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pour tous les fanas du rooting :P et UNIQUEMENT pour eux! (Version du 26.10.2011)

Rom Toolbox à trouver sur le market, version gratuite et payante. Le couteau suisse du rooteur, et ce n'est pas exagérer: voyez la description:(par JRummy)

Voici la description dans le market:


- Huge new update with must have features!

ROM Toolbox is the MUST HAVE app for any rooted user. ROM Toolbox combines all the great root apps all tied up into one monster app with a beautiful and user-friendly interface -

et une partie des features...la liste est trop longue pour la poster ici, mais allez jeter un coup d'oeil.




==== TOOLS ====

-- ROM Manager --

☆ Install full ROMs and other zips from a growing list of ROMs

☆ Create, manage and restore nandroid backups

☆ Wipe data, cache, dalvik-cache, battery stats

☆ Install a ROM from your SD card

-- App Manager --

☆ Batch backup & restore

☆ Automatically backup apps when they are installed

☆ Automatically delete backups when uninstalled (off by default)

☆ Send backups via gmail/email or dropbox

☆ Sort backups by already installed, same as installed, older versions, etc.

☆ Backup/restore app data (Pro Only)

☆ Backup/restore Android Market link (Pro Only)

☆ Task manager

☆ View memory usage

☆ Show/hide different processes

☆ Automated batch uninstaller (Pro Only)

☆ E-mail your apps to friends

☆ Share with other applications which accept text (SMS, facebook, google reader, etc...)

☆ Move *any* user app to the SD card

☆ Freeze/Defrost system & user apps (Pro Only)

☆ Market Doctor (Link *any* app to the Android Market) (Pro Only)

☆ Break market links (Pro Only)

☆ Clean up dalvik-cache

☆ Zipalign all apks

☆ Fix permissions on all apps

☆ Wipe data or cache for apps

☆ Force close apps

-- Root File Browser --


La liste des features est en fait beaucoup plus longue!!! :P



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