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[ROM] Nikez Lente - Evervolv Kitkat 4.4.0 Pre-alpha 2 [26.11.13]

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bon je tente de tenter la version du 20 :)

Parce que la sinon pour info pour essayer d'améliorer mes pbs de surchauffe, je viens de démonter la bete pour glisser de la pate thermique entre la plaque du processeur et la feuille de cuivre de l'écran. Bon c'est pas mieux mais c'est pas pire.

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Lol j'avais fait la même chose que toi à l'époque mdr, prends ma version t'auras moins de soucis avec int

Modifié par DMBFR
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Vous vous compliquez la vie, avec le zip que je vous ai donné il suffisait de le mettre à la racine de la SD, démarre le Hboot du tel, qui repère tout seul le zip et qui demande si vous voulez le flasher, il n'y a plus qu'a sélectionner "y" pour yes et le tour est joué.


Pour la radio, j'utilisai Android Flasher.

C'est pour ça que je demandais :P


Sinon, pour le Hboot, vous faites bien comme ça :


1) Nandroid backup (ça mange pas de pain)

2) Verifier le MD5SUM du hboot.img

3) Flash HBOOT with your phone in fastboot mode (Back+POWER) -> 'fastboot flash hboot bravo_alphaspl.img' (change into the correct filename for the HBOOT you downloaded)

4) 'fastboot reboot-bootloader'

5) 'fastboot erase cache'

6) Boot recovery, wipe everything and restore.


Le point 5 est très important pour ne pas avoir de soucis.


ps: J'ai repris les infos du site Alpharev

Modifié par Syd Barrett
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Parce que le zip de DMBFR le fait le fastboot erase cache'

Comme je l'ai dit, si tu flash avec des commandes fastboot, c'est capital ^_^


Je fais les points 3, 4 et 6, mais j'aime vivre dangereusement


DMBFR > C'est bon avec ta version le tél arrive a redémarrer après reboot :)

Ok super!

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Bon mon tél galère a fond avec le script Int2Ext4 vu que ma SD n'est que classe 4.


DMBFR => vu que j'ai l'impression que tu touches au niveau de ces scripts, pourrais tu m'expliquer comment je peux basculer sur le script Int2Ext4+ (avec /data/data/ sur la nand)

Merci d'avance.

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Ah non tu te trompe, je ne "touche" pas, je cherche des trucs sur le net, je bidouille pour essayer d'obtenir se que je veux, à mon avis tu ne peux pas faire ça sinon le tel ne fonctionne pas, apparemment sur JB on ne peut pas faire comme on veut c'est surement pour ça que les concepteurs des ROM se sont cantonnés à A2SD, donc à force que chercher à droite à gauche la seul solution que j'ai trouvé et qui fonctionnait c'est ce INT2EXT4, qui m'a permis d'étendre la mémoire et de pouvoir installer ce que je veux, alors qu'avec AD2SDX que j'aimais bien sous GB, ne fonctionnait pas, j'ai testé mount2sd pareil etc... Quand j'ai réussi à avoir se que je voulais j'ai proposé aux gens ma petite solution pour les aider, mais la ROM c'est celle d'evervolv pas l mienne.


As-tu essayé les réglages dont j'ai parlé avec kernel tuner, avant de tout démonter? Parce que déjà avec ces réglages le tel réagit beaucoup mieux.


Je suis désolé mais je ne suis pas développeur, il y a des gens plus calé que moi sur ce forum, enfin s'ils en reste encore sur le desire.


Un peu plus sur INT2EXT4



Tiens je viens de trouver un nouveau fix pour la 4.22 (fixed int2ext4+ android faudra que je l'essai j'avais celui de la 4.21 jusqu’à présent, mouais bon ça à l'air d'être le même c'est la même date de création.


Je pense que tu peux ouvrir le fichier "40int2ext" avec wordpad et modifier ce qui t'intéresse, apparemment c'est en clair dedans, après reste à savoir si ça fonctionnera.

Modifié par DMBFR
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kernel tuner je n'ai pas dit d'overclocker le tel, on va juste l'utiliser pour liberer la ram et accélérer le transfert de la sd, on ne touchera rien au réglage du procs

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Plutôt que de garder les applications en mémoire. En modifiant l'OOM en agressivité.

ça permet de fermer les applis plus vite pour libérer de la mémoire.

Comme ça, le Desire utilise moins de RAM en même temps


C'est un gros résumé mais c'est à peu près ça.

On ne parle pas d'overclock comme l'a dit DMBFR


Après on n'est pas obligé de choisir le preset agressif, on peut prendre le modéré.

Après, c'est à chacun de voir.


Voilà. ++ :P


Perso moi, j'utilise "System Tuner" sur mon Nexus 4, et sur mon Desire j'utilisais "Kernel Tuner"

Il y a beaucoup pus de réglages avec "System Tuner" mais je le trouve un peu plus compliqué que "Kernel Tuner"

Modifié par Syd Barrett
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En suivant les consignes sur le thread XDA, j'ai remplacé le script INT2EXT4 de la rom version DMBFR par INT2EXT4+. Je pense que le souci venait que je faisais après un wipe Dalvik-cache avec le recovery et Dark Passenger explique que ca fait un bootloop et qu'il faut utiliser son script à la place.


