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[ROM] 4.2.2 Port for Fly 443/Wiko Cink Peax/Intex Aqua Wonder (Fully Working)

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  Le 15/09/2013 à 16:42, pratikmore a dit :

soon you will get ota updates for MIUI...

That's a good news :-) the ota update will work with the first miui version or only with your last version ?

Envoyer depuis mon Cink Peax sous MIUI

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Hi guys,


Using beta 8 QUS1: nice, fluid, like it but same problem FC during call, FC phone.apk, freeze of the phone during call with bluetooth paired speaker. Not everytime but find that to complicated for a daily use in my car. Bad gps fix for me


Miui pratikmore : wow, thanks for your port, so great to have a so good plateform for our phone, same problem for root application and norooted to, greenify fc when click on +, whatsapp when clicking on new message. Expect that, i prefer your rom and stay on it ;) I prefer your gps fix.



Thanks guy, will try the gps on the sea, without agps this week ! see u

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J'aime cette rom (beta 8  QUS1) mais le signal GPS est très mauvais. Est-il possible de faire quelque chose ?


I love this rom (beta 8 QUS1 ) but the GPS signal is very bad. Is it possible to do something ?

Thank you

Modifié par legis
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  Le 15/09/2013 à 21:25, Nicolas62880 a dit :

Bonjour , peut -on avoir des screen shot svp ?

Et où en est la ROM, toujours en bêta ? Merci d'avance

En beta par le nom, mais pleinement fonctionnel 99.8%.  :P




  Le 16/09/2013 à 00:27, legis a dit :

J'aime cette rom (beta 8  QUS1) mais le signal GPS est très mauvais. Est-il possible de faire quelque chose ?


I love this rom (beta 8 QUS1 ) but the GPS signal is very bad. Is it possible to do something ?

Thank you


Perso, j'ai posé un peu d'aluminium sur l'antenne et ca a suffit pour fixé en 10-15 sec sur cette rom.

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for gps in miui u can test this files just change this in rom, this files from my rom basic at 6589 4.2 with 6628

test fix gps


i dont know where is this problem about fc in phone apk as u said redtigger73 but u can test original phone.apk from amoi if any problems again may be error not phone.apk 

original phone.apk


about mtktweak if we are apply this tweak then full translation for france in final version this rom, because translation in smali and i dont know how we can add another lang here, but mods names here now :)

Modifié par qus1
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  Le 16/09/2013 à 07:42, WiGi a dit :


petit retour sur la beta8, tout fonctionne correctement mis a part que les SMS passent en MMS après 3sms, qui peut me redonner l'astuce pour passer la limite plus haut ? Aussi, je vais tester lebpatxh de gladiator pour la led et les tweaks..

Pour les SMS j'avais trouvé un fichier MMS.apk modifié mais depuis le passage en 4.2 ça ne fonctionne plus donc la seule solution c'est d'utiliser une application alternative genre gosms, handcent, chompsms etc... C'est dommage car ça rajoute une application mais bon...le positif c'est que ces appli te permettent de customiser ton smartphone (couleur de led....)

Envoyé par un peax sous miui

Modifié par syl2002lys
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  Le 15/09/2013 à 22:03, redtigerr73 a dit :

Hi guys,


Using beta 8 QUS1: nice, fluid, like it but same problem FC during call, FC phone.apk, freeze of the phone during call with bluetooth paired speaker. Not everytime but find that to complicated for a daily use in my car. Bad gps fix for me


Miui pratikmore : wow, thanks for your port, so great to have a so good plateform for our phone, same problem for root application and norooted to, greenify fc when click on +, whatsapp when clicking on new message. Expect that, i prefer your rom and stay on it ;) I prefer your gps fix.



Thanks guy, will try the gps on the sea, without agps this week ! see u

go to permission there is option for root permission,you will get full root acess...i am not getting any fc on whatsapp while new msg come

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beta 9 jb 4.2

green led here

correct translation for france about mtktweak modes no more 

wallpapers in laucher added by glad!ator

front camera doesnt work 

redtigger73 as i said u can replace phone.apk from amoi (may be error after translation)


Modifié par qus1
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  Le 16/09/2013 à 10:02, pratikmore a dit :

go to permission there is option for root permission,you will get full root acess...i am not getting any fc on whatsapp while new msg come

Yes I tried it already, problem is that in Permission app there are no requests from other apps to get root permissions. Greenify FC without the option to ask for root permission.

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  Le 16/09/2013 à 10:16, Elhinder a dit :

Yes I tried it already, problem is that in Permission app there are no requests from other apps to get root permissions. Greenify FC without the option to ask for root permission.

But i am not getting any fc while root permission

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  Le 16/09/2013 à 11:00, Bnz25 a dit :

ROOT CHECKER sur le playstore te diras si ton tel est bien rooté ou pas

Just tested, my device is rooted. checked with this app, and titanium backup have its root permission But no way to give permission to Greenify.

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Beta 9:
Beau travail QUS1
bien mieux chez moi, j'ai due avoir un problème à l'installation avec la beta 7, bien plus fluide maintenant.
la led verte fonctionne.
j'ai bien les apn free par défaut et les mms fonctionnent.
un petit problème de traduction dans les anniversaires des contacts qui non pas d'année, par exemple pour 25 Aout j'ai 25 abrycta (russe)
Et toujours se problème de synchro avec les photos des contacts, tous ceux en favoris sont bien, les autres l'immage est horrible.
+ gros lag dans les favoris (avec seulement 8 contacts)
par défaut l'heure du lockscreen et le cadenas ne sont pas centrer (pour l'heure il suffit de la supprimer et remettre), le reseau lui est centrer.

Beta 9:

Beautiful work QUS1

Much better at my home, I had to have a problem in the installation with Beta 7, more fluid now.

The green led works.

I have apn free by défault and mms works.

A small problem of translation in the birthdays of the contacts which not year, for example by August 25th, I have 25 abrycta (Août in french)

And always problem of synchronization with the photos of the contacts, all those in favorites are well, the others are horrible.

+ Big lag in the favorites (with only 8 contacts)

By default the hour of the lockscreen and the padlock are not center (for hour it's enough to delete it and to put back, the network is center.

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I have a question pratikmore, can you insert the French emoji in your miui rom? Because for the moment the emoji like iPhone doesn't work. I know that's is a little things not very important but can you do it if you can?

Thanks for your work ;-)

Envoyer depuis mon Cink Peax sous MIUI

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