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[ROM] <<<< GingerCriskelo V79 FINAL - 2.3.4 JVR - 08/08/2011 >>>

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Je vous propose une cette ROM JVR 2.3.4 qui nous vient d'Argentine.

Criseklo semblait délaissé le développement de cette ROM (après achat du SGSII), mais avec l'arrivée de la nouvelle JVR, le développement semble reprendre grace à une nouvelle collaboration de Criskelo avec "Lirik" à qui l'on doit déjà le thème "GalaxyBlue" :

* ROM JVR Custom rootée, Deodexée, customisée,

* Kernel Kernel Darkcore 3.0 JVR par défaut,

* Thème sympa (enfin faut aimer ;) ),

* Stable et rapide,

* 10 Lock Screen,

* Fix Browser,

* Interface personnalisable : Menu Power, Status bar ...,

* Applis SGS 2, nouveau market ...

Avertissements d'usage

- Je déconseille fortement le flash si vous n’avez pas le mode Download via les touches physiques de votre téléphone,

- Je conseille aussi fortement d'avoir un cable magique sous la main, un bon investissement pour se lancer dans le custom,

- je ne serai en aucun cas responsable de toutes mauvaises manipulations qui engendreraient un briquage définitif de votre téléphone,

- Ceci est une ROM non-officielle, vous devez savoir ce que vous faites avant de l'installer.


Dernière version de Criskelo : Install V77 FullRom JVQ NO WIPE (Stable)

CriskeloRom_GINGERBREAD_v77_I9000-I9000T-I9000M.zip (192.55 MB)

Nouvelle version : Install V79 FullRom JVR NO WIPE (Stable)

loRom_GINGERBREAD_v79_I9000-I9000T-I9000M.zip (193.88 MB)

Versions antérieures :

Voir le second post pour historique (log + téléchargement).


Vous pouvez faire un tour sur XDA pour voir le post original de Chriskelo, et lui faire un petit "Thanks", ça fait tjs plaisir !!


Thread à partir de la V79 :


Et sur le forum HtcMania pour la V79 et supp :



Si vous venez d'une autre ROM ou d'une version inférieur à la 79 :

- Télécharger une JVR et :


- Flashez la sous ODIN :

0.Le téléphone doit être débranché de l'USB, vous devez avoir au moins 50% de batterie,

1.Extraire l'archive "I9000XXJVR.rar" (mot de passe : samfirmware.com),

2. Lancer ODIN. (Fermer Kies, si ouvert),

3. Selectionner dans ODIN les fichiers extrait : PDA, pit,Modem, CSC,

4. Cocher "Re-Partition",

5. Passer le téléphone en mode download en pressant VolumeDown+Home+Power (ou autre méthode),

6.Connecter le telephone au PC par cable USB,

7. Quand les drivers sont chargé, le voyant ID:COM s'allume, cliquer Start,

8. Le flash se fait, attendre le reboot. (Ne surtout pas déconnecter le cable USB, enlever la batterie ... avant le reboot !!),

9. Vous avez flashé !

- Flasher le dernier kernel CF-ROOT 4.1 (toujours par ODIN) :


A cette étape, vous devez être en 2.3.4 avec un recovery permettant d'installer les zip non signés :

- Copier le zip de la ROM à la racine de la SD-CARD,

- Rebooter en recovery,

- Installer le zip de la dernière version FULLROM, puis les updates s'il y en a.

Après l'install

Configuration de la Status Bar (V79)

Attention, la barre de status n'est pas configurée par défaut dans la version 79. Pour cela :

- Aller dans les paramètre : lockscreen menu > statubar settings

- Cocher puis décocher "hide battery icon" pour faire apparaître l'icône de batterie,

- Adapter la barre à votre goût ...

Configuration du menu POWER (V79)

Vous pouvez configurer le menu POWER à l'aide de l'application "Theme Settings" installée automatiquement avec la ROM.

Installer les applications d'origines manquantes (JVR)

App_Ext_JVR.zip (23.95 MB)

Activation de l'animation CRT :lol:

- Paramètres->Affichage->Animation,

- Activer les animations (même minimun).