Et au niveau fluidité du Desire, c'est le jour et la nuit, la ca rame plus du tout.


Du coup je vais pas tester Kernel Tuner de suite, j'y jetterais peut-etre un coup d'oeil plus tard au calme (ca fait 15 jours que j'ai un tel à moitié fonctionnel quelques heures par jour, meme si j'ai pas du manquer beaucoup d'appels :).


En tout cas je vous remercie encore pour le temps passé à m'aider et me conseiller. Je reviendrais vous demander conseil si je craque et que je décide de changer de tél.

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Ok je ferai quelques test avec INT2EXT4+, si c'est concluant je pourrait toujours mettre en ligne une ROM avec, à la place d'INT2EXT4. J'ai téléchargé les deux de toute façon. A moins que tu es modifié le script? Tu l'as installé avec le swap?

Par contre je comprends pas trop pourquoi ils font tous ce bins dnas le recovery, mount et compagnie, si je met le script directement dnas la ROM ça doit bien fonctionner.

Modifié par DMBFR
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Version 4.3:


Re: [ROM][PRE-ALPHA] Jelly Bean 4.3 - Pre-alpha 1 [11.08.13]

icon_post_target.gifby LaidbackNikez » Today, 12:51


I have now officially released 4.3! Please try it out, consider it a very very very very experimental release.

Evervolv Turba 3.3.0p1 is now released! Get it now at my website

Changelog and so forth is available through my website
Part of the Evervolv Team

I am not a human. I am a robot. I survive by consuming alcoholic beverages. Feed me.


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Tu as testé?

Il y a aussi une nouvelle version de la nightly en 4.22




Project: android/
3444b7a  manifest: remove Superuser
57373e2  manifest: switch to our broadcom/libbt
e69bcb9  manifest: Add EVUpdater app.
81a5e6f  manifest: use our bluedroid and opt/vcard repos

Project: bionic/
37e3fc2  linker: restore prelink support
adb5b0b  libgcc_compat: Introduce __aeabi_lasr for cortex-a9 and higher
bfd60b4  Fix assembler errors in generic arm strlen.c.
e116c3f  Remove redundant space within square brackets
a30869d  Rewrite memset for cortexa15 to use strd.
688df4e  Add missing branch in memcpy.S dst aligned case.
005f038  Update to latest cortexa15 memcpy code.
ac6fe27  Add new optimized strlen for arm.
5d6e7af  krait optimizations from caf

Project: build/
9919359  build: armv7-a-neon: set '-m' options for all variants
fa5cb83  Revert "build: Don't work around cortex-a8 issues when targeting a9 only"
a9ac0a9  build: Add support for extra kernel build variables
1306856  installclean: remove more stuff

Project: external/bluetooth/bluedroid/
62a9ee0  Support USB HCI
4d9d815  a2dp hw: adding a2dp tuning through bdroid_buildcfg.h
a7de4cc  libbt-hci: include bdroid_buildcfg.h from device repo
01daea4  a2dp: Set the default A2DP bitrate to high quality
b823bfe  Conditional compilation for 48KHz sample rate
eb47eb3  Bluetooth: btu_task must be started before preload request
cb26d4e  Bluetooth: Do not send packets to controller if ACL has been removed
c5122f9  Bluetooth: Fix Crash due to random Connection
46f8047  Bluetooth: Store bonded HID device info into NVRAM.
cb65ab6  Bluetooth: HID: Remove bond on connection failure
1c58e7a  Bluetooth: Setting authentication req to Low for Pointing devices.
f9eac57  Bluetooth: Allow reconnection from Host on paired HID Device.
dd64d5b  Bluetooth: SAP: Add 16 digit authentication support for SAP
1ca8363  Bluetooth: SAP: Add SAP SDP record to the Bluedroid stack
d39e884  HID: Establish Interrupt Channel when Control channel is configured
01798d0  HCI: Avoid sending HCI commands while Authentication
2f680ec  Bluetooth: Enabled the WBS in BT stack.
fe87af4  FTP: Register FTP SDP record.
e89b4ce  MAP: Register MAP SDP record.
4b7ec74  btc: Enable support to send HCI raw cmd read remote ver. to stack.
8fdb45b  Bluetooth: Add BTC support in Bluedroid.
1cb0dae  Bluetooth: Support to send HCI raw command to stack.
2f070d0  Bluetooth: Store bonded HID device info into NVRAM.
2fad4ef  Bluetooth: reduce ringer timeout to 3 seconds.
6b8334e  Bluetooth: Generalize bluedroid for smd and uart based soc's.
6f3728a  Bluetooth: Change Sampling Frequency to 48 kHz
7eef9aa  SDP: Fix for SDP query in certification test with Invalid PduSize
53de41b  Bluetooth: Added HFP features bitmask function.
b7ea70c  Do not abort bonding if link disconnects during SDP after Auth cmplt

Project: external/su/
49e1b23  refresh with su from cm-10.2

Project: external/zlib/
616a9a1  zlib: Neon optimization for inflate_fast()

