu access!
Press any key to continue AFTER granting root access.
/system/bin/sh: /system/xbin/su: not found
Appuyez sur une touche pour continuer...
/system/bin/sh: su: not found

Installation finished. Enjoy the recoveries!

Appuyez sur une touche pour continuer...

Par contre, pas de tel qui reboot à la fin... peut-être à cause de l'étape 3 qui s'est mal passé ?

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effectivement j'crois que ça n'a pas fonctionné, je n'arrive pas à lancer un recovery et avec le soft ça confirme




D'ailleurs je n'ai aucun de ces fichiers sur le tel


/system/bin/recovery.twrp.cpio.lzma (ou .tar)

/system/bin/recovery.cwm.cpio.lzma (ou .tar)





j'ai pris la toute dernière version sur le site de NUTs, 2.8.21-RELEASE.installer  j'suis bien root et en SuperSU.


HELP ! plz

Modifié par leon8121
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Device model is ja3g
Firmware is KOT49H

Quand je vois ça déjà, c'est pas très bon. Si on parle bien d'un Xperia Z1....


Il faut supprimer les clé Android de ton PC (C:/Users/<Ton_Users>/.adb et tu supprimes ce dossier (.adb).

Recommance l'installation du XZDualRecovery et mets ici le résultat.

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AH bah voilà... c'est  C:/Users/<Ton_Users>/.android

* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *

Waiting for Device, connect USB cable now...
Device found!

Device model is C6903
Firmware is 14.5.A.0.270

Step2 : Sending the recovery files.
2 KB/s (31 bytes in 0.013s)
4243 KB/s (18340 bytes in 0.004s)
177 KB/s (501 bytes in 0.002s)
3096 KB/s (12198 bytes in 0.003s)
5042 KB/s (65965 bytes in 0.012s)
1014 KB/s (3082 bytes in 0.002s)
4077 KB/s (29204 bytes in 0.006s)
538 KB/s (1357 bytes in 0.002s)
3870 KB/s (34473 bytes in 0.008s)
243 KB/s (1202 bytes in 0.004s)
5673 KB/s (96956 bytes in 0.016s)
6399 KB/s (1410852 bytes in 0.215s)
6487 KB/s (3415481 bytes in 0.514s)
6239 KB/s (2430907 bytes in 0.380s)
7375 KB/s (1935982 bytes in 0.256s)
3634 KB/s (11760 bytes in 0.003s)

Step3 : Setup of dual recovery.
Look at your device and grant supersu access!
Press any key to continue AFTER granting root access.
-rwxr-xr-x    1 2000     2000       1410852 Jul 16 09:14 ←[1;32m/data/local/tmp/recovery/busybox←[0m
Appuyez sur une touche pour continuer...
grep: /storage/sdcard1/XZDualRecovery/XZDR.prop: No such file or directory
grep: /storage/sdcard1/XZDualRecovery/XZDR.prop: No such file or directory

# Installing XZDR version 2.8.21 RELEASE

Temporarily disabling the RIC service, remount rootfs and /system writable to allow installation.
The byeselinux module does not yet exist, installing it now.
Module installed succesfully.
Copy recovery files to system.
Rename stock chargemon
Copy chargemon script to system.
Copy to system.
Copy to system.
Installing NDRUtils to system.
Creating /system/.XZDualRecovery to store a backup copy of busybox and the init.rc files.
Copy busybox to system.
Copy init's *.rc files in to /system/.XZDualRecovery.
Trying to find and update the gpio-keys event node.
Found and will be using /dev/input/event4!
Trying to find and update the power key event node.
Found and will be monitoring /dev/input/event3!
grep: /storage/sdcard1/XZDualRecovery/XZDR.prop: No such file or directory
grep: /storage/sdcard1/XZDualRecovery/XZDR.prop: No such file or directory
XZDualRecovery will unload byeselinux every boot.
Speeding up backups.
Make sure firstboot goes to recovery.


Your installation has already cleaned up after
itself if you see the install.bat/ exit.

Installation finished. Enjoy the recoveries!

Appuyez sur une touche pour continuer...

et là ça marche après l'avoir aussi activé dans le Gestionnaire de périphériques


Merci pour ton aide ! Maintenant, j'vais enfin pouvoir installer Xposed et essayer d'activer le 120fps, car je fais tout ça, juste pour ça !

Modifié par leon8121
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  • 3 weeks later...
  Le 15/09/2015 à 21:21, lelinuxien52 a dit :

OTA, je ne crois pas (pas sur à 100%)

PC Companion, oui perte du recovery.


Si tu veux garder le recovery, prends des ROMs prérootés que tu installes directement via le recovery, comme ça tu gardes le root et le recovery.

 merci, j'vais donc devoir attendre un peu pour avoir la 5.1.1 rooté , après pas trop besoin du recovery pour le moment... mais si un jour j'veux changer de rom comme ça ça sera fait

Modifié par leon8121
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  • 2 weeks later...


J'ai tenté de faire ça sur mon Z1 en 14.6.A.0.368 (non root donc méthode 3) et testé sous deux ordinateurs (je suis sous W10 ça peut être lié à ça?) et à chaque fois j'ai cette erreur "only position independent executables (PIE) are supported.". J'ai bien le dernier fichier disponible sur le site de NUT'S (le

=                                            =
=  PhilZ Touch, CWM and TWRP Dual Recovery   =
=           Maintained by [NUT]              =
=                                            =
=       For Many Sony Xperia Devices!        =
=                                            =

1. Installation on ROM rooted with SuperSU
2. Installation on ROM rooted with SuperUser
3. Installation on unrooted ROM using the TowelRoot method
4. Install ADB drivers to windows
5. Exit

Please choose install action.
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *

Waiting for Device, connect USB cable now...
Device found!