Changer les icones de batterie

Différents styles proposés :



Changer de kernel

La ROM n'étant plus mise à jour, vous pouvez changer de kernel pour :

- Le dernier SEMAPHORE,

- Le kernel TalonDEV,

- Le kernel Galaxian,

- Le kernel DarkCore.



Thème GalaxyBlue JVR

GalaxyBlue_v29_JVR_I9000.zip (62.77 MB)


V79 MOD SERVAN81_v10

Merci BishopGalaxyS :


Edited by nmeuret
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Change Log + Historique de téléchargement :

v79 Final

* Color "Searching for Media"

* Color statusbar date equal to the clock, setting the theme customizable by Lirik .-:)

* Date focused

* Quick set panel in landscape mode

* 12MB Released in system to keep out "there is not enough" to get apps

* Approximately 160MB of RAM free at the beginning.

* Transparent Dark Google quick search

* Added Gtalk with video calling

* Updated busybox 1.19

* Some minor fixes


v79 Beta2

* Luminosité auto,

* horloge de la barre d'état en gras,

* Date fixe et USB connecté,

* Mise à jour Facebook et Dolphin et Flash player,

* Iintégration de root explorer,

* 7 icones du statubars y compris le mode avion ajouté + scroll * MMS transparent,

* raccourci les noms des icônes dans le Dock,

* Traduit TSMParts (Paramètres thème) et ajouté quelques textes d'aide


v79 Beta1

* Base JVR

* JVR * Modem 2.3.4

* Kernel 3.0 JVR Darkcore

* Rooted

* Deodexed

* Zipaligned

* Animation of old TV off

* Transition animations *

* Battery circular%

* Browser hack fix + + user agent (old version)

* Customizable Status Bar from settings> menu lockscreen

* Transparent in the shade of green and Android Notifications

* Quick connection menu without text + data.

* Progress bar + volume tuned

* MMS transparent

* New Market 3

* New transparent + author DialPad rotation

* Phone call contacts autorotation + larger photo

* Clear Contacts

* No Auto rotation mod TW3 + app + transparent + alphabetical order, without box on countless apps + pages + 5 icons on the dock + HOMEPAGE 1

* Removed the need to activate roaming on Spanish MVNO (Telstra, Pepephone, etc.). * Sip enabled 3G

* No incremental tone

* Power Menu Energy extended from the application and customizable settings Theme - thanks JKay

* Backup of EFS in / sdcard / automatic EFS_BACKUP

* Widgets grouped within the same program better organization

* Fixed permissions of the GPS

* Multi CSC (FOP default)

* New application to select 25 funds wallpapers interesting

* Fully compatible with CWM3

* Included My subject (and various tweaks)

* Wifi color signal

* Astronaut Boot animation

* Shortened the names of the apps in the Dock

* Email SGS 2 (with color changes in darker icons to be more visible)

* Sip translated into Spanish

* On startup sound

* 10 Lock Screen - With DAGr8 and Goa

* Active BLN (download BLN Pro control of Market)

* Updated list of APN

* Camera Base JVR Hack - You can still use the camera (both stills and videos) with the battery below 15%

Camera: Just press a button, the camera and shoot!

* Camcorder: one click start and then a recording click Stop following

For Criskelo

* Autofocus Video


* New option app Download YouTube videos

* Version of ROM and on about the phone theme

* Fix error in translation Forget old Samsung WIFI

* Some other things I can not remember

FullRom V77 No Wipe

Fix text LockScreens 4Tab, Android and StasWars

Added FIX Stock Browser


FullRom V76 No Wipe

* New features added to TW3 can select the default home from default.prop

* Fixed the text size when you start DialPad With Lirik

* Fixed text Rotary unlock full load

* Kernel Semaphore_kernel_JVQ_1.3.0 (BLN support etc.)