Project: frameworks/av/
e0b51e1  libstagefright: support media-legacy usage
1b754e3  libstagefright: Add legacy LPAPlayer
ab6092a  More ifdefs for ICS audio blobs support
c5ac044  frameworks/av: update inclusion
0688f14  frameworks/av: rendering statistics for Stagefright
d6af7da  Camera: Add support for ZSL burst mode.
92f609a  Camera: Enable Histogram feature.
ef08206  libvideoeditor: use vWidth and vHeight for buffer allocation
b57e3c9  libstagefright: post video events dynamically
4799e8a  libstagefright: Fix crash in media server mpeg2 playback.
14a91e9  libstagefright: Flush the pending buffers when EOS is received
4c2b402  frameworks/av: Fix for failure in CTS MediaRecorderTest cases
8eccfce  audioflinger: Fix monkey crash in audioflinger set parameter.
757f436  Indicate client process during streaming rebuffering
1639be2  frameworks/av: Add support for Quality Of Experience (QOE) events in MediaPlayer
a7378f0  audio: update mFrameCount to fix audio playback failure
6ce5e05  media, audioflinger: check for divide by zero possibilities and err
f58e665  libstagefright: Fix for crash in sound recorder during device switch
dde007c  libstagefright: Use 64 bit offsets only when needed.
9b30138  libstagefright: Query AudioSystem for suggested record mute duration
4807e4b  libstagefright: Fix for OMXCodec::read() getting blocked
109bbb6  framewroks/av:Fix ANR at the end of video recording
4a281e3  Add checks before removing an active buffer in OMXNodeInstance
4676d26  libmedia : Add a NULL pointer check
775b7e9  stagefright: Remove assert for corrupt clips for AMRNB
066bea5  stagefright: Fix to play a specific Mp4 clip due to SYNCH_LOST_ERROR.
906a9e2  libstagefright: Clean up conditional for tunnel mode
8e6d3c1  libstagefright: Squashed commit of QC media features from CAF
7c78052  libmedia: Fix crashes on non-QC hardware
5c12f15  audio: Squashed commit of LPA and Tunnel feature from CAF
44fe2f1  Add support for ICS audio blobs
18d90d9  fm: fix openRecord prototype
65d146f  Remove ICS getSessionId constructor
6d57bb5  Add some Samsung camera color effects
e45891f  Fix includes for media-caf
b17c70d  libstagefright: [Reworked] Fix incorrectness nPortIndex value for QueryCodec
c9c9454  Camera: Add more htc parameters
e6f7c48  camera: add more htc parameters
340fb09  libstagefright: Fix a video lag bug after audio reached EOS.
94c8f62  libstagefright: fix indefinate loop in QueryCodec
9636c38  Revert "libstagefright: Fix incorrectness nPortIndex value for QueryCodec"
90c9f29  camera: fixup htc params
3c8ccd0  [WIP]: camera: add parameters for htc cameras
1af15d5  camera: Don't segfault if we get a NULL parameter
c5b8c76  camera: Add a few missing legacy camera params.
22ce409  libmedia: Add ICS AudioStreamType constructor
768fbd2  OMXCodec: Re-implement requires-flush-before-shutdown quirk
0872b79  Camera parameters for Samsung's qcom based legacy devices
f166efc  Silence error when DASH player isn't present
35f453a  MediaScanner: Ignore dirs with .noscanandnomtp
76385d7  libstagefright: Fix incorrectness nPortIndex value for QueryCodec The query index is wrong, it will make a death loop in my ME722 when get resource thumbnail for MPEG4 video.
dce66ed  libstagefright: Check for duration > 0 to avoid DivideByZero crash
61e737e  libmediaplayerservice: Add new player for DASH
4492e79  fmradio: use caf naming
5d1711c  Camera: Enable QC Camera feature set.
a45843f  FM Radio: Add support for FM Radio in Android
400827c  Video Encoder: Enable Ducati h464 encoder profile change
656d3fb  camera: add cityid parameter and getInt64 stub for t0lte camera hal
2c2f52a  libmedia: implement samsungs isSeparatedStream, built audioparameter
69e4426  audioflinger: Allow mixed use of JB A2DP HALs and ICS policy
b9768c4  Fix the build on non-QCOM
acc8f36  camera: add power mode support
2a63571  stagefright: add support for samsung proprietary omx
8fc9632  exynos4: Part of Netflix fix
1dd9ed9  stagefright: OMXCodec: Re-enable OMX.TI.Video.encoder's quirks
c9065eb  camera: add ISO3200 and ISO6400
9fb9104  libstagefright: Add support to seek to zero
cffcaaf  WifiDisplay: Add an HDCP toggle
fb59c85  camera: Ignore CAF_RESTART callbacks
56ac292  libstagefright: exynos4: set proper eColorFormat
009e0a1  Camera: Qcom parameters partial rebase
a510b0d  omx: exynos4: bring inline with jellybean
38bfa49  libmedia: add pre jb-4.2.1 signature for AudioSystem::getDeviceConnectionState
f97c8cb  exynos4: libstragefright: add support for samsung colorformat/omx/mfc
ee0d003  mediaserver: instantiate SecTVOutService for samsung tvout
b77ef41  camera: add iso parameter
5173b85  camera: add parameters for samsung cameras
b4161c5  CameraService: Add compatibility for OMAP ICS blobs
a6f48d9  Camera Service: Change max number of cameras to 3
e81a67c  libmedia: Add ICS audiotrack constructor
469fa10  libmedia: Add ICS constructor for getOutput

