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[ROM][5.1.1] Chroma 05/10/2015 | Français | Layers | Final Lollipop

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Sinon mise à jour au 20.06.15


If you changed your DPI using the built-in DPI switcher. Revert back to 560 DPI as the built-in DPI changer is no longer available as of 06/20. This is removed due to instability (mainly bootloops when people dirty flash the ROM with the custom DPI intact). After you wipe and the DPI still doesn’t change? Do a clean wipe.
Added: Ability to disable advanced reboot (developer options)
Added: Ability to disable bar color in battery saver mode
Added: Ability to disable navigation ring
Added: National data roaming
Added: Navigation ring customization
Added: Power button for navigation bar
Added: Status bar header long click actions
  • Battery - battery saver settings
  • Date - Set calendar event
  • Time - Set alarm
  • Settings - QS tiles settings
  • Weather - LockClock settings
Added: Tiles
  • Battery saver
  • Heads up
  • Screenshot
  • Screen timeout
  • Sync
Bugfix: Clear all recents in bottom right now works
Bugfix: Fix there is no sounds and delays 1s when pressing "Touch sounds" sometimes
Removed: LCD density changer -- use texdroider, change in build.prop etc
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  • 2 weeks later...

Nouvelle version en r2 d'aujourd'hui les amis


Added: Ability to change device hostname (settings > developer options)
Added: Fast scrolling to the Manage applications screen with autohide
Added: Lock screen customization
Added: Screen pinning improvements - read this
Bugfix: Fix clock jumping when expanding QS from lockscreen
:excl:  :excl:  --> r2: Fix battery LED force closing
Updated: Android-5.1.1_r8 (LVY48C)
Updated: Disable/enable search bar string
Updated: Google Webview to 44.0.2403.83


Updated: Translations
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Mise à jour au 19/07/15 les amis


Added: AudioFX

Added: Default value for show password on wifi dialog

Added: Hide light pulse settings if not available


Bugfix: Menu in navigation bar is now hidden on secure lock screen if enabled

Bugfix: Flip covers and incoming calls


Layers: Added support for Branden M's layer additions


Removed: MusicFX


Updated: Align the status bar icon with Android M size


Bon flash  ^_^ 

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  • 2 weeks later...

^_^ Mise à jour de la Chroma au 02.08.15  ^_^ 


Added: Behind the hood optimization/fixes/changes (see Github)
Added: Lock screen wallpaper (Settings > Display > Wallpaper > Lockscreen Wallpaper)
  • In order to remove the lock screen wallpaper and return to the stock behavior (using your wallpaper as lockscreen) you must navigate to /data/system/users/0/ and delete keyguard_wallpaper.
  • The method to reset it in the lockscreen wallpaper picker doesn't seem to work.
Bugfix: Fix a few color picker inconsistencies in notification light
Bugfix: Fix volume down not activating silent/none with volume key sound off
InCallUI: Materialize and create an app label
Layers: Call log phone tint
Updated: Google WebView to 44.0.2403.90


Updated: Translations
Bonne update les amis  :) 
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Après quasiment 3 mois dans MAJ, je vais me dl la petite dernière version.  ^_^


Merci @ ! :)


édit : t'as oublié de modifier le copier/coller page 1 "Télécharger la ROM du 19.07.2015"  :P 

Edited by Tagadä
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Mise à jour de la Chroma du 06/08 qui passe sur Android 5.1.1_r9 dispo ici.


Pour info, une mise à jour est encours de préparation et sera dispo dans les jours qui viennent. Je vous retrouve la source.

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Mise à jour du post fait mon @julz  :P


La prochaine mise à jour aura les dernières mise à jour pour le moteur de "thème Layer".


Pour le moment voici les derniers changements 


IMPORTANT: 08/06/2015 contains the fixes to the Stagefright vulnerability
Keyguard: Don't disable visibility when scrambling pin
Layers: Fix sorting of overlays list
Updated: Android-5.1.1_r9 (LMY48I)
Updated: Translations and string updates
Toujours le French Powaaaa  ^_^
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Mise à jour les amis au 10.08.15


Added: Additional stagefright vulnerability patches that Google didn't include with LMY48I

Added: Battery saver notification icons (dismiss & turn off)

Added: Keyguard support in WallpaperCropActivity


Bugfix: Scramble pin logic fixed


Layers: Expose dashboard categories - see this


Removed: Animation "speed" effects removed in favor of more "fluid" animations

Removed: SlimLauncher in favor of Launcher3 (the bugs previously on Launcher3 are now fixed)


Full Brazilian-Portuguese translations by felipegcoutinho on github

Full Chinese translations by qinfchn on github


Updated French translations by RenaudR 

Updated Italian translations by toyr99

Updated: LMY48I incremental fingerprints

Updated: Reorganized settings

Updated: WebView 45.0.2454.19 to 45.0.2454.27


Disable quick settings on secure lock screen moved up Lock screen options to Chroma menu (settings > chroma > lock screen)


Une Chroma 100 % française maintenant :) 
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Nop pas de soucis avec l'agenda. Quelles sont tes GAPPS ?


Nouvelle version à venir dans la journée. Voir ici.


Pour les Gapps je recommande les TK Gapps qui sont les anciennes et meilleures PA Gapps :) 


Tout à fait mon ami, ce soir je pense une fois que je l'aurais testé  ^^ la William fait dodo 

Pour ceux qui tourne sous la Chroma : https://plus.google.com/107012941673895232570/posts/6t8wFVscERDon a toujours besoin de testeurs.

Sinon pour le français j'ai ajouté les dernières traductions ce matin :) 

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@ : Je les trouve bien plus stables qu'auparavant les PA Gapps même si j'utilise les Banks. Merci pour l'info sur la rom et le besoin en testeur.  B)


Edit : 3400 posts.... :o

Edited by julz
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@@reremi repasse en version stock pour voir, c'est une désynchronisation du serveur Google avec ton tel.


Sinon Mise à jour au 13.08.15 les amis


  • Added: Additional battery saver increments (10%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%)
  • Added: Behind the hood optimization/fixes/changes (see Github)
  • Added: Expanded desktop (tile included, settings > display > expanded desktop)
  • Added: New implementation of lock screen wallpaper customization
  • Ability to clear the lock screen wallpaper
  • Bugfix: When using certain GApps configurations, Launcher3 force closes
  • Side effect: When Search bar is disabled, the "X" becomes small
  • Mako: Updated to LMY48I (5.1.1_r9) binaries
  • Removed: IMEI info from SIM status (redundant, go to IMEI information in status)
  • Updated: Translations

Seul quand on prend une capture d'écran n'est pas traduit en français ( :( j'ai oublié deux ligne dans un strings :o )

donc il reste delete et screenshot removed. Ils sont déjà traduit pour la prochaine mise à jour  :P

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