* Fixed LockScreen (When you unlock the phone in landscape and StarsWars 4tab the phone restarts)

* Updated talk

* Fixed loss of root in some kernels and other issues permits for the installation of the rom (rewritten scrpt installation)

* Animation of old TV off

* Transition animations

* Battery circular%

* Tweack in status bar (added the code necessary)

* Munu application and the original EDT Post creadorPara Tweaks more info

* Transparent in the shade of green and Android Notifications

* Quick menu without text

* Progress bar + volume tuned

* MMS transparent

* New transparent + author DialPad rotation

* Phone call contacts autorotation + larger photo

* Clear Contacts

* No Auto rotation mod TW3 + app + transparent + alphabetical order, without box on countless apps + pages + 5 icons in the dock

* Removed the need to activate roaming on Spanish MVNO (Yoigo, Pepephone, etc.). * Sip enabled 3G

* No incremental tone

* Google quick search Oscuto transparent

* Extended Energy Power Menu

* Backup of EFS in / sdcard / automatic EFS_BACKUP

* Rooted

* Deodexed

* Zipaligned

* Widgets grouped within the same program better organization

* Modem JVQ 2.3.4

* CF-Root 3.7 Kernel 2.3.4 JVQ

* Fixed permissions of the GPS

* Multi CSC (FOP default)

* New application to select 25 funds wallpapers interesting

* Fully compatible with CWM3

* Included My subject (and various tweaks)

* Wifi color signal

* Astronaut Boot animation

* Shortened the names of the apps in the Dock

* Email SGS 2 (with color changes in darker icons to be more visible)

* Sip translated into Spanish

* On startup sound

* 9 Lock Screen for now - Thanks to DAGr8 and Goa

* Active BLN (download BLN Pro control of Market)

* Updated list of APN

* Camera Base JVQ Hack - You can still use the camera (both stills and videos) with the battery below 15%

Camera: Just press a button, the camera and shoot!

Camcorder: one click start and then a recording click Stop following For Criskelo

* Autofocus Video


* New app YoyTube with optional Download videos

* Version of ROM and on about the phone theme

* Fix error in translation Forget old Samsung WIFI

* Some other things I can not remember

CriskeloRom_GINGERBREAD_v76_I9000-I9000T-I9000M.zip (191.81 MB)

FullRom V75 No Wipe

* Auto Fix brightness by Lukiqq

* Rom version and theme on the phone about

* TW3 not activate auto-rotate

* DarckCore kernel 2.7.1 (Since it is the most preferred)



* Fix FrotCam 1.3 Gtalk (for testing)

* Fixed several bugs New DialPad

* Changing colors in several texts

* New kernel K15 SpeedMod T9 (BLN flash to trigger a kernel compatible)

* Optimized frames 9LS

* And some other things I can not remember

* The Fix auto brightness for now I could not make it work, it will be for next update



* Tweak in status bar (added the code necessary)

* And the application EDT Tweaks Original Post For more info

* Any other touch to Unlock glass (some report error, if error persists I will upload a new rom full)


UpdateRom V72 No Wipe

* receives a SMS Solution to, Reboot in glass unlock Samsung


FullRom V71 No Wipe

* Bug in LockScreen glass (some people report restarts)

* New app with optional youtube Download videos

* Smatphone kernel (to avoid errors in the installation and reboots) then each person can install the kernel of your choice


FUpdateRom V70 No Wipe

FullRom V69 No Wipe

* Sip translated into Spanish

* Browser Hack (8 Agent tab + iphone + android + PC)

* On startup sound

* 8 Lock Screen for now - Thanks to DAGr8 and Goa

* active BLN (download BLN Pro control of Market)

* Updated list of APN

* JVP Base Camera Hack - You can still use the camera (both stills and videos) with the battery below 15%

Camera: Just press a button, the camera focuses and shoots!