Project: frameworks/base/
b655231  Theme fixups
3efcf29  ThemeUtils: Retain the original package name in themed UI context
f670b55  Fix theme provider crashing for non-primary user.
c5fc69d  Reduce total number of background apps for low memory devices
3bd9cac  UsbService: LegacyUSB initialize mDeviceManager sooner
5031506  Telephony: fix typo
3547533  Fixing crash in PhoneNumberUtils getNumberFromIntent
cbf31b5  framework: packageinstaller :fix logical error in size calculation
1c945ff  frameworks/base: vectorize Bitmap operations
4eedd18  Fixed a leaked partial wakelock in AbstractThreadedSyncAdapter.
34ccf95  Fix incorrect fragment animation used for hiding fragments
3d4291c  Revert "Add ability to copy text in GTalk"
198c4ff  Bluetooth: SAP: Add framework changes to support SAP
0c4d4f3  Fix MAP SDP record generation [2/3].
ef7fee5  Bluetooth MAP (Message Access Profile) Upstream Changes (3/3)
41dcf46  Ported: Bluetooth Message Access Profile (MAP) from CM9
14dfac4  remove DCHSPAP from java doc
2e6c914  frameworks: base: hide DCHSPAP
9c91fbb  fw: Fix notification service
2ee8754  fw: hide FLAG_FORCE_LED_SCREEN_OFF
c0a857c  NotificationManagerService: Fix notification led bug (Part 1/2)
98fcd9c  Phone: Sprint MWI Quirk: Phantom message wait indicator workaround (2/2)
3d6c9bf  TelephonyProperties: Alpha ID fix for OPEN_CHANNEL and other p-commands (1/2)
23566b6  telephony: set additional audioparameters for incall audio (1/2)
ec6b372  add bools to overlay for Samsung CDMA SMS decoding hacks
61360a1  Telephony: Add getLteOnGsmMode() method (1/2)
5ae1452  Frameworks & SystemUI - additional DC-HSPAP support
2c91717  ServiceState: add support for DCHSPAP
a22861c  core and telephony: Additional HSPAP support
fbf299c  Samsung STK support
b8208ab  Fix RIL_UNSOL_CDMA_PRL_CHANGED constant typo (1/2)
49baf29  BatteryController: fix plug detect

Project: frameworks/native/
4e249d1  surfaceflinger: enable EGL_NEEDS_FNW for qcom legacy
ac90f79  hax: Split the exynos4/tegra legacy code paths
ee61c12  libgui: Bring back support for mHeap-based screenshots
3cd6608  libgui: Add pre-MR2-compatible symbol for setPosition
5a4a8ba  native: fix mis-merge
240554f  sf: Fix DISPLAY_VIRTUAL ifdef
22cf43f  libutils: refbase: jellybean mr1 compat
bdda634  Add a missing QCOM_BSP ifdef
7ac3760  surfaceflinger: Add QCOM_HARDWARE ifdefs
743cc74  surfaceflinger: Fix a couple of mergefails
17809c1  surfaceflinger: Update support for hwc < 1.0
b467301  samsung: add support for tvout and yamahaplayer services
8020eee  servicemanager: Allow tegra audio to register as a service
cafaa37  provide overrides for hwui memory limits for xxhdpi phones
fcbddb4  Abort surface composition if hw surface is invalid
0af816f  fix mem leak on error handling
f138eab  Add heap configuration for 1080p phones with 2048m
91250d7  native: add flag to disable legacy sensors fusion
4134a0f  build/ Revert AOSP heapgrowthlimit change from 64 to 96
4d5cac7  SurfaceFlinger: Removal of NO_RGBX_8888 flag for OMAP3
c35d532  sensorservice: Add legacy sensors fusion.
5779ac0  SurfaceComposerClient: bring back getDisplayWidth, Height & Orientation
52461eb  FM Radio: Add support for FM Radio in Android
6724791  sensordevice: Dummy ALS: Solve fortified libc warning
9fa60c0  sensors: Add dummy light sensor
98f9a78  ui/sf: Add support for exynos HDMI
efe6171  Add setOrientation back
0f61ead  dumpstate: Squash fixes from CM 10.0
f51d461  Revert "remove support for HWC < 1.0"
424cd96  binder: Add MemoryHeapBaseIon
f245989  surfaceflinger: odd hw rotation (90/270) patch for swapping width/height
c8234cc  DisplayDevice: Backwards compatibility with old EGL
0f057cb  Sensor: Add RotationVectorSensor2
dee4b6a  libui: exynos4: apply FIMC usage flag on format HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YCbCr_420_SP_TILED
b229b2a  GraphicBuffer: exynos4: set FIMC1 usage bit on samsung specific formats
5179a29  ui: exynos4: getphys is common
6965eb0  surfaceflinger: Reimplement hwrotation
d002bb1  libgui: Add ICS/MR0-compatible client::createSurface constructors
14d82ce  Revert "Revert "Compatibility work around for bad graphics driver dependency.""
a22ed4f  exynos4: ui: define USAGE_HW_FIMC1 to support gralloc
5b2cc41  exynos4: getphys implementation on buffermanager for samsung omx
447d137  Revert "get rid of MemoryHeapPmem"
f6e211b  Configure dalvik heap parameters for low memory devices
3412f73  Pick up GLES wrapper libraries from the correct path
0a5ae7f  sf: Refactoring of Virtual display to HWC
437ea70  Fix crash on execution of CTS DisplayTest cases
fbaee73  Sensors: Fix the mLock dead lock when enable sensor fail
f938be2  Telephony(MSIM): Add support for MultiSim.
11f03fb  sf: Override presentation layer with ext_only layer.
3050e93  libgui: Add support to update buffer geometry.
d81892c  Add support for custom buffer sizes.
56d19dd  servicemanager: Add listen service to the service table
a65608a  Merge UDC changes from Perforce
04de336  GC triggering performance optimizations
ff01ba4  SurfaceFlinger: Add support for virtual display
c87f0f8  frameworks/native: Add support for custom layers in Surfaceflinger

