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Les couleurs bizarres et les bugs ils l'ont déjà expliqué c'est à cause du nouveau kernel JB, HTC n'a pas donné les sources.

Si le responsable est la cause du kernel pourquoi, se bug disparais celons les versions employé de TWRP ? Sur 2.3.3 Rien tout est normal si le bug viens du kernel pourquoi juste en changeant de version le bug disparais ! Et je parle sans touché au kernel !

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  • 2 months later...

bonjour a tous , j'ai un "petit" probleme pour flash qqch avec le TWRP 2.3.3 sous viperS 2.2.0, le tel crash quand il commence un installer un zip ( par exemple j'ai voulu mettre le lockscreen sense 5 et le clavier aosp 4.2.2 et le recovery crash a l'installation )

ai-je fait une fausse manip ou oublier de faire qqch je sais pas , la rom et son ota + un theme sense 5 ce sont installé sans aucun souci ...

quelqu'un voit le genre de probleme ? ( j'ai testé aussi avec le TWRP 2.4.1 sans succès )

Edited by bernaudf
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je pense pas les .zip telecharger ont deja ete flash par bcp de personnes avant moi et ils n'ont pas eu de pb eux

autre question, il y a un moyen de remettre par default les paraemetre du recovery ( au cas ou j'ai modif qqch qu'il fallait pas ) ? trouvé mais pas d’amélioration

EDIT: plus précisément ça crash a " setting permission"

Edited by bernaudf
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  • 3 weeks later...

Sur leur site ya marqué ça juste :

What's new in

Special Note: If you are running a custom theme, some of the changes in will likely not be visible with your custom theme.

Can encrypt a backup to prevent theft of private data from your backup files

Updated graphics / icon courtesy of shift

Updated exFAT to latest commits

Fixed a problem with Samsung TouchWiz decryption

Update SuperSU binary

Fixed saving of backup partitions list

Fixed saving of last used zip install folder

Fixed backup of datadata on devices that use a separate partition for datadata

Fixed some issues with the advanced wipe list (android_secure, can now wipe internal storage on data/media deivces and wipe data on the advanced list no longer formats the entire data partition)

Fixed some problems with partitioning a SD card

Various other bug fixes and tweaks

Notes about encrypted backups:

Why encrypt your backups? -- Most people store their backups on the device. Any app that has permission to access storage could potentially read your backup files and try to harvest your data. Encrypted backups also provide an added layer of security if you move your backups to other storage devices or to the cloud. The encryption that we're using is probably not strong enough for enterprise level security, but should be strong enough to make it significantly difficult to get to your data.

Encryption is using OpenAES which uses AES 128-bit cbc encryption. If you happen to use a longer password (over 16 characters) then the encryption strength improves to 192 or 256 bits. Do not forget your password. If you forget your password you will be unable to restore your backup. We don't encrypt the entire backup. Encryption is very CPU intensive and can be fairly slow even when we spread the workload over multiple cores even on the latest high-end devices. To ensure that encrypted backups don't take forever, we don't encrypt any other partitions besides /data and in /data we don't encrypt /data/app (or other app related directories where apks are stored) and we don't encrypt dalvik cache.

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  • 1 month later...

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