yurugagu Posted June 16, 2020 Share Posted June 16, 2020 Salut à tous! Voilà un moment que je galère et là j'aurai besoin d'aide svp. A mon taf nous avons acheté 300 terminaux Honeywell EDA51, fonctionnant sous android. Le problème est que pour déployer tout cela ca va prendre un temps fou en paramètrage! Est-ce qu'il existerai un logiciel, sous linux, windows je m'en fiche, qui me permettrai d'effectuer une image du premier terminal configuré, et de la déployer sur les autes? Ceci dans le but de cloner afin de gagner du temps? Merci par avance! Leroy cryptically nabs one of the guys from behind whereas Mike catches hold of the other one from the side before he can run away. The others too come to see what is going on. Kareena come forward to see who the hell these creeps are. "Wait I know you. You are the one who met me the day before yesterday on the beach, right?" They are the same two white boys who were earlier hitting on Kareena the other day when Leroy showed up and they left. "Did you fuckers record any video or take any pics?" "Bring these punks inside." Tony tells Leroy and Mike. They all get inside and lock the gates. Leroy snatches the phone from the guy and tells him to show everything or he will report it to police nearby. The guy, named Jack, begs not to do anything, and shows what all he recorded. He some photos of Kareena and Leroy fucking behind the rock. Then they came to know, they are staying here. So, he just wanted to what is going inside. https://bestfreehdporn.pro/category/asian-porn-tube-sites/ Mike grabs both the guys by their scruffs. "You are some smart sons of bitches, aren't you? You really wanna see what is going in here right?" Kareena steps up and lashes at them. "You fucking voyeuristic creeps do not get it at once do you? Hold on Mike! We will let these punks know what all goes in here. But we will do my way. It will be fun." Amrita comes forward and tells to first delete whatever they recorded. Mike makes them do it or else they are up for a real thrashing. Now Kareena starts her plan - "She orders them. Take off your clothes. Both of you." Jack and other guy, Bob plead with Kareena "Please forgive us ma'am. We won't bother anyone of you again. We will leave at once." But Kareena is in no mood for it. "No, you will not. You will stay right here until we say so. Off with your clothes now." Mike forces - "You heard her faggots. Take of your clothes." Kareena quips - "Wait, faggots is it right? Now, I know what to do?" Malaika comes forward and asks Kareena, what the f**k does she have up her sleeve. Kareena just tells them to wait and watch. The boy takes off their clothes. They are in their underwears and Kareena orders then to take them off right now! They take their underwear off with utter humiliation as everyone laughs. Their hairless flaccid cocks pop out to everyone amusement. They are pinkish in color. They are decently sized but absolutely nothing compared to huge dicks of the black guys over there. Tony takes out his phone records a naked video of the two boys. Amrita steps forward to have some fun. She laughs at the boys - "Hahaha. You sissies really thought we even give you a chance with those tiny pee-pee of yours. Losers. You see the black stud over here." Amrita moves over to Mike and caresses his chest and coos sexily "This is a real man. And this pussy here is only black studs like him. Not sissies like you."She says while massaging her pussy in front of them. One of them starts having an erection. Amrita slap at the prick of that guy and orders- "Get that pee-pee out of my sight." Kareena tells Amrita - "Hold on babe! Not so easy. Leroy, I gotta go somewhere. Guys I and Leroy will be back in around 15 mins. Fine?" Malaika asks "Where are you guys going?" Kareena simply replies - "Just wait for us babe. It's gonna be fun. Just hold these creepy faggots here until we come back." Kareena and Leroy leave the house. Kareena is still roaming around in that same bikini. Its Jamaica and everyone roams around in bikinis all over the beach the whole damn day. Mike finished the recording of the two fully naked and he sends to other people. Amrita thinks of teasing Jack and Bob a little. She goes inside the house and comes changing into a dark blue micro-bikini she had brought. There are only two patches covering areolas and a small inverted triangle covering the pussy area, and the back is almost bare. A tiny triangle is at the top of the ass crack with only a string that disappears inside the ass crack. Mike quips - "Wow. You look hot!" and slaps her butt checks