Project: frameworks/opt/telephony/
594fe37  telephony: DataConnection: support old RILs
58083e3  RIL: fix signal for legacy gsm devices
f802244  Work around for invalid AppType on legacy gsm devices
806805a  Revert "Telephony: Forward port National data roaming and make it optional (1/2)"
c0bd02a  telephony: Revert commit: Mms auto-retrieval (2/3): framework
a9b382a  Revert "Update the SMS sending limit instantly (1/2)"
ccafb5d  telephony: Remove sms middleware.
fc609c0  Revert "SMS Broadcast result receiver fix:"
ed91408  Samsungqualcommril: fix parser
d7e84dd  Update all CM radio code for the current API
7b04982  SamsungQualcommRIL: Add Operators class
082b5bc  Fix RIL_UNSOL_CDMA_PRL_CHANGED constant typo (2/2)
0797705  SamsungQualcommRIL: fix HD voice
b8df474  SamsungQualcommRIL: add more carrier numbers
1c37d0a  SamsungQualcommRIL: fix showing gsm operator numbers.
ef61f36  SamsungQualcommRIL: always convert hex to int.
ae78785  SamsungQualcommRIL: fix passing isgsm flag
cd143d0  SMS Broadcast result receiver fix: Fix bug where sentIntents is pulled from the wrong bundle key.
47712d0  Revert "PhoneProxy: when using v6 or greater ril make sure current phone type isnt GSM"
af06916  Refactor SMS Middleware and SMS Send path.
8595cc4  SamsungExynos4RIL: cleanup for use with opensource libril
2934e19  Store phone blacklist in content provider (1/4)
abae5e7  CallTracker: Add additional check for pendingMO to verify that a dial is happening and we are expecting a call to appear when repeated polling of GET_CURRENT_CALLS.
11e0766  Revert "CallTracker: Add delay to reduce cpu load"
57f67b4  CallTracker: Add delay to reduce cpu load
5e0983b  PhoneProxy: when using v6 or greater ril make sure current phone type isnt GSM
06dcba0  CallTracker: Add back-off and retry toggle to getCurrentCalls
3dba658  Add SMS Middleware layer.
769f93c  SamsungQualcommRIL: support google play edition blobs
c4cfa94  HTCQualcommRIL: handle more unsolicited states
0c5a4d9  HTCQualcommRIL: optionally ignore IccCard states greater than 2
5d2cd80  SamsungQualcommRIL: support exynos RIL radio states.
aee7b82  SamsungQualcommRIL: fix errors and replaces it with known values
a8dd7a0  HTCQualcommRIL: clean up unused functions and responses
61406f1  SamsungQualcommRIL: evaluate samsungDriverCall in responseCallList()
fdddaed  SamsungQualcommRIL: fix race condition when starting phone type.
cbe7c3f  SamsungQualcommRIL: use the advantage of static type.
df7c34d  ril: Add Samsung-specific unsolicited commands
3b838b6  SamsungQualcommRIL: fix logic order
873f5a8  SamsungQcomRIL: New class and get rid of old and outdated codes
c38bc05  Fix a typo bug.
06519f3  RIL: Correct the RIL_REQUEST_DIAL api missmatch
757cd69  frameworks telephony - add DCHSPAP value
4bacfdf  HTCQualcommRIL: re-add force LTE modes
f93cdea  HTCQualcommRIL: remove unused responseIccCardStatus function
1196b35  Revert "libril: HTC8960RIL: add flag to force CDMA+LTE network mode"
fad8882  HTCQualcommRIL: allow skipping of initial radio power off message
e17912c  HTCQualcommRIL: adaptable signal strength format
492c365  HTCQualcommRIL: squashed set of updates
c70b94e  telephony: Remove SamsungQualcommD2RIL
6f8007b  SamsungQualcommUiccRIL: fix responseCallList for v7 RIL
1b90606  Revert " - add DCHSPAP"
bfdfa12 - add DCHSPAP
eacffc5  Allow disabling radio with property
e243626  RIL: Add compatibility with qcom's DSDS
aeacbb9  RIL: Add SEMC 7x30 RIL
f0ddc6a  PhoneProxy: fix key.length > 31 characters
97cabb4  PhoneProxy: Add a prop to enable always creating of CDMALTEPhone
a34c63e  Revert "PhoneProxy: On v6 or greater RIL, when LTE_ON_CDMA is TRUE,"
1e7f0df  QualcommSharedRIL: allow skipping pin/puk count
