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[News] Firmware I9000XXJPK


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Today, 10:06 PM

ReTweet this post# 174

Okay, so people are posting about how this rom will have all the same problems that the earlier Froyo builds have had. This is possible, but I've had an hour to use this now, and it is definitely improved over previous Froyo builds. Not sure how much improved, but it has had a lot of work done on it in the period between the last build and this one. GPS does seem to be improved a bit though - it took only a few seconds to lock onto 10 satellites indoors, so they seem to be making some progress on the GPS side too. In other words, it's looking like Samsung is making improvements all around!

I'll use it for a day or more and report back if it all falls apart like the earlier roms though. "

Voila pour les anglophones :p

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merci je réessai.

edit: bon ben j'ai une erreur install ext2 tools failer with error: could not copylibrary dd: can't open '/system/lib/': read-only file system.

Modifié par tiburce
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