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Vos configuration setcpu

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Je poste ce sujet pour savoir quelles sont vos profils setcpu.


Defaut : 245 / 998 Interactive

Screen Off : 245 / 384 Powersave

Battery <15% : 245 / 499 Interactive

Charging/full : 245 / 768 Interactive

NOTE : selon le kernel utilisé, changer interactive par on demand selon le comportement du téléphone.


j'ai mis le "main profil" sur Min : 245 et Max 844MHz => scaling ondemand

Et une regle : Screen off => 245 Min et Max => powersave

Edited by kimimaro
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Pour économiser la batterie et garder des performances, j'ai mis le "main profil" sur Min : 245 et Max 844MHz => scaling ondemand

Et une regle : Screen off => 245 Min et Max => powersave


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Pourquoi tu le downclock autant pendant la charge? il n'y a pas de problemes de fluidité? la charge est plus rapide?

Pour ma part le telephone chauffe quand je l'utilise branché tu pense que si je cree une règle ca va régler ce probleme?


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J'ai baissé pendant la charge car la charge fait chauffer un peu plus la batterie.

En abaissant la chaleur pendant la charge, la batterie est mieux conservée dans le temps, ainsi que d'autres composants interne au téléphone qui à long terme et sous la chaleur peuvent se détériorer.

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2. Governors In the Linux Kernel


2.1 Performance


The CPUfreq governor "performance" sets the CPU statically to the

highest frequency within the borders of scaling_min_freq and


2.2 Powersave


The CPUfreq governor "powersave" sets the CPU statically to the

lowest frequency within the borders of scaling_min_freq and


2.3 Userspace


The CPUfreq governor "userspace" allows the user, or any userspace

program running with UID "root", to set the CPU to a specific frequency

by making a sysfs file "scaling_setspeed" available in the CPU-device


2.4 Ondemand


The CPUfreq governor "ondemand" sets the CPU depending on the

current usage. To do this the CPU must have the capability to

switch the frequency very quickly. There are a number of sysfs file

accessible parameters:

sampling_rate: measured in uS (10^-6 seconds), this is how often you

want the kernel to look at the CPU usage and to make decisions on

what to do about the frequency. Typically this is set to values of

around '10000' or more. It's default value is (cmp. with users-guide.txt):

transition_latency * 1000

Be aware that transition latency is in ns and sampling_rate is in us, so you

get the same sysfs value by default.

Sampling rate should always get adjusted considering the transition latency

To set the sampling rate 750 times as high as the transition latency

in the bash (as said, 1000 is default), do:

echo `$(($(cat cpuinfo_transition_latency) * 750 / 1000)) \



The sampling rate is limited by the HW transition latency:

transition_latency * 100

Or by kernel restrictions:

If CONFIG_NO_HZ is set, the limit is 10ms fixed.

If CONFIG_NO_HZ is not set or no_hz=off boot parameter is used, the

limits depend on the CONFIG_HZ option:

HZ=1000: min=20000us (20ms)

HZ=250: min=80000us (80ms)

HZ=100: min=200000us (200ms)

The highest value of kernel and HW latency restrictions is shown and

used as the minimum sampling rate.


up_threshold: defines what the average CPU usage between the samplings

of 'sampling_rate' needs to be for the kernel to make a decision on

whether it should increase the frequency. For example when it is set

to its default value of '95' it means that between the checking

intervals the CPU needs to be on average more than 95% in use to then

decide that the CPU frequency needs to be increased.

ignore_nice_load: this parameter takes a value of '0' or '1'. When

set to '0' (its default), all processes are counted towards the

'cpu utilisation' value. When set to '1', the processes that are

run with a 'nice' value will not count (and thus be ignored) in the

overall usage calculation. This is useful if you are running a CPU

intensive calculation on your laptop that you do not care how long it

takes to complete as you can 'nice' it and prevent it from taking part

in the deciding process of whether to increase your CPU frequency.

2.5 Conservative


The CPUfreq governor "conservative", much like the "ondemand"

governor, sets the CPU depending on the current usage. It differs in

behaviour in that it gracefully increases and decreases the CPU speed

rather than jumping to max speed the moment there is any load on the

CPU. This behaviour more suitable in a battery powered environment.

The governor is tweaked in the same manner as the "ondemand" governor

through sysfs with the addition of:

freq_step: this describes what percentage steps the cpu freq should be

increased and decreased smoothly by. By default the cpu frequency will

increase in 5% chunks of your maximum cpu frequency. You can change this

value to anywhere between 0 and 100 where '0' will effectively lock your

CPU at a speed regardless of its load whilst '100' will, in theory, make

it behave identically to the "ondemand" governor.

down_threshold: same as the 'up_threshold' found for the "ondemand"

governor but for the opposite direction. For example when set to its

default value of '20' it means that if the CPU usage needs to be below

20% between samples to have the frequency decreased.

2.6 Interactive


The CPUfreq governor "interactive" is designed for low latency,

interactive workloads. This governor sets the CPU speed depending on

usage, similar to "ondemand" and "conservative" governors. However

there is no polling, or 'sample_rate' required to scale the CPU up.

Sampling CPU load every X ms can lead to under powering the CPU

for X ms, leading to dropped framerate, stuttering UI etc..

Scaling the CPU up is done when coming out of idle, and like "ondemand"

scaling up will always go to MAX, then step down based off of cpu load.

There is only one tuneable value for this governor:

min_sample_time: The ammount of time the CPU must spend (in uS)

at the current frequency before scaling DOWN. This is done to

more accurately determine the cpu workload and the best speed for that

workload. The default is 50ms.

Source : https://github.com/CyanogenMod/cm-kernel/blob/255f13bf41f368aa51638a854ed69cfc60f39120/Documentation/cpu-freq/governors.txt

Smartass est une ré-écriture de Interactive qui permet entre autre de réduire la consommation de batterie pendant que l'écran est éteint. Ca permet d'éviter de créer une règle powersave dans setcpu quand le téléphone est en veille.

Cependant le smartass n'est pas des plus stables, j'ai rencontré quelques lags et un temp de réveil du téléphone anormalement long à certains moments.

Edited by -= morcus =-
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  • 3 weeks later...

Comme je viens de le dire cela dépends du kernel inclus dans la ROM ... A ma connaissance oui la plupars disposent de cette option ...

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