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Upgrade X10 Gingerbread 2.3.3

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Je trouve que le wifi accroche très bien, je n'ai aucuns soucis de ce côté là !!

Pareil mais comparé à d'autres tél c'est mauvais.

Exemple :

- L'x10 va mettre 10 secondes, le GS même pas 3 sec.

- Pour la portée, avec le GS j'arrive à me connecter d'une chambre(la plus éloignée de la box) alors que l'x10 non. (testé avec la 2.1, et la Cm 6.1.3)

Modifié par simuda
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Ce serais bien avant le 21 décembre 2012 !!! :P

M'en fiche, mon engagement se termine début Août 2010, donc j'aurais changé de téléphone :P

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M'en fiche, mon engagement se termine début Août 2010, donc j'aurais changé de téléphone :P

Ton engagement a expiré l'année dernière !!! MDR!!! :D

Je disais ça car il parait que c'est la fin du monde le 21 Déc 2012 !!!

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Quelques nouveautés:

Hi all devs,

Thanks again for all the great replies and feedback!

First I want to mention that Xperia mini and Xperia mini pro will support unlock of bootloader under the same cercumstanses as communicated for the other Xperia 2011 products, i.e. not all phones will support unlocking of the boot loader, as it is based on customer customization.

I see quite a few questions in regards to the X10, I’m sorry if below is not the answer you were waiting for. Below is a summary of my answer in another thread.

Q: Why can’t you unlock the boot loader for X10?

The boot loader is not updated in the Gingerbread upgrade due technical reasons and the risks involved. For example, if the boot loader was to be updated with the Gingerbread upgrade and the upgrade fails for some reason, it would mean that the phone is bricked. So in general we never upgrade the boot loader when we upgrade phones in the market.

Some operators have SIM-locked phones, meaning that these phones can only be used with SIM-cards from the specific operator. This is a common business agreement in the phone industry. The reason for this is that many operators subsidies phones that are bought with a subscription.

In difference to 2011 Xperia™ products when Xperia™ X10 was produced the devices were not populated with info about if they may have an unlocked boot loader or not. This means there is no way for a boot loader to find out if boot loader unlock is allowed. A boot loader with unlock functionality would unlock all Xperia™ X10s. But we cannot do that since we have agreement with several operators regarding what software is in the devices.

Explaining what we mean by “secure way”; when the boot loader is unlocked the phone is wiped. This means that DRM certificates and sensitive keys are deleted along with the user data partition (containing downloaded apps and games, all user data like phonebook, sms etc – very similar to a factory reset).

Hope to continue the dialogue with devs! Tomorrow I, and people from the SE Developer Program, will be at GoogleIO, please come and meet at the Sony Ericsson booth!



Source (le dernier commentaire)

En claire, toujours pas de déblocage du bootloader !!

Ensuite, une demande au support Sony Ericsson d'Allemagne:

Please wait while we are connecting a Supporter with you.

You are now connected to a supporter.

M.: Welcome to Sony Ericsson Chat Support, my Name is M. One moment please I read your Questions.

Lifty95: ok

M.: At the moment I can not answer to all your Quesions because our Development has not released all Informations yet. To Multitouch: Propably no, because the hardware of the device is not supporting it.

To 16 Million Colours: Propably yes, but there is no 100% Information. The Bootloader will not be unlocked. An exactly Date to unlock is not existing yet. Were awaiting the Update to middle until end of next month.

Lifty95: Next month? So the update takes longer time?

M.: I cant understand. Q2/Q3. Is working, istnt it?

Lifty95: Ok much thanks, to Multitouch, SE in Brazi announced it officially biggrin.gif

M.: Interesting. SE Europe not. smile.gif


Lifty95: So ok

Lifty95: much thanks

M.: Please. When the Release of the update is coming nearer we will release an official changelog in our Blog. This should not take long time anymore.

Lifty95: Ah ok so im awaiting it, much thanks again, bye

Là aussi, on nous annonce que le Bootloader ne sera pas débloqué, du moins, ce n'est pas prévu.

Pour les 16M de couleurs, c'est probable, sans plus de précision.

Modifié par Crackmort
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ça se précise non Liens

Traduction google:

X10 passer à pain d'épice

Vous avez attendu patiemment pendant que l'ont travaillé sur la mise à niveau de l'X10 est Gingerbread. Nous sommes heureux de dire que le développement se fait accordning ce plan. La sortie est prévue pour commencer à rouler pendant l'été.

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