Camcorder: one click start and then click Next Stop recording

For Criskelo

* Autofocus Video

* Added, vibration when you press the HOME button

* Modified some graphics that remained


* Kernel 2.7.3 DarckCore



* Animation of old TV off

* Transition Animations

* Battery circular%

* Removed the clock on the taskbar notification (for protection of the screen)

* Transparent in the shade of notices and the green Android

* Quick menu without text

* Progress bar + tuned volume

* MMS transparent

* New Muiti DialPad DPI + transparent + rotation author

* Phone call contacts auto-rotate + larger photo

* Clear Contacts

* Auto rotation mod TW3 + app + transparent + alphabetical order without apps + box on unnumbered pages + 5 icons in the dock

* Removed the need to activate roaming on Spanish MVNO (yoigo, Pepephone, etc.) * Sip enabled 3G

* No incremental tone

* quick Google search Oscuto transparent

* Extended Power Energy Menu

* Backup of EFS in / sdcard / automatic EFS_BACKUP

* Rooted

* Deodexed

* Zipaligned

* Widgets grouped in the same program better organization

* JVP Modem 2.3.4

* CF-Root 3.7 Kernel 2.3.4 JVP

* Fixed permissions GPS

* Multi CSC (FOP by default)

* New application to select 25 funds wallpapers interesting

* Fully Compatible with CWM3

* Including My theme

* Wifi signal color

* Astronaut Boot animation

* Short Name of Apps in the Dock

* Email SGS 2 (With change color in the darker icons to be more visible)

* Some other things I can not remember


UpdateROM V66

* Fixed translation CallSetings

* Added transparencies DialPad


FullROM V65

* Base Rom JV9

* Modem JV9

* updated JV9 Marcos

* 9 LockScreens with some improvements and the possibility of transparent lock (who want a background img, place a to in settings)

* Wifi signal color

* Short Name of Apps in the Dock

* Removed the Chainfire 3d and let the plugings for whoever wants to install it from the market without further

UpdateROM V64

* New Mod TW3

- Auto rotation activated

- Indicator of pages without numbers

- 5 icons in the Dock

- Fund apps transparent box

- Apps without boxes in box apps

- Correction in text

- Very fast

* Transparency in MMs apk

* Mar transparencies Contacts


FullROM V62

* New Multi DPI DialPad + transparent + Auto-rotation

* WidgetDialPad

* Contacts Application Transparency in the background

* 9 LockScreens


* Battery Circular Default

* New TW4 For Fr4gg0r


FullROM V61

* Battery Circle because it is the most preferred

* Games Smartphone Tegra2 Galaxt S Thanks to Chainfire

chainfire3d app + plugins

Ready to use just have to turn from the app and select plugin

* Added the latest OpenVPN system / modules (tun support in core darkcore)

* Added cifs.ko system / modules (Darkcore core support)

* New App MMS With S2 galaxy Thanks Ryyuu

+ MMS No conversion to spend more than 3 sms'

Unlimited + Beneficiaries

+ Time sent rather than received time. If you turn off your phone, the messages you receive while you are off will be the right time!

And all the V60 No 7 lookscreen


FullROM V60

* 7 LOCKSCREENS incl. By GS2lockscreen Gammelgustav

* GPS from NEXUSs + FEW cfg change by $ omator

* [KERNEL] Dark Ginger 2.X Core Kernel

Darkcore Kernel By darky (Thank you)

-Added neldar-BLN (Working on email, SMS and missed calls)

-Added support CIFS

- Sound-Voodoo 8

- CWM3-Enhanced Recovery

-USB Mount of recovery work

- set boot-image to Cappy

- governor changed to be less aggressive settings

- Added fix Chainfire sharpness (thanks for posting the source)

- On bootanimation

- Hacked ext4-cute!

- support for TUN

* Bug fixed now the front chamber using kernel core Dark

* BT Fixed (I checked it and I never had error)



* Fixed text issues in Gmail, browser and other

* Fixed the overlay as the name with a telephone number. show called

* Bt now working correctly for me in several different facilities

* You should now be compatible with the themes of smooth JVH



* Se ha eliminado el reloj de la notificación de la barra de estado (para la protección de la pantalla)

* BLN support (only the kernel must support FLASH BLN)

* Support integrated Arabic

* Rooted

* Deodexed

* Zipaligned

* Widgets grouped in the same program better organization

* Working Updated Swype

* Working Samsung 4x3 keypad

* Edit build.prop

* Modem JVO

* CF-Root Kernel JVO

* Native SIP will work for 3G

* No rising tone

* Dial Pad Mod

* Auto rotation DialPad

* Auto rotation calls

* You can still use the camera (both stills and videos) with the battery below 15%

Camera: Just press a button, the camera focuses and shoots!

