TkGlitch Posted April 19, 2011 Share Posted April 19, 2011 (edited) Vous voulez discuter de ce kernel, obtenir les nouvelles fraîches sur le developement ou devenir beta testeur ? Rejoignez le canal IRC depuis votre navigateur web ! ICI ! Aucune inscription nécessaire :) Changez le channel pour "#Glitch" et vous êtes paré. Pour ceux qui ont déjà un client IRC, voici le serveur : port : 6667 Channel : #Glitch Ces kernels sont proposés tels-quels, sans aucune garantie. Je ne suis pas responsable d'éventuels problèmes que vous pourriez rencontrer avec votre smarthpone ou si votre chat meurt soudainement. N'attendez pas de support de ma part, même si je serais éventuellement amené à aider puisque j'adore les chats. Note : Ces kernels sont seulement compatibles avec les roms CM7 et MIUI ! Overview : - Up to 1.7GHz CPU OC with added bus/GPU OC (Thanks to morfic for the great base of work) - Undervolting using Pimp my CPU or Voltage Control - Voodoo Sound - & Voodoo Color, using VC versions (Thanks Supercurio & renaudallard) - FPS uncap (Screen running 68Hz instead of 60Hz, from 56 to 66 FPS max) from JPX source - Various tweaks for more smoothness and reliability - LED notifications CHANGELOGS dans le second post The frequency/voltage & informative UV settings table is as follow for latest kernel : Notez que ces réglages seront instables sur de nombreux appareils. Ceci est uniquement informatif pour servir de base de travail. 1700 MHz - GPU@ 243 MHz - 1.500v / -> Most phones will fail here. -25 to -50mV may help to stabilize. Much stabler as unique frequency for benchmarks. 1600 MHz - GPU@ 229 MHz - 1.500V / -> That's high and many devices will fail on this frequency. Find working UV for you if any. 1500 MHz - GPU@ 250 MHz - 1.500V / -25mV 1440 MHz - GPU@ 240 MHz - 1.475V / -50mV 1400 MHz - GPU@ 233 MHz - 1.450V / -50mV 1300 MHz - GPU@ 217 MHz - 1.400V / -50mV 1200 MHz - GPU@ 200 MHz - 1.350V / -50mV 1000 MHz - GPU@ 200 MHz - 1.250V / -50mV - If you have stability issues, try to let this one by default. 800 MHz - GPU@ 200 MHz - 1.200V / -75mV 400 MHz - GPU@ 200 MHz - 1.050V / -100mV 200 MHz - GPU@ 200 MHz - 0.950V / -150mV 100 MHz - GPU@ 100 MHz - 0.950V / -200mV - (can be very different between two devices) La fréquence du GPU est liée à la fréquence du bus Un voltage plus élevé n'est pas toujours synonyme de plus de stabilité. Essayez de baisser le voltage (augmenter l'UV) si la fréquence que vous essayez de stabiliser est instable. Puisque chaque appareil va réagir différemment à l'OC/UV, régler les valeurs finement pour votre smartphone sera vraisemblablement requis. Par défaut, aucun overclock n'est appliqué. Vous allez devoir utiliser un des outils ci-dessous si vous voulez ajuster les fréquences et les voltages. Note : N'utilisez jamais SetCPU avec ce kernel. Vous pourriez avoir des problèmes de stabilité comme par exemples des redémarrages intempestifs ou des bootloops. -Pimp My CPU (recommendé si vous utilisez MIUI) : -Voltage Control : Téléchargements Glitch kernel i9000 version : - 14/07/2011 - V11 (Low leakage) - 14/07/2011 - V11 (Medium leakage) - 14/07/2011 - V11 (High leakage) Captivate version : Dedicated thread is here (Thanks to Sixstringsg) : - 14/07/2011 - V11 (Low leakage) - 14/07/2011 - V11 (Medium leakage) - 14/07/2011 - V11 (High leakage) Vibrant version (Untested) : - 14/07/2011 - V11 (Low leakage) - 14/07/2011 - V11 (Medium leakage) - 14/07/2011 - V11 (High leakage) Telus Fascinate version : Dedicated thread is here (Thanks to Chadouming) : - 14/07/2011 - V11 (Low leakage) - 14/07/2011 - V11 (Medium leakage) - 14/07/2011 - V11 (High leakage) Quelles sont les différences entre High leakage, Medium leakage et Low leakage ? Tous les SoC (System on Chip) produits ne sont pas égaux' date=' et certains sont mieux "réussis" que d'autres. Ce nouveau concept que j'ai créé dans la V11 tend à couvrir la plupart de ces puces en tenant compte de leur différence de qualité de fabrication. J'ai découvert en faisant des essais avec l'équipe de beta testeurs que même si une puce ne semble pas bonne du tout en overclocking / undervolting, il est très rare qu'elle n'ai pas de potentiel. J'ai pu rendre un SGS qui bloquait à 1200MHz sans UV stable à 1500MHz avec -50mV par ce biais, et même capable de tourner à 1.7GHz pendant quelques heures de benchmarks/tests divers. Le problème est que la plupart