as she grabs her in his arms. Malaika too changes into a very sexy golden bikini. Due to her complexion the golden bikini looks as if he butt naked and not wearing anything. She comes near them and Mike grabs her too in his powerful arms. Both are cooing sexily and swooning in Mike's arms as he plays with their butts. The white boys start getting an erection as the sisters laugh at them. https://hotmyfreecams.com After 15 mins of intense teasing, Kareena and Leroy arrive. They look at the girls and are like "Dayyyyuuum". Jerome asks where you guys have been. Leroy replies, "You are gonna enjoy this shit." and laughs. Kareena steps infront of those guys and shouts at them "With whose fucking permission did you guys get an erection! Ah so, it's the micro-bikini hottie over there right? Amrita, I am going inside to get a bunch of things. Until then, make sure these fags obey. They are not to have erection!" Kareena goes inside the house. Amrita steps forward and grabs Jack's ball and hold it tightly in fist as he is trembling. In a sudden moment of embarrassment, ropes and ropes of cum start spurting of his dick amusing everyone over there. Amrita laughs loudly, slaps his dick and goes to Bob. Orders him to cum for her. Bob is still embarrassed. But Amrita is serious. "You heard her punk. Come for her." Darrell quips. "Wait I will make it easy for you." Amrita panties, one of her used bikini bottoms, is lying there. She picks it throws it on Bob's face and orders him to sniff it. It will help him. Bob literally gets lost into the erotic heady musk of her underwear and the moment he touches his cock, he ejaculates profusely. Amrita claps at him but rather humiliatingly. Kareena comes and sees that they have went over their ejaculations. She takes out two CB-6000's as everyone cheers "Woooo ... we are gonna lock these sissies up in chastity. Yeah!" Kareena cheers and everyone cheer with her." Now, you" she calls one of them by gesturing with her index finger and he is begging for forgiveness, but she is no mood for that. She locks up his cock and everyone cheer again. She then proceeds to lock up the other guy as well. But it is not over yet. There is more humiliation coming for Jack and Bob. Kareena calls Malaika and passes her a makeup kit. She asks - "Lets doll these guys, oh sorry sissies up real good!" "Atta girl" Malaika rogers that. Kareena and Malaika start putting make up all over their faces as Tony is recording everything. Kareena then takes a black leather mask from her bag. She could find only one of them. She and Leroy had gone to a sex shop nearby that is open 24X7 to buy these accessories. She orders Bob, to wear that mask over his face. But its not over yet. Some more humiliation on the way for these poor white boys. Kareena takes out two dog collars and raise up to show everyone as they cheer. "woohoooo ... tonight they are gonna our slaves! They are gonna be our cucks!" She puts on the dog collar on both of their necks that have stretchable leashes on them. "Listen up cucks! You will address us as Master and Mistress. You are our slaves. It is your duty to serve all of us here. Is that understood?" They both say "yes". Kareena shouts "YES WHAT CUCKS?" They both again shout "YES MISTRESS". "That's better. On all fours both of you. And now." She turns over to the group - "Let the party begin." She starts grinding and wiggling her butt https://www.bestfreehdporn.pro . "Yeah!!!!" Amrita and Kareena go near the pool and start grooving their sexy bodies. All guys remove their shorts and get fully nude. Malaika on the other side is making out Darrell. Amrita and Kareena start rubbing their naked butts against each other. Amrita orders for a slave. Jerome holds the one, Bob, by his leash and pulls him a dog. The cuck diligently obeys the order. Amrita order him to lie on his back and he does. Then Amrita and Kareena start rubbing on top of his face. The slave can see above him two sexy naked butts rubbing against each other. Jerome joins, grabbing both the hotties. They start rubbing against him and massage his big dick. Jerome returns by playfully kneading their butts with both of his huge hands and kissing them one-by-one. The slave can everything happening above him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ultrix Posted June 16, 2020 Share Posted June 16, 2020 C'est compliqué ce que tu demandes, et il n'y a pas de solution universelle. Eventuellement des bouts de solution en fonction du type de processeur qu'il y a dans ces smartphones. La solution adoptée en entreprise est généralement