4792c9f  telephony: add SamsungQualcommM3RIL for samsung m3 devices
bca8506  Qualcomm LTE RILs: do not make mLteRsrp negative
785f7a2  SamsungExynos4RIL: fix emergency dialing
61ce07c  Update the SMS sending limit instantly (1/2)
bc36886  LGEQualcommUiccRIL: New subclass to deal with the latest qcom RIL
417458b  telephony: Support for Virgin Mobile MMS
5343f09  PhoneProxy: On v6 or greater RIL, when LTE_ON_CDMA is TRUE,
b929c2c  Telephony: Correct the typo in
f428be2  Reset data stall watch dog after doing recovery
fa2c24a  SamsungExynos4RIL: provide a fallback solution if signalstrength is invalid
db8816c  SamsungExynos3RIL: fix unable to swtich 2G/3G while connected to wifi
75d2663  SamsungExynos4RIL: Allow signal strength to be handled for GB modems
430d47e  Mms auto-retrieval (2/3): framework
4514f3f  CatService: Alpha ID fix for OPEN_CHANNEL and other p-commands (2/2)
7cc1db8  SamsungExynos4RIL: fix signal strength
f657c25  SamsungExynos3RIL: don't send IccStatus notification on CDMA devices
d44895a  Fix restoring network mode preference on reboot
3be8945  Make ringing audio focus handling work with 'Speed up audio on MT call' flag enabled.
e670d6e  Telephony: Unregister from UiccController when disposed
e7fb25c  Telephony: Start DataStallAlarm only on Data CONNECTED state
0e4a524  telephony: set additional audio parameters for incall audio (2/2)
2d562bd  SMSDispatcher: Add option for sending pseudo-multipart SMSes
00bd78d  Some changes added to compile and run with Java 6 and Java 7.
aa6c52e  d2ril: change readint offset of one
d698e8a  SamsungCDMAQualcommRIL: add icc handler to run when radio on
5fa827c  Fixed FC on calling unregisterReceiver with non registered receiver arg.
b09b929  Fix ringing audio focus handling.
c08256a  Set audio mode after accepting the call
63bfa73  telephony: CdmaServiceStateTracker: Get cdma sub. when ruim ready.
04c728a  Allow registering for supplementary service notifications.
2c3b1a8  Add notification type constants.
e17a7f9  SamsungQualcommCDMARIL : fix cdma/lte signal strength implimentation
844111f  CdmaLteServiceStateTracker: simultaneous voice and data support on CDMA (e.g: SVDO)
065dd13  SamsungQcomCDMARIL: Add support for SIM.
1fd6a63  Telephony: Forward port National data roaming and make it optional (1/2)
6cbccb7  RIL: add HTC radio state and RIL class
2210f6e  Prevent NPE on some CDMA devices
844bb01  Samsung STK: Fix SMS-based STK
fc45f27  patch responseSignalStrength
0ed7210  core and telephony: Additional HSPAP support
db939b0  Samsung STK: Add USSD support
e7111f6  Add Samsung STK support (telephony part)
424c865  fix for Samsung CDMA incoming SMS bug
9ed3196  Telephony: Add getLteOnGsmMode() method (2/2)
ca3962c  telefony: Custom RIL for Sony 8x60 baseband
d34549b  RIL: Add SamsungCDMAQualcommRIL
205a901  telephony: Add custom QC RILs from CM10
5ff7389  SamsungExynos3RIL: buffer CAT Proactive Command
dc4e9df  SamsungExynos4RIL: fixup radio states, notify on PIN-unlock
29f045b   RIL for Samsung v6 RIL CDMA devices, based on SamsungRIL.
550448d  SamsungExynos4RIL: set number of elements returned from QAN response
241652a  RIL: Underp DataCall
8c14bef  Telephony: Support for LTE network modes
f822c02  Telephony: Look for CSS indicator for voice+data
f478f43  Initialize RIL with the correct CDMA subscription mode setting
9824462  Allow a device to include its own RIL subclass
301196a  telephony: add SamsungExynos3RIL
6db524c  RIL: squashed support for old RIL
a59c406  telephony: add SamsungExynos4RIL class
8d0f918  telephony: Reintroduce the old ICS RadioStates
dba8c39  telephony: Use reflection to create command interface (RIL class)
c8c9af0  RIL: Make RIL subclassable