des kernels utilisent des réglages adaptés à un gros leakage (en suivant une logique de production de masse par Samsung, avec la grosse majorité des chips plutôt de mauvaise qualité), et délaisse totalement ceux qui auraient un SoC de grande qualité, utilisant efficacement l'énergie sans chauffer.C'est là que j'interviens :) Bon alors bien évidemment, pour l'instant c'est quelque chose de très nouveau et il va me falloir pas mal de temps pour trouver des réglages plus ou moins parfaits/universels.. Mais il me semble que c'est une piste très intéressante, et j'éspère trouver un moyen de changer de mode à la volée (par exemple dans le recovery, ou via une appli) pour rendre la fonction évidente et vraisemblablement incontournable à l'avenir, surtout dans les kernels OC/UV ^^[/quote'] ANCIENNES VERSIONS RACINE DU FTP ------------------------- Source : - Github : Credits : Codeworkx, Atinm, GuiPerPT, Unhelpful, Coolya, Morfic, Zacharias.maladroit, Bilboa1, TheEscapist, Netarchy, Supercurio, lippol94, MAMBO04, Galnet, nitr8, Rahulrulez, Chadouming, renaudallard Thanks to the donators, it's much appreciated and encourages me to continue my work ! Kickassdave, Donre, Gabby131, Coreym, Sambwel, Shaolin95, Sixstringsg, HaiKaiDo, Grondinm Thanks to Sixstringsg who provides us an FTP hosting and helping on the Captivate thread ! Thanks to HaiKaiDo who provides us an IRC server ! Thanks to the beta testers team and to everyone helping me to debug and find new useful things to integrate ! Without all of you, this kernel wouldn't be ! Edited July 15, 2011 by TkGlitch Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TkGlitch Posted April 19, 2011 Author Share Posted April 19, 2011 (edited) Changelogs :V5 19/04/2011 - V5A - Initial release 21/04/2011 - V5B : - GPU overclock on 1.3 GHz added (217MHz / +8.5% from default) - New PMEM settings for more available RAM compared to V5A (now 328MB) - Stability fixes for all frequencies, needing globally less volts. Results may vary depending on the device - Switched to Conservative governor by default (still switchable by app). It can feel less responsive coming from idle but more battery saving, and plays better with high frequencies. - New voltage table. Default settings should be stabler for most devices. - Switched to 4.4.3 toolchain for added stability on some sensitive devices Captivate and Vibrant support will come later. It will need more time than expected. 21/04/2011 - V5C : Small update to fix a bootloop issue on some devices. V6 (WIP) 22/04/2011 - V6pre - preview/work in progress of upcoming V6A update *test* : - Reverted PMEM settings to new CM7 default (317MB - same as V5A) - Reverted some stability fixes that weren't that stable on some devices, or even prevented some to boot - New voltage table for a more linear increase, improving stability at default settings - Switched to Deadline scheduler by default as it appears more stable - Back to 2010.09 toolchain for speed and efficiency - Synchronized with last update from SGS CM7 team Better to use CM7 04212011 update with this kernel and newer. 22/04/2011 - V6pre - update 1 : - Battery polling bumped to 15 sec (was 1 before), it should help battery to an extent (thanks to Zach for the idea) - Some internal voltage tweaking to hopefully be more UV friendly - Bumped USER_HZ for more smoothness - Another -rare- bootloop fix 22/04/2011 - V6pre - update 2 : - Added some tweaks from V5A for testing - Resolved a bug generating fake voltage reading - Resolved a bug on 400MHz step generating instabilities - Slight changes to the voltage table - Fixed a typo - Trying some toolchain switch - again- 23/04/2011 - V6pre - update 3 : - Corrected Led Notifications - Now it should work properly again ! - Various bugfixes and typo corrections - Toolchain change once again - Added new Interactive governor with aggressive settings for even more speed. You need to change it by app (pimp my cpu/cyanogen settings), it's still on conservative by default. (thanks Zach for your suggestion:)) 25/04/2011 - V6pre - update 4 - Cleanups on Led notifications to resolve a bug (buttons stopped working randomly for some users) - More typo corrections - Voodoo Sound V8 - Various bugfixes on CPU load and schedulers - CONFIG_CC_OPTIMIZE_FOR_SIZE disabled for speed - Lower latency on GPU states switch for stabler performances - Added a stability fix for voltage change latency when frequency is changing. It should give more stability with high undervolt or big voltage differences between two steps - Please test and report ! (Thanks Zach for pointing that to me) - Two versions for testing purposes : V6pre-u4 is compiled using GCC 4.5.1 toolchain, and V6pre-u4(alt) is compiled using GCC 4.4.3 one. If you get instabilities on the first one, try the other and vice versa. Please report your findings on that because it was the first stability differences source between my kernel revisions. For information, V6pre-u2 was compiled with 4.4.3, and u3 with 4.5.1. 