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[ROM] [4.4.4 Nightlies officielles] Carbon Rom

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Hello tout le monde,

Je teste cette ROM car je voulais voir si j'avais la possibilité de flasher le kernel et le Tardis mod qui va bien, mais toujours pas...

Mon Nexus est allergique à Barome...

Sinon la ROM est plutôt mal, fluide, stable, etc...

Enjoy !


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harff , il y a le ThemeChooser tmobile .. ça sent les bugs lol

-- 24-02-2014

project android/
| Commit: 6ce2ee6 | Title: Track our ContactsProvider | By: Andros Rosa
| Commit: a0ed605 | Title: Track OmniRom PackageInstaller and Slims DownloadProvider | By: Myself5

project frameworks/base/
| Commit: 269c08b | Title: [1/2] Base: ActiveDisplay (rework interface) | By: Yanuar Harry

project packages/apps/Browser/
| Commit: b7bd1dd | Title: Revert "Browser: ES translations" | By: Michael Bestas

project packages/apps/CMFileManager/
| Commit: c1582c8 | Title: Revert "CMFM: ES translations" | By: Michael Bestas

project packages/apps/Calculator/
| Commit: a86a399 | Title: Revert "Calculator: ES translations" | By: Michael Bestas
| Commit: a80e1e4 | Title: Merge "Revert "Calculator: ES translations"" into cm-11.0 | By: Marco Brohet
| Commit: 87e45ea | Title: Revert "Calculator: IW translations" | By: Marco Brohet

project packages/apps/CarbonFibers/
| Commit: 7498bba | Title: [2/2] OmniGears: ActiveDisplay (rework interface) | By: Yanuar Harry

project packages/apps/DeskClock/
| Commit: ff0ca2b | Title: Revert "DeskClock: ES translations" | By: Michael Bestas
| Commit: c2c9dd5 | Title: Merge "Revert "DeskClock: ES translations"" into cm-11.0 | By: Marco Brohet

project packages/apps/LockClock/
| Commit: 565f85d | Title: Revert "LockClock: ES translations" | By: Michael Bestas
| Commit: 6478a58 | Title: Merge "Revert "LockClock: ES translations"" into cm-11.0 | By: Marco Brohet

project packages/apps/SamsungServiceMode/
| Commit: 510daa8 | Title: Revert "SamsungServiceMode: ES translations" | By: Michael Bestas
| Commit: 5029b76 | Title: Merge "Revert "SamsungServiceMode: ES translations"" into cm-11.0 | By: Marco Brohet

project packages/apps/VoicePlus/
| Commit: 4350c14 | Title: Revert "VoicePlus: ES translations" | By: Michael Bestas
| Commit: eaf9ea8 | Title: Merge "Revert "VoicePlus: ES translations"" into cm-11.0 | By: Marco Brohet
| Commit: 2d58cee | Title: Revert "VoicePlus: IW translation" | By: Marco Brohet
| Commit: 338454c | Title: VoicePlus: IW translations | By: Arthur Zamarin

project packages/providers/ContactsProvider/
| Commit: 6632779 | Title: Contacts provider: add fb sync | By: Lars Greiss

project vendor/tmobile/apps/ThemeChooser/
| Commit: f65e338 | Title: Revert "ThemeChooser: ES translations" | By: Michael Bestas
| Commit: 7ca7f61 | Title: Merge "Revert "ThemeChooser: ES translations"" into cm-11.0 | By: Marco Brohet

project vendor/tmobile/providers/ThemeManager/
| Commit: 7ca233c | Title: Revert "ThemeManager: ES translations" | By: Michael Bestas
| Commit: c53368e | Title: Merge "Revert "ThemeManager: ES translations"" into cm-11.0 | By: Marco Brohet
| Commit: 1b8ef39 | Title: Merge "ThemeManager: IW translations" into cm-11.0 | By: Marco Brohet

-- 23-02-2014

project android/
| Commit: 0481cc7 | Title: Track our own fw/av | By: winner00

project art/
| Commit: d68b504 | Title: Remove old fork-and-specialize API | By: Dave Platt

project bootable/recovery/
| Commit: c71a2af | Title: Revert "Don't return immediately from reboot commands." | By: Steve Kondik

project development/
| Commit: 150754f | Title: development: TRDS 3.0 and new theme engine preparation sdk support (3/4) | By: Lars Greiss

project device/lge/mako/
| Commit: a523092 | Title: audio_effects: Add stereowide effect | By: xplodwild

project frameworks/base/
| Commit: cd98f6d | Title: Merge "Custom lockscreen wallpaper [1/2]" into kk | By: Tylar Overturf
| Commit: 4be9497 | Title: fb: TRDS 3.0 and new theme engine preparation (1/4) | By: Lars Greiss

project frameworks/native/
| Commit: 7e0b1d9 | Title: Merge "native: TRDS 3.0 and new theme engine preparation (3/4)" into kk | By: Tylar Overturf

project hardware/qcom/keymaster/
| Commit: 87fb592 | Title: Merge branch 'kk' of git://codeaurora.org/platform/hardware/qcom/keymaster into cm-11.0 | By: Steve Kondik
| Commit: cb714c8 | Title: keymaster: Fall back to legacy shared library location | By: Steve Kondik
| Commit: d29c6e8 | Title: keymaster: Change module name | By: Steve Kondik