Project: frameworks/opt/vcard/
8370926  Allow clients to use alternative name ordering.

Project: hardware/broadcom/libbt/
e84b1da  libbt: Add support for board-specific configuration

Project: hardware/libhardware/
def1ed3  hwcomposer: Add HWC_BLIT compositiontype value
14f2bfb  libhardware: Add QCOM_HARDWARE ifdefs
34f1908  Revert "Remove remnants of HWC 0.x"
5c8d376  Add psc field to AGpsRefLocationCellID struct
45f434d  libhardware: Enable broadcast stream for audio hardware with SAMSUNG_STE
4df9801  Add camera parameters for htc evo 3D. (2/2)
ba9c99d  lights: Adding keypad alt/shift LED light IDs
669bcda  libhardware: Remove unused sourceTransform field
6117d36  FM Radio: Add support for FM Radio in Android
2cf803e  exynos4: gralloc: add camera and nonecache usage
9eaad9d  Extend ICS_AUDIO_BLOB back-compat to the 4.2 API
115c8dc  power: Add POWER_HINT_CPU_BOOST
5ef5e5b  gralloc: added exynos4 specific usage bits
41735f8  hwcomposer: Add sourceTransform to hwc_layer_t
eec3d65  libhardware: Load the MPQ HAL for the MPQ8064 target
0c2f320  hardware: To enable FM add set volume functions
558026e  hardware/libhardware: Add APIs to support ICS LPA session
091a33e  Add support for ICS audio blobs
dec6366  hardware: Add an ifdef to disable id match check
3485b53  Enable native HAL tests to work for camera3 devices
e29d6f6  libhardware: deprecate POWER_HINT_VIDEO_ENCODE/_DECODE
f2683f9  hwc: Add enumeration to support virtual display
763c68d  Bluetooth: SAP: Header files changes to support SAP on Bluedroid
bc8f39c  Bluetooth: Added function prototype for codec.
b7f0a40  libhardware: Add key for FM volume
067b71c  Bluetooth: Added new prototype of HFP feature bitmask.
e869d3c  libhardware: header files to support listen feature.
d4b7a5d  libhardware: Enable MMAP interface in USB Audio HAL
27ba0dc  libhardware: Disable rotation animation on External
2bdbad6  Add gralloc_perform enums definitions
38977ed  libhardware: Add allocSize hook function.
052ae24  libhardware: Add APIs to support DirectTrack
2f06131  audio: Add QCOM feature support for frame size
62bef86  Adding a Property for proxy state
ea417d2  Adding Video encode/decode enums
d4d5b98  libhardware: Add QCOM string parameters

Project: hardware/libhardware_legacy/
baafd1b  libhardware_legacy: change DVFS stub dependency
113b699  wifi: add support for semcosh nvram
ec38e3d  Add ifdefs for QCOM audio features
c9c4705  audio_policy: Add EVRCB & EVRCWB formats for msm7x27a
b2bd7e5  wifi: add a new "loading" state
eeab3b1  qcom-fm: audio: add support for FM feature
a1b747b  wifi: add suport for WIFI_EXT_MODULE
bbaefe5  fmradio: cleanup QCOM_FM_ENABLED/STE_FM defs and ifdef
70677d6  STE_FMRDIO:enable STE_FM radio
75eb64c  audio policy :Added EVRC and QCELP for 7x30 HAL compilation
20d015b  audio_policy: Fix volumes for ICS blob compat
92a8d3b  wifi: fix samsung wifi logic
4563713  wifi: Add support for AP module args
43214e3  wifi.c: allow devices to specify driver delay
8889b55  wifi: support adding p2p0 when starting wpa_supplicant
35827f0  wifi: Choose correct nvram file on samsung hardware
7ccceb0  power: Add DVFS stub
b61b173  hardware_legacy: allow alternative vibrator implementations
c6c5158  Add support for ICS audio blobs
4832d9c  libhardware_legacy: Add support for incall music delivery
7a62985  libhardware_legacy: Add support for FM feature.
df4ae01  Dolby changes for CAF AudioPolicyManager UDC support
8595dd7  libhardware_legacy: Add support for DirectTrack
a874118  libhardware_legacy: Add QCOM flags, devices and channels

Project: hardware/qcom/display/
023bdc9  utilize TARGET_USES_QCOM_BSP

Project: hardware/qcom/media/
e7d0c48  media: Use cm/caf ifdef
b3fca5c  media: let any qcom device use this repo
b3e1b10  media: Compensate for alternate display variant