27/04/2011 - V6pre - update 5 >> 6 - Name changed from "TkGlitch" to "Glitch" - Cleanups on buttons (Kangsterizer) - Lower latency on GPU states switch for stabler performances in 3D and/or at high GPU frequency - corrected, thanks to Kangsterizer - Added a stability fix when frequency changes for cpufreq governors - Tweaked Interactive and Conservative governors for testing - New Frequency table : 1.5GHz is now the max selectable frequency, and 800MHz and 400MHz steps are now replaced by a unique 600MHz one. - Changed initramfs source to remove the annoying "E:no misc partition" error in the recovery :P - Now bumped to update 6 to fix an issue with the conservative governor. 27/04/2011 - V6pre - update 7 - New Frequency table : 1.44GHz removed, 800 and 400MHz steps are back. - Battery polling bumped from 15 to 30 seconds - GPU power latency bumped from 10 to 60 ms 28/04/2011 - V6A - To use with 04282011 or newer CM7 build only - New sensors drivers added - Normalized 1.5GHz bus speed (GPU will now run @ 250MHz versus 247MHz before. It can affect your stability !) - Int voltage lowered for 1.5GHz step because it did have a bad effect on lower frequencies stability - GPU power latency back to default - but fixed (100ms) 29/04/2011 - V6B - To use with 04282011 or newer CM7 build only - New initramfs source to fix compass and update CWM recovery - 1.5GHz replaced by 1.48GHz for stability - New voltage table as requested by many users (+25mv on 1200 to 1400MHz steps) - New interactive governor for better scaling and battery life :) - New tweaked smartass governor for testing (pretty bad on CPU benchmarks for some reason, please test how it feels in real world use) - New ondemand governor from Zacharias.maladroit sources for testing :) 02/05/2011 - V6C - To use with 05012011 or newer CM7 build only - Small update to merge with 2.3.4 source, no new feature. 02/05/2011 - V6C² - To use with 05012011 or newer CM7 build only - Update to repair Voodoo Sound conflicts from 2.3.4 merge. - Back to 1.44GHz max to prepare 1.5GHz return V7 02/05/2011 - V7A - To use with 05012011 or newer CM7 build only - Resurrect Voodoo Color killed by 2.3.4 merge. - New step for 1.5GHz on top of 1.44GHz (now 9 steps total versus 8 before) - Forcing 400MHz max when sleeping for added battery life (default = 800). Couldn't detect any side effect. - New tweaked Smartass governor now default (800MHz min when screen on). Please report your experience ;) - It seems the smartass governor is not working by default, it will revert to performance >< Please force it to get it to work -> Ok found the problem, I'll update in a min - Now updated to V7A-2 to fix the governor bug :) 03/05/2011 - V7B - To use with 05012011 or newer CM7 build only - Resurrect Voodoo Color killed by 2.3.4 merge - Again - fully working now - Fixed sleep of death issue when unplugged - Switched to LZO compression for better overall speed and reduced boot time - Tweaked smartass governor more for - hopefully - better battery life and a bit more responsivity - New voltage and frequency table rewrite as a bonus with now 11 frequencies total - Stability fixes on 1.5GHz step -> please test and report :) - Reverted FPS uncap - at least for now - for two main reasons : more stability on high GPU freqs (1.4GHz and more), and to prevent FPS limit at max/2 (33 when unlocked to 66), limiting overall performances in heavy scenes. I think there's a lack of buffering somewhere.. It will give higher scores on some benchmarks, and lower on others. A better battery life can indeed be expected too. - Upstream sync 05/05/2011 - V7C - To use with 05032011 or newer CM7 build and MIUI RC8+ only - Upstream sync (better battery life, reboot recovery, etc.) - A general stability fix