Camcorder: one click start and then click Next Stop recording

For Criskelo

* autofocus in video

* Calendar Green Mod

* former TV Animation

* MOD Overscroll

* Power Extended Menu

* Added 5 LockScreens

* Added, vibration when you press the HOME button

* jit compiler enabled by default

* Backup of EFS in / sdcard / automatic EFS_BACKUP

* Fixed permissions GPS

* Multi CSC (FOP by default)

* updated APNs

* Removed the need to activate roaming on Spanish MVNO (yoigo, Pepephone, etc.).

* Percentage of the battery mod (animated when not charging)

* New application to select 25 funds wallpapers interesting

* Transparency in the background by displaying notices

* Fully Compatible with CWM3

* Google search Widgat Changed to stick to the topic

* Added Animations

* Including My theme

* Rotate with two fingers Googlemap

* Astronaut Boot animation

* Browser Hack (8 Agent tab + iphone + android + PC)

* Email SGS 2 (With change color in the darker icons to be more visible)

* TW Mod 3 Mod Own Launcher (Applications in alphabetical order + not + number of pages visible change in appearance and background apps optimization + transparent + edit text Spanish translation)

* Some other things I can not remember



* Fixed FC definitely on calls

* Now if dialogs fixed battery 15% (up by mistake stay)

* Returns the previous battery mod and many would like more

* Improved some PMG-res.apk Framework

* Change color icons for darker email.apk


Full Rom V55

* New Phone.apk JVH (with Mod No Tone autorotation Incremental + contact + larger image)

* DialerTabActivity.apk JVH (transparent background + Auto rotation)

* Fixed thumbnails proportion of recent contacts and favorites

* New MMS apk

* Puzzle Solving Unloock

* New application to select 25 funds wallpapers interesting

* New graphics for the section of notices and fixed the background image is stretched to put aside.

* Fix the error text on the screen low battery

* V1 Voodoo Kernel

* Battery MOD% VC Circle with percentage and load animation

APP's date

* very useful application of Insanity (recommend putting Fast animations and transitions)

* Flash player 10.3



Camera Hack

* takes pictures power button (pressing, focus and take the picture)

* power button starts and stops recording video

* Low battery powered (this restriction is removed)

* And most importantly, now works the front camera using kerneks JVH (Supercurio and CF-Root)


* Nouveau Hack Navigateur (8 onglets et choix du navigateur)

* Solution pour le texte d'appel d'urgence dans le dialer


* only replaces Framework-res.apk

* With the usual animations

* Y% during the battery charge


* Full Rom

* Integrated 5 LockScreen properly

frameworks based on JVH

* No more errors of translation through the use of frames JVH

* Added, vibration when you press the HOME button

* Fix for Gtalk added 2 new video called (beta we will have to test)

* Kernel built very cute (and that is the only one based on JVH)

V49 Update

* MOD Overscroll

* Extended Power menu

V48 FullRom

* Rooted

* Deodexed

* Zipaligned

* Widgets grouped in the same program better organization

* Working Swype

* Working Samsung 4x3 keypad

* Edit build.prop

* Modem XXJVO

* Kernel GTO_Ginger_JVH_Beta_2__v2_1

* Native SIP will work for 3G

* No rising tone

* Auto rotation DialPad

* Auto rotation calls

* You can still use the camera (both stills and videos) with the battery below 15%

Camera: Just press a button, the camera focuses and shoots!

Camcorder: one click start and then click Next Stop recording

For rafalense De xda

* Autofocus in video

* Calendar Mod

* Mod Wallpapers Selected

* Former TV Animation

* SIP support

* Jit compiler enabled by default

* Backup of EFS in / sdcard / automatic EFS_BACKUP

* Fixed permissions GPS

* Multi CSC (FOP by default)

* Updated APNs

* Removed the need to activate roaming on Spanish MVNO (yoigo, Pepephone, etc.).