Project: packages/apps/Bluetooth/
638705b  Update MAP code from upstream.
7fa8e61  Bluetooth: Update italian translation
9eb34d0  Fix MAP SDP record generation [3/3].
bfc70a4  Bluetooth: German translation
ade50a8  Added support for Filter parameter for PBAP function PullPhoneBook
84df74b  Fix MAP accept threads sometimes spinning endlessly.
299f1c9  Bluetooth: TR translations
da16aa4  Bluetooth: NB translation
3640a0c  Bluetooth: Simplified Chinese Translations
05e31c2  Bluetooth: DA translation
8ec4153  Fix crash during BT shutdown
8760393  Bluetooth: NL translations
318b03b  Bluetooth : move CM strings in cm_resources.xml
0aa7209  Bluetooth: Update italian translation
be6058c  Bluetooth: AF translation
38ee508  Bluetooth: PT-BR update translations
b14d776  Bluetooth : FR translation
6339759  Bluetooth: Refactor default translations
d95198e  Allow sending/receiving of APK files over bluetooth
054fb7a  Bluetooth: ES translations
3e34780  Added missing translation
94bf090  Bluetooth: Reorganize Greek translations
e351ffd  Bluetooth : reorganize and add french translation
768797c  Accidentally removed bugfix in BluetoothMasObexServer
3fd97fc  handleCpbsCommand was incorrectly sending two responses which broke phonebook sync with Audi 2G MMI
87fc1ba  Leading whitespace removed.
54ce8de  Bluetooth: Update Greek translations
1a7621e  Bluetooth: Dutch translations
dc999fa  Czech: merged from CM10, fixed typo
0c97952  Bluetooth: Hebrew translation updates
bb6e38f  Bluetooth: Update values
5024242  Bluetooth: Simplified Chinese Translations
f3b4d17  Gábor Sári added hungarian translations for strings_map
cc54160  PT-BR: Update Translations
d0afa22  BT_MAP: Initial German translation
091d449  Bluetooth: Hebrew translation update
cb93e65  Bluetooth MAP (Message Access Profile) Upstream Changes (1/3)
304086a  Bluetooth: Update Greek translations
c92dfac  Always follow the user's preferred contact display name format.
804f798  es_ES: Added CM translations
310018e  Fix build warnings
97cbdec  Bluetooth: Dutch translations
9b46327  Czech: fixet national quotation marks
79ec04b  Czech: revised and completed translation, changed length of too long string
a84419c  32 bit int shifted by 36 bits at BluetoothMasObexServer.getUint32BigEndian
249cf07  Bluetooth MAP profile fix
a45b394  Improved Finnish translation for the bluetooth app
c72c1a6  Bluetooth: Updated italian translation
e3b9655  Ported: Bluetooth Message Access Profile (MAP) from CM9
60f8bb9  Bluetooth: Uighur - Remove obsolete translation entries
2b9c63a  Fix Issue 5810: Bluetooth: Uighur language
cecce18  Accept all mimetypes for inbound bluetooth file transfers
deb6e09  Bluetooth: Dutch translations
bff3e8f  bluetooth: updated german translations
7d85745  Bluetooth: Fix translatables
0f8186a  Bluetooth: Add support to Receive/Send OPP file with size greater than an int can hold
86bb6c3  Clean up file when file transfer is aborted by remote/local device
e09ab51  Bluetooth: OPP Update progress in worker thread
fd363e2  Bluetooth: Proper Connection with multiple Headsets
c7452cd  Bluetooth:Aquire a wakelock to bring the display up.
37e7cf8  Bluetooth: Setting bluetooth.isEnabled on BT state change
644d778  Bluetooth: Add docx and xlsx format support.
b38ef0b  Bluetooth: Add send file information before retransmission
4fe0af0  Bluetooth: SAP: Add SAP high security support to Bluetooth APP
fc0451a  Bluetooth: Enabling WBS feature in BT app.
3d6d951  Bluetooth: Allow the HFP app to set features.
cc74698  ignore invlaid play position update from remote control client.

Project: packages/apps/EVToolbox/
74208eb  Toolbox: Import superuser
eba4b34  EVToolbox: Let's change things up again
380ef31  EVToolbox: User interface redesign.

Project: packages/apps/EVUpdater/

Project: packages/apps/Phone/
f043a3f  Phone : Dialpad settings
fcd8d2c  Phone: Sprint MWI Quirk: Phantom message wait indicator workaround
c8159d8  NotificationMgr: Force led notification even if screen off
8e9539b  Remove hard-coded CDMA roaming mode restrictions.
b6c850f  Support additional LTE network modes

Project: packages/apps/Settings/
cf4a93a  Setings: Update toolbox class name & add Updater

Project: system/core/
dce99c5  Explicitly add the theme manager's AID to fs config
947cd76  init: call sysinit from here
531cb6c  audio: Add support tunnel mode recording
5c7eae8  Camera: Adds meta data message and commands
1eff1ea  Do not add default route during ifc_configure
662e6c2  init: Allow basic environment variable expansion in env assignment
719270c  Camera: Extend few data structures for QCom features.
cc7a376  system/core: Add tunnel format frame size
a914778  system/core: New stream type and flag for incall music delivery
feb5b07  Remove QCOM_BSP from here for now

Project: system/vold/
fadc41f  Revert "Revert "vold: allow override of MAX_PARTITIONS for devices with > 4 partitions""

Project: vendor/ev/
5abba62  ev.rc: add the su daemon
e3cb123  ev: move sysinit to primary init script
b517b7b  ev: Add EVUpdater to builds
5045069  ev: update apn configs per cm
273232e add d2tmo support

Euh j'ai pas tout compris, je viens de l'installer je n'ai pas l'appli photo??

Modifié par DMBFR
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je viens d'installer la 4.3, bien entendu j'ai mis int2ext4+, on ne change pas une équipe qui gagne lol.


Par contre comme la dernière nightly pas d'appli photo???

Modifié par DMBFR
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Oui c'est ce que j'ai constaté aussi.


Sinon je me suis aussi aperçu concernant la Nightly du 20/07, que si la 3G n'est pas activée on ne reçois pas d'avertissement lorsque quelqu'un nous envoi un MMS et il n'est plus possible de le recevoir enuite.

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Je viens de mettre à jour le premier post. Et j'ai remis des liens valides.

J'avais pas fait attention qu'il y en avait plein qui ne fonctionnait plus.

Donc, ça devrait aller mieux maintenant, et pis c'est un peu mieux organisé ??


Dites moi s'il y a encore des soucis :P


@DMBFR > tu pourrais me redonner les liens pour le Hboot JB de roalex.

Je parle te tes zip à flasher en mode booloader (fastboot), merci

Je les mettrais aussi dans le premier post

Sinon, je peux aussi les faire, tu as juste remplacer le fichier hboot.img dans un zip PB99IMG ??

Modifié par Syd Barrett
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Ah sur la nightly 4.3 d'aujourd'hui, retour de l'appareil photo, je l'ai installé sur le mien ça fait comme les débuts de la 4.2 petit bug sur l'aperçu avant de prendre la photo, mais pour le moment ça ne me la fait que la première fois où j'ai ouvert l'appli.

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