kuan Posted December 2, 2012 Share Posted December 2, 2012 (edited) B934 officielle serveur Huawei (update.app) avec explications pdf http://www.huaweidev...softid=NDY1MTg= B936 officielle (autre serveur) update.app à dézipper http://huaweig300.co...ics-b936-update B952 officielle (la plus récente des stocks officielles) serveur Huawei (update.app) avec explications pdf http://www.huaweidev...softid=NDcwMjk= B960+ (ROM stock légèrement tweakée) http://forum.frandro...repack-06-mars/ Tuto pour passer de Gingerbread à ICS et pouvoir installer n'importe quelle ROM custom. http://huaweig300.com/install-the-official-ice-cream-sandwich-ics-update-on-the-huawei-g300/ Si vous avez "update failed" au milieu de la procédure, vous devez appliquer le patch de middle package Middle package: http://huaweig300.co...-middle-package Explications que j'ai donné à quelqu'un pour le "middle package" Tu dois avoir sur ta carte sd un dossier dload avec un fichier update.app. Allume ton tél. en maintenant appuyé la touche+ et - ensemble tout en appuyant sur bouton power. Tu vas avoir un écran rose qui démarre la mise à jour. Vers le milieu il va te dire update fail ce qui est normal. A ce moment tu enlèves la batterie, enlève le fichier update.app qui est dans dload et remplace le par celui lahttp://huaweig300.co...-middle-package (1ko) Tu dois avoir à nouveau sur ta carte sd un dossier dload avec un fichier update.app dedans. Même opération que tout à l'heure avec les boutons + et - simultanés avec bouton power. Il termine la mise à jour normalement et reboot tout seul. http://www.modaco.co...pdated-3011★★★/ Les meilleures ROM ICS pour moi sont: B960+ de Cyda - CM9 - Infusion - En Gingerbread (pas testé) il semble que c'est Atomic Mod. Ci dessous, liste des ROM officiels pour GB et ICS http://www.modaco.co...nofficial-roms/ B888 dload http://www.mediafire...navhb71095je2fh La B936 officielle (update.app) http://huaweig300.co...ics-b936-update Middle package: http://huaweig300.co...-middle-package La B893 est introuvable. GingerBread (GB) ROMs MoDaCo Custom ROM Gr2 [b888] - Credit: PaulOBrien AtomicMod [b888] - Credit: tillaz Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS) ROMs CyanogenMod 9.1 [base 4.0.4] - Credit: Dazzozo Stock+ ROM [b952] - Credit: Cyda INFUSION Final B06/B07 [b952] - Credit: tillaz JELLY★CREAM★SANDWICH [b952] - Credit: krishang3 MeijaROM [b952] - Credit: thejaimes111 Lightning ROM [b952] - Credit: kyan31 THE SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 Rom [b926] - Credit: Found by wrtease Sony Xperia ST26i Style Rom [base unknown] - Credit: Nandosl59 Paranoid Android B2 [CM9] - Credit: josalaito Miui v4 2.7.4 [base: 4.0]- Credit: Geno.Kolar Favaroooo B5 [b944] - Credit: fraska LiGux v4 [based on CM9 (4.0.4)]- Credit: qiwu huang ShenDu OS [based on CM9(4.0.4)] - Credit: airk000 Geno ROM [b940] - Credit: Geno.Kolar IKB ROM [b940] - Credit: dt_matthews Baidu Rom 12 [base Unknown] (topic no longer being updated) - Credit: Found by Nandosl59 -------- Link to latest Version here Baidu Dietetic [base Unknown] - Credit: dakok Baidu Yi (English Repack) [base Unknown] - Credit: pOcHa Slim Rom [b952] -Thanks dakok JellyBean (JB) ROMs CyanogenMod 10.0 [base 4.1.2] - Credit: Dazzozo CyanogenMod 10.1 [base: 4.2.1] - Credit: Dazzozo ★ AOKP Emotion ★ [based on CM10] - Credit: krishang3 MariDroi ROM [based on ShenDu JB (CM10)] - Credit marcars MIUI JB[based on ShenDu JB (CM10)] - Credit: narkoman88 PAC-man ROM[based on CM10] - Credit: razzmataz1478 ShenDu OS Jellybean [based on CM10] - Credit: airk000 LiQu ROM [CM10.1] - Credit:Rydlis Firefox OS ROM Firefox OS (B2G: Boot to Gecko) - Credit: Dazzozo [KERNELs] CM9 Kernel For Stock ICS Roms - Credit: PaulMilbank GenoKolar - Credit: Geno.Kolar and Cyda Omegamoon - Credit: omegamoon 308 Kernel for official ICS roms - Credit PaulMilbank [Recoveries] List of ClockworkMod Recoveries- Credit: kra1o5 Clockworkmod v4.0.1.5 - Credit Sebastian404 (From here) Clockworkmod v5.0.2.8 with charging fix - Credit: kra1o5 (From here) ClockworkMod Recovery v6.0.2.7 - Credit: Dazzozo & Fagulhas (This version of CWM v6 fixes many long standing bugs that v6 is known to have had and is highly recommended to use) CWM 6 RECOVERY TOUCH & NON TOUCH - Credit: tillaz TeamWin Recovery Project v2.2.2.0 - Credit: Sebastian404 (From here) TeamWin Recovery Project v2.3.3.1 - Credit: alkalinorap and Kra1o5 [TUTORIALs] - Most of these are pinned but i though id