* Percentage of the battery mod

* Added some interesting wallpapers (Wallpaper / wallpaper gallery)

* Transparency in the background by displaying notices

* Fully Compatible with CWM3

* Google search Widgat Changed to stick to the topic

* Dial Pad Mod

* Added Animations

* Including My theme

* Calendar Green Mod

* Rotate with two fingers Googlemap

* AOSP Lockscreen

* SGS 2 Boot animation

* Browser Hack (8 Agent tab + iphone + android + PC)

* TW Mod 3 Mod Own launcher (Applications in alphabetical order + not + number of pages visible change in appearance and background apps optimization + transparent + edit text Spanish translation)

* Some other things I can not remember


* Rooted

* Deodexed

* Zipaligned

* Widgets grouped in the same program better organization

* Working Swype

* Working Samsung 4x3 keypad

* Edit build.prop

* Modem XXJVO

* JVK Stock Kernel 3.1 CF-Root

* Native SIP will work for 3G

* No rising tone

* Auto rotation DialPad

* Auto rotation calls

* You can still use the camera (both stills and videos) with the battery below 15%

Camera: Just press a button, the camera focuses and shoots!

Camcorder: one click start and then click Next Stop recording

For rafalense De xda

* autofocus in video

* Calendar Mod

* Mod Wallpapers Selected

* former TV Animation

* SIP support

* jit compiler enabled by default

* Backup of EFS in / sdcard / automatic EFS_BACKUP

* Fixed permissions GPS

* Multi CSC (FOP by default)

* updated APNs

* Removed the need to activate roaming on Spanish MVNO (yoigo, Pepephone, etc.).

* Percentage of the battery mod

* Added some interesting wallpapers (Wallpaper / wallpaper gallery)

* Transparency in the background by displaying notices

* Fully Compatible with CWM3

* Google search Widgat Changed to stick to the topic

* Dial Pad Mod

* Added Animations

* Including My theme

* Calendar Green Mod

* Rotate with two fingers Googlemap

* AOSP Lockscreen

* SGS 2 Boot animation

* Some other things I can not remember

V46 FullRom

* In the startup script that incorporates the function to install the rom create a folder called EFS_BACKUP [/ COLOR] and inside find a file named:

EFS-Month-Day-Hour-Minute-05050816.tar [/ COLOR] the number at the end of Month Day Hour Minute. Inside find another similar file within the folder EFS

* It incorporates the possible solution to battery consumption seems to work now, but we must pay attention to see if it is confirmed.

* TW Launcher 3 again as there are many reports of failures and lack of memory. Is anyway to download if someone prefers TW 4

Full Rom V45

* Cf-Root 3.1 (sorry to the kernels manic but memory settings going very well) The DamianGTO kernel 1.2 on occasions, it freezes the phone and removing the battery to restart play IS NOT ACCEPTABLE TO ME

* All day testing and adjusting kernel memory without problems I would recommend to stay with this, CF-root and my own memory. And then you put the one you like.

* Changed the browser's, 8 tab and lets you choose the agent as PC.

* DialPad no longer appear black bar, now it is almost transparent

* Rewrote the installation script now allows proper installation (Modem and Kernel) then automatically restart. Works on CWM2 and CWM3

* Added Google Maps

* Added watch

* Implementation SamsungWidget_WeatherClock, moved to the AddOns folder on SD-Card (there is always running even if not used)


* CF-Root Kernel 3.1 (why? because it supports script at the start putting them in the system folder / etc / init.d)

* Script to manage memory (What? With this script you can manage the minimum memory and offset the amount of free memory you need the new TW4)


* Galaxy S2 TW4 Launchr (100% stable and functional)

* Galaxy S2 DigitalClock

* Galaxy S2 Email (ATTENTION If you do not open Go to settings / applications and delete data)

* Galaxy S2 EmailWidget

* Galaxy S2 SamsungWidget_WeatherClock

* Galaxy S2 SecretWallpaper2

* Galaxy S2 ShareApp

* Galaxy S2 KiesAir/wifi

* Galaxy S2 SamsungVoiceTranslator

* Galaxy S2 Quickoffice


* Update the firmware of the camera (video camera with auto focus now)

* Samsung Keyboard operation

* Arabic separate patch to be more compatible with the issues and avoid mistakes


* New transparent DialPad Rotary

* Added Spanish translation for the U.S. dial pad

* Phone.apk rotary switch.