Device model is C6903
Firmware is 14.6.A.0.368

Step2 : Sending the recovery files.
0 KB/s (31 bytes in 0.249s)
67 KB/s (18340 bytes in 0.267s)
1 KB/s (501 bytes in 0.255s)
43 KB/s (12198 bytes in 0.273s)
231 KB/s (65965 bytes in 0.278s)
11 KB/s (3082 bytes in 0.251s)
105 KB/s (29204 bytes in 0.271s)
4 KB/s (1357 bytes in 0.265s)
119 KB/s (34473 bytes in 0.280s)
2 KB/s (1202 bytes in 0.410s)
292 KB/s (96956 bytes in 0.323s)
2201 KB/s (1410852 bytes in 0.625s)
3237 KB/s (3415481 bytes in 1.030s)
2573 KB/s (2430907 bytes in 0.922s)
2641 KB/s (1935982 bytes in 0.715s)
30 KB/s (11760 bytes in 0.380s)

Step3 : Setup of dual recovery.
Attempting to get root access for installation using TowelRoot now.

NOTE: this only works on certain ROM/Kernel versions!

If it fails, please check the development thread (Post #2) on XDA for more detai


XZDualRecovery does NOT install any superuser app!!

You can use one of the recoveries to root your device.

Sending files
6 KB/s (1776 bytes in 0.262s)
51 KB/s (13592 bytes in 0.258s)
358 KB/s (197320 bytes in 0.536s)
35 KB/s (9496 bytes in 0.263s)
50 KB/s (13672 bytes in 0.262s)
Copying kernel module...
66 KB/s (34473 bytes in 0.503s)
1 KB/s (765 bytes in 0.496s)
311 KB/s (96956 bytes in 0.303s)
Kernel version is 3.4.0-perf-g4fd66c3
Version does not match 3.4.0-perf-ge4322cd, needs patching...
dd: conv option disabled
Kernel module patched.

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: patched to 0xCE969278
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr1: match
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
printk: not found
mem_text_write_kernel_word: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: match

Installing using zxz0O0's towelzxperia
(using geohot's towelroot library)
error: only position independent executables (PIE) are supported.

Installation finished. Enjoy the recoveries!

Appuyez sur une touche pour continuer...

Merci beaucoup d'avance  :)

Hate que ça marche

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  • 7 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

tain, moi il revient de SAV, donc tout neuf et je n'arrive plus à le faire


Please choose install action.
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *

Waiting for Device, connect USB cable now...
error: protocol fault (status read)
Device found!

Getting device and ROM info
error: more than one device and emulator
Device model is
error: more than one device and emulator
Firmware is
error: more than one device and emulator
Android version is

error: more than one device and emulator
Step2 : Sending the recovery files.
error: more than one device and emulator
error: more than one device and emulator
error: more than one device and emulator
error: more than one device and emulator
error: more than one device and emulator
error: more than one device and emulator
error: more than one device and emulator
error: more than one device and emulator
error: more than one device and emulator
error: more than one device and emulator
error: more than one device and emulator
error: more than one device and emulator
error: more than one device and emulator
error: more than one device and emulator
error: more than one device and emulator
error: more than one device and emulator

Step3 : Setup of dual recovery.
error: more than one device and emulator
error: more than one device and emulator
error: more than one device and emulator
error: protocol fault (status read)
error: more than one device and emulator
error: more than one device and emulator

Installation finished. Enjoy the recoveries!

Appuyez sur une touche pour continuer...


j'ai pourtant bien mit le tel en dev, supprimer les fichiers du dossier .android dans mon user windows... j'pige pas ! j'aimerais réinstaller la ROM pré-rooté que j'ai créé

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c'est toujours parce que j'ai plusieurs téléphone/tablette sous Android à mon avis ça pose problème...

Là je viens de le refaire sur un pc "neuf" et ça va un peu plus loin :


Waiting for Device, connect USB cable now...
Device found!

Getting device and ROM info
Device model is C6903
Firmware is 14.6.A.1.236
Android version is 5.1.1

Step2 : Sending the recovery files.
10 KB/s (31 bytes in 0.003s)
3548 KB/s (18170 bytes in 0.005s)
122 KB/s (501 bytes in 0.004s)
802 KB/s (12812 bytes in 0.015s)
2928 KB/s (65965 bytes in 0.022s)
257 KB/s (3159 bytes in 0.012s)
1901 KB/s (29204 bytes in 0.015s)
170 KB/s (699 bytes in 0.004s)
2404 KB/s (34473 bytes in 0.014s)
293 KB/s (1202 bytes in 0.004s)
2427 KB/s (96956 bytes in 0.039s)
4943 KB/s (870760 bytes in 0.172s)
4898 KB/s (3415064 bytes in 0.680s)
4691 KB/s (2430930 bytes in 0.506s)
2801 KB/s (14346 bytes in 0.005s)

Step3 : Setup of dual recovery.
Look at your device and grant supersu access!
Press any key to continue AFTER granting root access.
/system/bin/sh: /system/xbin/su: not found
Appuyez sur une touche pour continuer...
/system/bin/sh: su: not found

            Installation FAILED!

Please copy and paste the contents of this
window to the DevDB thread for troubleshooting!

Appuyez sur une touche pour continuer...


Vous avez une idée ???

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C'est le root qui n'avait pas été fait correctement, j'ai donc utilisé KingRoot puis j'ai relancé le install.bat du Z1-lockeddualrecovery2.8.26-RELEASE.combined et c'est passé ! J'ai pu installer ma ROM

Modifié par leon8121
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