project packages/apps/CarbonFibers/
| Commit: 34edecf | Title: Merge "Custom lockscreen wallpaper [2/2]" into kk | By: Tylar Overturf

project packages/apps/InCallUI/
| Commit: 431f2db | Title: Merge "TRDS: Dark InCallUI" into kk | By: Ahmed Khalil

project packages/apps/Settings/
| Commit: 7a79438 | Title: Settings: TRDS 3.0 and new theme engine preparation (4/4) | By: Lars Greiss

project vendor/carbon/
| Commit: dfd1a59 | Title: Revert "Remove all D2's expect d2dcm and add d2lte unified variant" | By: arrrghhh

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oui c'est vrai , c'est stable ;)

nouvelle build dispo lien direct :  CARBON-KK-NIGHTLY-20140225-1127-mako.zip
j'avais pas fait attention , mais c'est sur là base 4.4.2 KVT49L :)

-- 25-02-2014

project android/
| Commit: 4b290c1 | Title: Track our own Gallery2 | By: winner00

project art/
| Commit: 92eb9ab | Title: Fix NewLocalRef, NewGlobalRef to handle cleared weak globals. | By: Mathieu Chartier

project bootable/recovery/
| Commit: 6c3cd5b | Title: nandroid: Allow tar backups of yaffs2 partitions | By: Michael Bestas
| Commit: d5c4302 | Title: clean up unused variables and fix compiler warnings | By: philz-cwm6

project external/koush/Superuser/
| Commit: a4b3c46 | Title: Superuser: ES translations | By: Lorenzo M
| Commit: 5e1af17 | Title: Merge "Superuser: ES translations" into cm-11.0 | By: Marco Brohet
| Commit: b5a0f3c | Title: Fix several compiler warnings | By: BILLyTheLiTTle
| Commit: c1a1eca | Title: Fix Trash icon/action bug | By: BILLyTheLiTTle
| Commit: de4b6c1 | Title: Create pop-up dialog for each application | By: BILLyTheLiTTle
| Commit: 4157a6a | Title: Greek translation for pop-up dialog | By: BILLyTheLiTTle

project frameworks/base/
| Commit: ece5bdc | Title: ActiveDisplay: Fix for flo and other devices | By: Andrew Dodd

project hardware/libhardware/
| Commit: ffa6b96 | Title: libhardware: Add audio power hint | By: Steve Kondik
| Commit: eaf76c0 | Title: libhardware: Define queriable attribute for max. WriteBack width | By: Tatenda Chipeperekwa

project hardware/qcom/audio-caf/
| Commit: 1ac0a7e | Title: mm-audio: Fix openmax encoder hang during flush | By: Gopikrishnaiah Anandan
| Commit: b674f2f | Title: audio: Increase the period size for USB audio | By: Pavan Chikkala
| Commit: 1a513f1 | Title: audio: Add support for AUXPCM BT | By: Pavan Chikkala
| Commit: 533fe41 | Title: hal: Remove extra checks for proprietary features | By: Steve Kondik
| Commit: 309c1d0 | Title: hal: Minor usb stability fix | By: Apoorv Raghuvanshi

project hardware/samsung/
| Commit: 6a29230 | Title: Merge "Fix crash on boot" into cm-11.0 | By: Daniel Hillenbrand

project hardware/ti/wlan/
| Commit: a2df1cf | Title: Use AOSP version of wpa_supplicant_lib | By: Michael Bestas

project libcore/
| Commit: 43a45c2 | Title: java7: Implement new Locale APIs. | By: Narayan Kamath

project packages/apps/BluetoothExt/
| Commit: 321e51d | Title: BluetoothExt: ES tranlations | By: Lorenzo M

project packages/apps/CMFileManager/
| Commit: 6030035 | Title: CMFM: ES translations | By: Lorenzo M

project packages/apps/DeskClock/
| Commit: 8ad7d59 | Title: DeskClock: ES translations | By: Lorenzo M
| Commit: 6e5614d | Title: DeskClock: Fix missed alarm notification flickering | By: Mao Jinlong

project packages/apps/Email/
| Commit: b0755e3 | Title: Email: Update IW translations | By: Arthur Zamarin

project packages/apps/LockClock/
| Commit: 6f2d460 | Title: LockClock: ES translations | By: Lorenzo M

project packages/apps/VoicePlus/
| Commit: 309831f | Title: VoicePlus: mark app name as untranslatable | By: Vladislav Koldobskiy
| Commit: 66825c5 | Title: VoicePlus: IN translations | By: Marco Brohet

project packages/wallpapers/PhaseBeam/
| Commit: 9fb18b3 | Title: PhaseBeam: IW translaions | By: Arthur Zamarin

project vendor/tmobile/apps/ThemeChooser/
| Commit: 36e8b1c | Title: ThemeChooser: ES translations | By: Lorenzo M
| Commit: 069ecf6 | Title: Merge "ThemeChooser: ES translations" into cm-11.0 | By: Marco Brohet

Edited by Orion7
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