* No incremental tone

* New Mod launcher TW3 (whoever can put 4)

* New notifications bar completely re designed to optimize space

* New Swipe- Swype

* New Dock Icons

Edited by nmeuret
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ben moi j'aime bien le thème, c'est même pour cela que j'installe les ROM Criskelo depuis un certain temps. Alors maintenant les goûts et les couleurs ...

Btw, les Divx passent plus depuis que j'ai fait l'install. Ca c'est chiant.

Message envoyé avec l'application Forum Frandroid

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aller je vais être gentil ^^

peux être un theme AOSP ^^

mais dites moi d'abord comment on la flash ?

Faut d'abord mettre la JVK depuis odin ? ou je peux direct la flasher depuis ma MIUI (1er galaxy S ) ou depuis ma Zen XWJS7 by sthippol ( 2eme GS )

Edited by jeremy
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aller je vais être gentil ^^

peux être un theme AOSP ^^

mais dites moi d'abord comment on la flash ?

Faut d'abord mettre la JVK depuis kies ? ou je peux direct la flasher depuis ma MIUI (1er galaxy S ) ou depuis ma Zen XWJS7 by sthippol ( 2eme GS )

Voila comment j'ai fait :

- Flash Odin de la JVK (avec pit re repartition),

- Flash d'un kernel root froyo (ex : SpeedMod),

- Install de la rom V17, puis update V18 dans la foulée.

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Salut,elle me branche bien celle là mais je me demande:

La non lecture des divx serait vraiment due à la modif de la ligne media quelque chose en true à la place de false ds le build pour une sombre histoire d'affichage de score quadrant?!c'est con si c'est ça...en plus j'ai cru comprendre que ça n'était plus modifiable ensuite(à moins de "reconstruire"la rom peut-être mais c du boulot)

En partant de la jvk stock,peut on la flasher(et flasher en général)par le recovery 3+CWM du chainfire?

Merci d'avance s'il est possible de m'eclairer!

Edited by bejda
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oui c est du a cette ligne ! Mais c est modifiable...

Il faut remettre editer build.prop et corriger "media.stagefright.enable-player=true" en "media.stagefright.enable-player=false"

Yes, merci, j'ajoute la procédure plus haut.

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Alors premier retour a chaud, rom super fluide, aucun lagfix activé, ça vaut pas grand chose surtout en 2.3 mais score quadrant 940 pour les curieux, aucun bug qui saute aux yeux et pas de problemes de led, je vais tester cette rom quelques jours et je ferais un retour plus complet ( je vais la torturer cette rom ^^ )

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qu'apporte le modem JP5?

Il est réputé économe. Je l'ai d'abord mis parce que j'avais des pb de bateries. Maintenant tout va bien, et j'ai laissé ce modem ...

Est ce que il y a le probleme de LED?

J'utilise maintenant NoLed ... Je ne sais pas s'il existe de kernel JVx avec BNL !?

Edited by nmeuret
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Ca va vite V24 en approche ;)

Faut le suivre ce Criskelo !!! Moi qui aime bien les ROMs qui bougent ...

UPDATE V24 installée : Le grand retour des animations Criskelo ! J'aime particulièrement celle de la barre de status !

Edited by nmeuret
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Moi j'utilise le kernel Voodoo... Et je pense flasher le modem JP5 après la mise à jour. Il parrait qu'il est carrément plus économique.

Edit : Je me suis rendu compte que je ne t'ai pas répondu pour le modem. :P J'utilise le JPK actuellement.

Edited by ParadiuS
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