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[ROM][ARCHIVE] Nova v8 2.2 | Quasar kernel | OC+UV | eRecovery | AppInj | Nova Script

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Tutoriel d'installation ROM Nova v8 :


Je ne suis en aucun cas responsable en cas de mauvaise manipulation qui conduirait au brick de votre black . Ce qui suit es a vos risques et périls mêmes si les risques sont mineurs .

Screens :


La rom nova est basée sur android 2.2.2 version v10C EUR, elle est propulsée par le kernel quasar ( 2.6.32.x ) . Le thème stock est renplacer par un thème windows phone 7 ( merci a antnio 1447) . Les partitions sont en EXT4 .

1-Installation .

2-Changelog .

3-Addons .


1 - Installation :

1- Root avec gingerbreak Lien

2- Installer le Clockworkmod 3.2.0 Lien

3- Rom Nova v8 : Si vous n'avez pas déja installer une version antérieur : http://bit.ly/nova-eight

Si vous avez déja installer la rom nova avec une version antérieur : nécessite un wipe ( v8)

Placer la rom sur la racine de votre carte sd .

Boot on recovery via l'application rom manager de clockworkmod .

Wipe data/cache si vous ne l'avez jamais installer .

Apply zip .

Choose zip .

Choisir la Rom Nova v8 . Ok .

Reboot, enjoy ! ;)

2 - Changelog

tick.png Busybox

tick.png Superuser

tick.png Heavily deapked

tick.png AOSP launcher

tick.png HTC_IME keyboard

tick.png AOSP ringtones & notifications

tick.png Deodexed framework

tick.png Screencapture (press power + home to take screenshot)

tick.png Overclock support & Nova Script *

tick.png Background Process Optimizer

tick.png Background Memory Recycler

tick.png Developer2user interface

tick.png Busybox

tick.png Superuser

tick.png Heavily deapked

tick.png AOSP launcher

tick.png HTC_IME keyboard

tick.png AOSP ringtones & notifications

tick.png Deodexed framework

tick.png Screencapture (press power + home to take screenshot)

tick.png Overclock support & Nova Script *

tick.png Background Process Optimizer

tick.png Background Memory Recycler

tick.png Developer2user interface


Additional features


tick.png Latest market version

tick.png Camera application recompiled (disabled shutter sound)

tick.png UI / PowerOn,Off sounds disabled

tick.png Emergency recovery MOD *

tick.png Application Injector MOD *

tick.png APN entries file extended

tick.png Hardware acceleration enabled

tick.png JPEG quality raised to 100%

tick.png Patched hosts for AdBlock

tick.png Build.prop tweaks

tick.png GSM signal tweaks

tick.png Internet speed tweaks

tick.png GPS tweaked for europe (if it's slow for you, get this)

tick.png VM and memory tweaks

tick.png SDcard write speed tweak

tick.png SQLite sync disabled

tick.png SQLite DB tweaks

tick.png Build.prop tweaks

tick.png Auto-Zipalign data on boot

tick.png Battery tweaks

tick.png Further FS optimizations

Changelog version :


v8 [31/08/2011]


forward.pngAdded Nova updates checker application

forward.png Enabled standby battery tweak by default

forward.png Standby battery tweak is now injected as service to force it to work (thanks for reporting Huexxx)

forward.png Fixed Smartass2 in Nova Script and it's now the default governor (thanks for reporting everyone)

forward.png Fixed I/O Scheduler autoboot (thanks for reporting Huexxx)

forward.png Updated Superuser.apk and su binary to beta 4 to avoid the freeze error (thanks the tip dxdiag32)

forward.png Disabled BPO and d2u by default (you can change it back in Misc Options)

forward.png Fixed some issues in Nova script (remove initial check, added noop, fixed active theme issue)

forward.png Updated Quasar kernel to v8 (optimized Smartass2, added anticipatory I/O scheduler, config_hz=200)

forward.png Updated WP7 theme to v15

v7 [29/08/2011]


forward.png Added Browser and Calculator.