add them anyway Help I'm New And I Can't Do... - Credit: Frankish Upgrade and Downgrade the G300 between GB, ICS and JB with downloads - Credit: timethrow Explained Like You're 5: Install custom ROMs from scratch, Install the official ICS update, Root & more - Credit: beggin How to install and root ICS 4.0.3 - Credit: Cyda How to free SIM UNLOCK your G300 - Credit: margityu (helpful for people who don't want to pay to unlock their phones) How to Install ADB and Logcat For G300 - Credit: krishang3 Basic Theming Guide - Credit: tillaz [ROOTING / BOOTLOADER UNLOCK TOOLs] How to root your Huawei Ascend G300 - Credit: PaulOBrien Dazzozo's scripts used to root - Credit Dazzozo GenoKolar's unlockbootloader.exe - Credit Geno.Kolar (Any help to find the original threads to the last 2 tools would be much appreciated) [MODs] - or interesting things you can do CM9 Battery Mods - Credit: Cyda CM10 Battery Mods - Credit: Redflake Change your splash screen - Credit: Sebastian404 Changing splash1 logo on G300 - Credit: Geno.Kolar Sony Mobile Bravia Engine (All Roms) - Credit: tillaz(The link that works is in Post #16) Trebuchet 1.0 from CM10.1 modded for CM10 - Credit: tillaz Link2Int - Credit: Cyda Beats Audio - Credit: krishang3 PDroid in CyanogenMod 9 - Credit: unaszplodrmann Stock ICS Battery Mods - Credit: jikobutsu Stock ICS Spellcheck Fix - Credit: davepwsmith ACID Audio Engine V4.0 - Credit: Found by carrthee89 [sCRIPTs] V6 SUPERCHARGER - Credit: zeppelinrox (Amazing script that works on all devices) Darktremor Apps2SD Script - Credit: tkirton [ORIGINAL FIRMWARE/APPs] Huawei Original Applications - Credit: Mario_Cardoso RIL ARCHIVE - Credit: tillaz List Of Official And Unofficial Roms - Credit: frazer19 - All of the links work apart from B885, B891, B892 and B936 (which is below anyway) Another List of Official Roms - Credit: thejaimes111 GingerBread B888 - Credit: KasioPC B892 - Credit: Me IceCreamSandwich B927- Credit: rsrocha B934 repack - Credit: tillaz B936 Vodafone OTA Release Repack - Credit: Dazzozo B937 Voda-CZ Release repack - Credit: mack_ B940 OTA release Repack - Credit: Dazzozo B944 Yoigo release repack - Credit: Cyda B948 Singapore-BP release Repack - Credit: Cyda B951 Telecable spain release Repack - Credit: Cyda B952 Vodafone Release Repack - Credit: Cyda B952 Worldwide Release Repack - Credit: Cyda And that's it!!! (This will be regularly updated) I would also like to give my personal thanks to: Dazzozo for this amazing work on CM9/10 Edited June 3, 2013 by kuan Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
marwan31 Posted December 4, 2012 Share Posted December 4, 2012 comment installer gb sur ics please Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kuan Posted January 14, 2013 Author Share Posted January 14, 2013 Un petit up car cela peut servir aux nouveaux. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kuan Posted February 22, 2013 Author Share Posted February 22, 2013 Mise à jour du post et rajout des liens direct pour les ROMs officielles B934, B936, B952 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ugofilms Posted June 3, 2013 Share Posted June 3, 2013 merci pour toutes ces infos, j'ai un huawey g300 tout juste acheté en B893 il me semble avoir de la mémoire interne dans mon tel, pourtant il semble indispensable d'acheter une carte sd, pas de bol celle que j'ai ici ne rentre pas dans mon tel, je suis allé là pour voir quand même la suite de la procédure: http://huaweig300.com/huawei-g300-install-a-custom-jelly-bean-ics-rom-from-scratch/root/ , ouvrir un terminal dans mon ordi etc... gloups et ça ne fait que commencer je laisse tomber direct et garde mon tel en vieux tromblon 2.06 quand j'aurai quelques journées à perdre peut être j'y reviendrai Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ugofilms Posted June 3, 2013 Share Posted June 3, 2013 merci pour les infos claires (sur un autre post), voilà c'est fait pour la 952 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kuan Posted June 3, 2013 Author Share Posted June 3, 2013 (edited) Tant mieux. Tu avances. Ce serait mieux si tu pouvais continuer à poster sur l'autre sujet pour une meilleure lisibilité (ICS sur Huawei ascend). Et quand tu seras sur la B960, poste sur le sujet qui s'y rapporte. Merci Je t'aiderai si tu es en difficulté. . Edited June 3, 2013 by kuan Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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