missing from V7 branch added back - Tiny tweaks on the voltage table - Big bugfix on the V7 branch (redone from scratch, cleaner) - Switched to 2011.03 toolchain - Added some optimization flags, "-mfloat-abi=hard" being one of them (up to 40% performance gains in specific cases) - Small improvements here and there V8 07/05/2011 - V8A - To use with 05062011 or newer CM7 build (useable on MIUI RC8 but you'll lose camera - MIUI needs an update) - Upstream sync (camera fixes etc.) - More stability fixes - Cleanups on OC code (found that 1.2 and 1.3GHz were very unstable compared to earlier releases) - More work on Vibrant/Captivate, in need for more testers :) (PM me) 11/05/2011 - V8B Upstream sync only : - USB switch suspend - TV out stuff - Fascinate specifics - Revert "Got back to previous samsung_modemctl" for 05112011 CM7 build V9 16/05/2011 - V9A - Merged with the now dead V8C update because of new added features :) - Upstream sync : Calculate battery percentage as percent of max capacity reported when battery full, new wifi driver, etc. - New PMEM settings for more available RAM (now 331MB) - 1.54GHz step added with some gentle settings for now. - New step by step frequency switch when scaling down (part of the Galaxy S II port from Bilboa1) - more stability on highest frequencies - Corrections and further tweaking on smartass governor + some fixes from Netarchy (Nexus S). 400MHz lock when screen is on removed (not needed anymore -> more power saving) - Higher cache for faster SDcard read speed - New sleep settings : Effective lock to 400MHz max when screen is off -> fix long wake up/hiccups when playing music or similar use. Be careful with your UV settings on 200 and 400MHz steps to avoid sleep of death problems ! These were not used on previous versions of my kernel (locked to 100 MHz when screen off and locked to 400MHz when screen on with a buggy gap in smartass governor forcing generally 600+ MHz) - 600 MHz step removed (it was generating instabilities on some phones when jumping to 800 or down to 400 when using UV) - Some voltage tweaks for added stability on some devices (as always) - Cleanups on unused/no more needed stuff - Little surprise, thanks to Morfic :) - Updated to V9A² to fix SOD and some performance issues 21/05/2011 - V9B - Upstream sync (CWM recovery, better screen colors (kills voodoo color for now and looks awful on my 0516 build, but should be good on latest), GPIO fixes, samsung modemctl...) + small changes on my side for official CyanogenMod repository compatibility :) - Voodoo Sound updated to V9 / cleaned voodoo color stuff until it works again - New cleaner bootlogo based on the one in first post, preferred by most users - Some additional compilation flags from Netarchy and Zacharias.maladroit (better overall performances + NEON) - Screen refresh frequency bumped to 72Hz (68Hz effective). It'll uncap FPS to 66 again but seems stabler than before on framerate (the divide/2 behavior happens less) - Added screenstate scaling script from as a test (with my kernel's smartass default settings). It should give better sleep power consumption as well as better power efficiency on screen off tasks like music playing etc. by switching to conservative governor. If you want more information, discuss on this or contribute to enhance it, please come here : - Adding some stuff from Zacharias.madadroit : - Higher battery charging temperature - Scheduler tweaks Alternative version now available (V9B-VC) using old AMOLED panel color/gamma settings and with Voodoo Color V2 added back. 24/05/2011 - V9C TO USE WITH CM7 Nightly build #12 OR HIGHER ONLY (Updated to fix "no service" issue, but still sucks.. unstable on #12 build, very stable on others but no service) - Upstream sync (PMEM disabled (gives 339MB RAM now), new RIL, headset fixes...) - Divider changes for MUCH better stability on 1.2GHz at the cost of a slight decrease on performances - New branch with Voodoo Color display driver and "old" color settings named "VC" - Fix for Vibrant no service problem - hopefully - Small changes on smartass governor for better scalability (reverts some old settings not needed anymore with the screenstate script) - Glitch logo now in update script too for nanu_x2 to be amazed when installing my kernel :D 24/05/2011 - V9D TO USE WITH CM7 Nightly build #11 OR LOWER (for i9000, or cappy/vibrant