forward.png Removed "useful apps" from App Injector

forward.png App Injector now goes to microSD card (50 MB) to save internal memory

forward.png Theme Chooser improved and now displays a progress bar while download

forward.png Default wallpaper moved to microSD card so you can choose it back

forward.png BPO and BMR scripts transformed into running service to ensure max efficacy

forward.png Fixed issue of not being able to set a governor on boot - now works on nova script! Default: Minmax

forward.png Added developer2user interface (d2u) feature - automatically checks for new nova/theme updates or messages

forward.png Added in misc options of nova script the possibility to disable d2u and BPO

forward.png Updated Quasar kernel (check its changelog)

v6.1 [28/08/2011]


forward.png Removed zeam launcher (was consuming too much battery) and added again AOSP 2.3 launcher

forward.png Fixed powermenu when changing back to stock LG theme

forward.png Fixed some Nova script issues (LG notes, ...)

forward.png Updated overclock module (compiled with smartreflex flag)

forward.png Setting custom voltages fixed (big thanks to Huexxx)

forward.png - should decrease battery consumption

forward.png - default UV @ low voltage preset

forward.png - careful with this playing with voltages, if phone is slowish, it's because they are set too low

forward.png Updated theme chooser in Nova Script (now checks for theme's latest version and if needed updates it!)

forward.png Fixed many small things

forward.png Added "Boost standby battery tweak" in misc options @ Nova Script (experimental) - major undervolt on minimum frequency; best used along with a governor like minmax or interactiveX.

Changelog ancienne version nova : ici

Rom stock, score quadrant : 1300 .

Rom Nova v8, score quadrant : 2700

Lien xda Lien Topic

Merci a knzo pour son travail ;)

Edited by spik
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3 - Addons :

Nova recovery

Tester, fonctionne correctement ;)

C'est un custom recovery basé sur le cwm 4.x



- CWM 4.x, better code and algorithms than 3.x.

- EXT4 support (works with Nova and Relax ROMs for example).

- Purple-themed.

- Only one 'no' on confirmation list.

- Other minor changes (display name, cache error fix, etc).

Not working:

- USB mount.

- ADB.

- Progress bar during backup.

Download : ici

Pour l'installer :

- Extraire le zip du CWM en local sur le PC

- Connecter le LG Black (mode debugage USB activé)

- Lancer "install_recovery.bat" (sous Windows) ou "install_recovery.sh" (sous Linux)

Pour naviguer dans le recovery :

Choisir les options : Touches volumes .

Selectionner : Power .

Retour : Touche retour .


La communauté remercie ces personnes :

franciscofranco (sharing thoughts and kernel advice)

antonio1475 (first nova's 2.3 theme + market tip)

d0n22 (discovering the issue of root)

lesp4ul (nova banner)

tiagosousa (overclock module source)

nunogil (msn jibber-jabber heh)

mertzi (for helping me find the problem of 179:16 devices)

Ainsi que ces donateurs :

Joel Muller

Toma Cristian

Henrich Gron

Rashad Rose

Piotr Abgarowicz

Chung Vui

Franscico Moreira

Tam Tran

Gareth Southern

Javier Vazquez

Albert Vicol

Mario Fleischmann

La plus grand remerciment revien a knzo ;) .

Edited by spik
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Je viens de voir la rom sur le forum XDA par contre pas trop compris se qui était fonctionnelle ou pas,j’attends ton post avec impatient avant d’installer cette rom!!!

J'ai vue aussi qu'il y a des themes pour la rom :)

Edited by batgos69
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j'ai deja un probleme..:(

mon black ne s'allume plus, il reste sur l'image d'LG et meme les touches ne cligniottent plus.. j'ai enlevé la batterie, essayer de faire un reset..

quesque je dois faire?

Edited by fabidesca
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j'ai deja un probleme..:(mon black ne s'allume plus, il reste sur l'image d'LG et meme les touches ne cligniottent plus.. j'ai enlevé la batterie, essayer de faire un reset..quesque je dois faire?

fabidesca je pense qu'il faudra que tu fasse comme irochk et carman le renvoyer au SAV...

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cool, chouette tuto.

J'attend les retours (tout est-il fonctionnel ? gps, bluetooth, wifi, g bouton), j'ai lu que parfois il y avait un problème avec le touchscreen.

As-tu aussi installé le framework de Noejn ?

@fabidesca : as-tu essayé un restore de la rom d'origine ?

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