d'intégrer cette flotte dans un outil MDM (Mobile Device Management) qui déploie automatiquement sur chaque mobile les logiciels et la configuration voulue, tout en permettant de brider à volonté certaines fonctions. Les solutions commerciales ne sont pas données, même s'ils semble exister des offres à prix raisonnables comme par exemple https://www.tinymdm.net/pricing/ (je n'ai aucun rapport avec eux, juste je viens de les trouver via Google) A voir si cela vaut le temps que tu vas y passer à essayer de bricoler ou pas... On ne peut pas cloner toute la mémoire interne (flash) d'un smartphone. Ne serait-ce que parce qu'une partition est souvent réservée au stockage d'informations propres à chaque appareil : numéro de série, adresse MAC wifi/Bluetooth, IMEI mobile... De plus, Android sépare bien ce qui est immuable (système) et utilisateur (configuration, applis téléchargées, données) dans des partitions séparées donc il suffirait de cloner cette dernière, pas toute la mémoire flash. Sur certaines architectures (p.ex. Mediatek) on peut éventuellement faire une image des partitions en utilisant l'outil "maison" (SP Flash Tool) en excluant les partitions sensibles et les reflasher sur un autre appareil. Mais c'est compliqué et risqué. Sinon, l'approche habituelle des bidouilleurs c'est root + installation d'un recovery TWRP et utilisation des fonctions de backup/restore de TWRP. Mais encore faut-il que TWRP ait été porté sur ce modèle par un bidouilleur éclairé. Or plus le modèle est exotique et peu répandu, moins c'est probable. Dès qu'on sort des Samsung/Xiaomi/Oneplus/Google et quelques autres, peu d'espoir. En espérant avoir débroussaillé le sujet, si possible pas pour rien (le problème des notifications de réponse...) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
yakapa40 Posted June 16, 2020 Share Posted June 16, 2020 Bonjour ( Ultrix pourra confirmer ou pas ) Honeywell EDA51: processeur Qualcomm Snapdragon 625 MSM8953 android 8.1 mars 2020 moi je testerai tout simplement avec adb -configurer un terminal -adb backup -apk -obb -shared -all -system -f backup.ab -adb restore sur les autres pour avoir travaillé sur des automates Honeywell , ils ont un bon support et des bons outils on peut trouver le firmware en ligne sur leur site : https://hsmftp.honeywell.com/ Computer Devices /handheld/ScanPal EDA51 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ultrix Posted June 17, 2020 Share Posted June 17, 2020 Hello @yakapa40, je ne suis pas certain que cela vaut encore la peine de s'escrimer sur ce sujet. Notre ami a visiblement déserté son sujet ici pour se consacrer à celui qu'il a fait sur le forum d'en-face. Par choix ou parce que les notifications ne lui arrivent pas, le débat reste ouvert Qualcomm = difficile de faire un dump des partitions data et restore avec les outils de flashage, du moins dans la mesure de mes connaissances assez incomplètes de cette architecture. As-tu jamais réussi à faire un vrai backup complet applis+data avec adb backup et un restore concluant ? Je crois que depuis l'époque Android 4.x, je n'ai jamais réussi à avoir le moindre succès avec ça... il manque la moitié des applis, des données, ça plante etc. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
yakapa40 Posted June 17, 2020 Share Posted June 17, 2020 salut Ultrix c'est pour ça que je demandai ton avis et que j'ai posté la ligne entière des options adb backup je suis pas un pro des lignes de commande adb mais j'arrive a faire du basique le backup ne semble pas toujours entièrement concluant pour la partie apps je n'ai pas vu de problèmes avec la partie shared (0 et 1) pour mes Samsung et Asus testés j'utilise abe.jar pour extraire le backup j'ai pas encore testé en séparant les parties Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ultrix Posted June 17, 2020 Share Posted June 17, 2020 Ta ligne de commande me paraît tout ce qu'il y a de plus correcte, cependant comme je te l'ai dit, j'ai un peu abandonné la piste adb backup depuis un bon moment pour ce genre de besoin, tellement c'est peu fiable (et de moins en moins au fur et à mesure des versions d'Android) Je crois même avoir lu quelque part que c'était abandonné et que l'option allait disparaitre d'adb mais je n'ai plus la source. Donc je ne sais pas trop quoi en penser... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
yakapa40 Posted June 17, 2020 Share Posted June 17, 2020 la souce est affichée par adb quand tu lance la commande Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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