equivalent) AND MIUI ONLY First "D" revision.. Sound like duty. It's basically a fix of a fix done to make the V9C features available for "stable builds" (considering the i9000 #12 isn't) - Obviously all the V9C changelog - Using old RIL to be compatible with builds before #12 for I9000 (--> WON'T WORK with #12 for i9000 or equivalent !) - Replaced 1.54GHz step by 1.6GHz (1.54GHz step was somewhat useless, too close to 1.5Ghz, and slower overall because of the lower bus speed) - I can't build Vibrant ATM, the CM7 build system is broken on this device or I'm doing something wrong but I wasn't able to fix it. Any help is appreciated. I'm sorry for Vibrant users I'm screwed. V10 27/05/2011 - V10A Do not use with CM7 builds older than 23/05 (as well as the 28/05 or newer build) or MIUI -> you'll get no service ! - Now fully compatible with latest CM7 Nightly builds - Back to 2010.09 toolchain -> slower & less stable but needed to make a working kernel for latest builds - Upstream sync (bigger radio partition, headset stuff..) - Int voltage changes to get some stability back on all overclocked frequencies - A bit faster 1.5 and 1.6GHz steps - Could make these steps unstable for some, please try and report - Smartass governor tweaked for faster scaling up, and slower scaling down -> better stability and speed - OC code bugs and inconsistencies introduced in V7B now fixed (it was here to prevent sleep of death issue, now fixed) - Some fixes and enhancement for compatibility with Xan's Voltage Control app - Various tweaks for MOAR SPEED - Black magic Known issues : - The reboot recovery command seems broken for some reason on recent builds. Probably rom related. - Some users still get freeze issue on boot. If you have this issue, please use the "no-optimization" kernel for you device from this post : 03/06/2011 - V10B To use with newest builds only (equal or newer than 28/05) ! - Upstream sync (FM radio, new Voodoo Sound implementation, etc...) - Back to 4.4.3 toolchain - needed for new RIL - Big cleanup - rewrite from scratch - Many fixes - New tweaks for speed on 4.4.3 toolchain - New tweaks for stability on 4.4.3 toolchain - Black magic 17/06/2011 - V10C (Updated) To use with newest builds, #28+ for i9000 or equivalent - Upstream sync (cpuidle, updated drivers (wifi etc.), Recovery 4.0.0.x, etc...) (updated as of today 17/06) - More debug stuff disabled - Dock audio support (experimental) - Added DIDLE (Deep Idle) support (removed, buggy) - New voltage tweaks for added stability on some devices V11 LATEST - 13/07/2011 - V11 - Upstream synced as always (updated recovery...) - More debug stuff disabled & cleanups/fixes on various things - Printk disabled to reduce overhead - Updated to linux kernel - OC implementation fixes and modifications (fixing overvolt in Voltage Control Xtreme as well as some other tiny things) - Added experimental GPU OC implementation from TheExcapist (for future use / not yet functional) - 1.7GHz step added - working on some pretty good phones - Modified touchkey/Led notifications settings from Zacharias.maladroit - Added SLQB - Added SIO and BFQ schedulers - Back to LZO compression for faster boot time - New voltage settings for more stability - Trying some new speed tweaks - Better memory management - 340MB of RAM available for user without breaking 720p recording - Preemptible Tiny RCU - Automated per tty task groups patch - Added InteractiveX governor - Two new branches for OC settings adapted to high and low leakage chips - Toolchain sorcery, thanks to Zacharias.maladroit (RIL is compiled using 4.4.3 toolchain, and everything else is compiled using 4.5.2 toolchain -> more speed and stability) - Enhanced Voodoo Color settings from renaudallard - Voodoo Sound V10 - Allow CPU-supported unaligned accesses - Logcat on/off scripts (built as module) - Bluetooth HID support - New, cleaner bootlogo - Now cleaning old scripts, OC values, cache and dalvik cache on kernel installation - thanks to lippol94 - Green tint on low brightness fixed - Switched to ondemand governor Edited July 14, 2011 by TkGlitch Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
barome Posted April 19, 2011 Share Posted April 19, 2011 Merci a toi. Basé sur kernel bilboa ? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dago Posted April 19, 2011 Share Posted April 19, 2011 Merci ! As-tu optimisé l'autonomie de la batterie ? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TkGlitch Posted April 19, 2011 Author Share Posted April 19, 2011 (edited) Merci a toi. Basé sur kernel bilboa ? Globalement basé sur le kernel Trinity144 de morfic, simplifié avec ajout du code UV (qui venait de morfic à la base) mais que j'ai récupéré via les sources de bilboa1. Pour le reste on garde une base commune qui est celle du kernel CM7 i9000. Mais oui mon kernel est plus proche du kernel de bilboa que de celui de Zach :) Merci ! As-tu optimisé l'autonomie de la batterie ? Pas directement, mais vu que le CPU se comporte différemment selon la charge par rapport aux kernels existants (pas la même table de fréquences correspondant aux governors), il est possible que ça ai amélioré l'autonomie générale. Je tiens un peu plus de 2 jours avant d'arriver à sec niveau batterie. Edited April 19, 2011 by TkGlitch Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
decarre Posted April 19, 2011 Share Posted April 19, 2011 Merci tkglitch pour ce super kernel mais j ai une question sur ce qu il en coûte d utiliser la fréquence 1.44ghz. Qu est ce qu on risque concrètement un simple plantage ou un gs mort ? J utilise ton kernel qui me conviens parfaitement surtout l oc mais je sais pas les risques. Encore merci :) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
barome Posted April 19, 2011 Share Posted April 19, 2011 Moi je deconseille au dessus 1.2GHz. Apres c est a vos risques... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TkGlitch Posted April 19, 2011 Author Share Posted April 19, 2011 Merci tkglitch pour ce super kernel mais j ai une question sur ce qu il en coûte d utiliser la fréquence 1.44ghz. Qu est ce qu on risque concrètement un simple plantage ou un gs mort ? J utilise ton kernel qui me conviens parfaitement surtout l oc mais je sais pas les risques. Encore merci :) Comme je le dis dans le premier post, j'ai mis des voltages assez larges pour que les utilisateurs puissent avoir un panel de réglages conséquent. Cependant les utiliser à leur maximum peut présenter un risque si la chauffe est excessive. Si vous avez abaissé les voltages pour garder un téléphone tiède dans le pire des cas, il n'y a pas de véritable risque à part le plantage. Si le téléphone est tiède, la température interne sera inévitablement plus haute. La durée de vie du processeur se verra surement altérée avec une utilisation intensive (disons plusieurs heures de jeu quotidiennement), mais un autre élément dans le smartphone tombera en panne avant que le processeur ne commence à fatiguer. La durée de vie d'un CPU dans ses specs se situe entre 15 et 30 ans (quand je dis "dans ses specs" ça veut dire +/- 20% de fréquence, température et voltage, qui représente la suite de test que la puce doit passer pour être apte à la vente). Les specs du Hummingbird vont jusqu'à 1.2GHz, 60C° de mémoire, et 1.31v. Si l'on ajoute + 20% partout ça nous donne 1.44GHz, 72C° et 1.572v. Donc en théorie la durée de vie de la puce n'est que marginalement altérée par rapport à sa durée de vie moyenne vu que mon kernel n'a que le potentiel de dépasser 72C°, température assez difficile à atteindre mine de rien. En espérant avoir éclairé ta lanterne^^ 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
decarre Posted April 20, 2011 Share Posted April 20, 2011 Je comprend mieux merci pour ces précieuses info. Je vais suivre l évolution du kernel en tout cas. Encore bravo pour avoir bossé comme ca :) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
elnino67000 Posted April 20, 2011 Share Posted April 20, 2011 Bonjour depuis que j'ai flasher le kernel j'ai perdu le wifi. Que faire ? J'ai deja reflasher et rien Merci d'avance Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TiisO Posted April 20, 2011 Share Posted April 20, 2011 Bonjour, J'ai installé ton kernel et j'ai aucun soucis tout marche très bien, donnée, BT, Wifi, autorotation. Le téléphone est fluide, pas de lag et j'ai réglé le proce sur 800 MHz - 1.200v / -75mv. On verra sur 2-3 jours le temps que la batterie soit bien calibrée mais je ferais surement un petit retour d'ici ce soir ;) En tout cas du bon boulot. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jljeff Posted April 20, 2011 Share Posted April 20, 2011 merci pour ce kernel très fluide :) tk-glitch je voudrais juste savoir les règlages que tu as mis avec pimp my cpu merci :) Message envoyé avec l'application Forum Frandroid Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TiisO Posted April 20, 2011 Share Posted April 20, 2011 J'ai perdu l'autorotation :/ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jljeff Posted April 20, 2011 Share Posted April 20, 2011 pas moi. donc reboot jusqu'a l'avoir :) Message envoyé avec l'application Forum Frandroid Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TiisO Posted April 20, 2011 Share Posted April 20, 2011 chelou parce que je l'avais mais la je l'ai plus j'ai reboot toujours rien on verra plus tard t'facon Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sigma Posted April 20, 2011 Share Posted April 20, 2011 (edited) Pour ma part merci beaucoup, je suis sous MIUI RC5b et j'ai toujours l'autorotation mais j'ai récupérer l'accélérométre :) donc un grand merci Edited April 20, 2011 by sigma Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TkGlitch Posted April 20, 2011 Author Share Posted April 20, 2011 (edited) Bonjour depuis que j'ai flasher le kernel j'ai perdu le wifi. Que faire ? J'ai deja reflasher et rien Merci d'avance Premier post édité pour résoudre ce problème :) : Si vous êtes sur MIUI, si vous utilisez actuellement le kernel de Zacharias.maladroit ou si vous avez des problèmes avec le wifi après le flash, supprimez tous les fichiers dans le dossier system/etc/init.d , puis flashez le kernel de ce post : Edited April 20, 2011 by TkGlitch Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Azzedine-92 Posted April 22, 2011 Share Posted April 22, 2011 Super Kernel tout roule pour moi ! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TkGlitch Posted April 23, 2011 Author Share Posted April 23, 2011 La dernière mise à jour devrait régler les bugs des versions V6pre. N'hésitez pas à donner votre avis :) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eoja Posted April 23, 2011 Share Posted April 23, 2011 Moi j'ai une petite question ! : J'ai configuré Pimp my cpu comme indiqué sur le premier post. Mais je sais pas comment choisir la fréquence à utiliser? J'aimerais me mettre sur 1200. En tout cas, en mode performance, c'est incroyablement fluide. bravo Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TkGlitch Posted April 23, 2011 Author Share Posted April 23, 2011 Moi j'ai une petite question ! : J'ai configuré Pimp my cpu comme indiqué sur le premier post. Mais je sais pas comment choisir la fréquence à utiliser? J'aimerais me mettre sur 1200. En tout cas, en mode performance, c'est incroyablement fluide. bravo Appui long sur la fréquence désirée, puis "set as max" changera la fréquence maximale utilisée par le CPU :) J'espère bien que c'est fluide en mode performance^^ Essaye plutôt avec Ondemand si Conservative est un peut trop lent à la détente pour toi. En mode Performance, ta batterie va fondre comme neige en plein soleil. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eoja Posted April 23, 2011 Share Posted April 23, 2011 Ahh mais pour moi conservative est parfait :P merci pour ta reponse! donc parmi ces 3, conservative economise le plus de batterie!? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TkGlitch Posted April 25, 2011 Author Share Posted April 25, 2011 Ahh mais pour moi conservative est parfait :P merci pour ta reponse! donc parmi ces 3, conservative economise le plus de batterie!? Effectivement :) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Binks Posted April 27, 2011 Share Posted April 27, 2011 Kernel installé ce jour en 2 fois sur MIUI RC6b version Barome 1.2 (petit oubli du script pour nettoyer la 1ère fois ^^). Pour l'instant ça roule, les notifications par Led sont là :) Me reste plus qu'à tester un peu l'OC :) Merci pour ton travail :emo_im_angel: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TkGlitch Posted April 28, 2011 Author Share Posted April 28, 2011 Kernel installé ce jour en 2 fois sur MIUI RC6b version Barome 1.2 (petit oubli du script pour nettoyer la 1ère fois ^^). Pour l'instant ça roule, les notifications par Led sont là :) Me reste plus qu'à tester un peu l'OC :) Merci pour ton travail :emo_im_angel: Je t'en prie :) Mise à jour 7 pour la V6pre. Faites chauffer vos GS avec 1.5GHz au compteur ^^ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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