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[Liste] ROMs et MODs du OP5

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Depuis hier, de nouveau des pb de Gps avec la CNP, et malgré un clean flash hier soir, ce matin pareil, + de 10min pour le fix gps ...
Du coup j'ai retenté de flasher l'OB20 et la 5.1.5, mais à chaque fois, je reboot sur TWRP (je full wipe et je flashe juste la rom et le no-verity treble). Pour info je suis sur le dernier twrp blu_spark (9.85 je crois)
Obligé de réinstaller la Pixen pour pouvoir booter,...
Une idée ? Peut-être un autre twrp, mais lequel ?
Certainement un format data t'aurait résolu le problème.

Sent from my ONEPLUS A5000 using Forum mobile app

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Certainement un format data t'aurait résolu le problème.

Sent from my ONEPLUS A5000 using Forum mobile app

Ah oui, merci j'y avais pas pensé

Je testerai la prochaine fois que je veux revenir sur oos.

Envoyé depuis mon Matra 2082

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Ah oui, merci j'y avais pas pensé

Je testerai la prochaine fois que je veux revenir sur oos.

Envoyé depuis mon Matra 2082

Bah disons que chaque fois que je passe de CNP à OOS j'ai toujours un bug, et que la seule solution radicale que j'ai pu trouver c'est ça.

Sent from my ONEPLUS A5000 using Forum mobile app

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Mise a jour de la Pixen :


Download ROM here

Recommended Firmware OB19

Recommended TWRP


* Volte fully works without hax and annoying sim select pop-up

* STA-AP implementation- Wi-Fi and Hotspot can be used together

* Merge OB19 blobs

* Update GPU driver

* Pixel power hal for better EAS, performance and battery

* Faster Fingerprint unlock- Trust me it beats OOS

* Toast icon toggle

* Pixel Babbar animation toggle

* Support UnifiedNlp (microG)

* Add omnirecord tile

* Better battery management with Turbo fuelgauge

* Added back status bar padding customisation

* Screenshot enhancements

* Update Pixel launcher to Pixel 3

* Redflare 1.23+

* Linux 4.4.161

Many things I don't remember.. Check change log below




* device/oneplus/msm8998-common/

b218d0c Pixel powerhal

2756efc Set path for proper handling of hals

* frameworks/base/

cc6bcfae21f base: SystemUI: add OmniRecord based qs tile

584b1103ee6 GlobalScreenshot: Fix screenshot not saved with some languages

14b56d25f65 Screenshot: Append app name after screenshot date.

0df96532221 Screenshot: append app name to filename

f8f5736af1a BatteryMeterView: Forced show percent in PowerSave

a2d44bbeb77 Prevent NFE in SystemUI when parsing invalid int

30a7b276aa8 Fix UsbDeviceManager null object reference

7a15f98506c Wifi: Check for WiFiService's existence before its access

83fa6f6f4e1 base: SettingsProvider: cleanup leftover logspill

7f29de3f3a1 UserManagerService: Use NITROGEN_FINGERPRINT to signal upgrades

e632db117bf SystemUI: use fp MODE_UNLOCK when pulsing or aod

5f02807e1ef Reload Pixel Home Animation without reboot

335f84de87e Pixel Navbar animation toggle [1/2]

3f1178cd7af [sQUASHED] Add Dual Channel into Bluetooth Audio Channel Mode developer options menu Add CHANNEL_MODE_DUAL_CHANNEL constant Allow SBC as HD audio codec in Bluetooth device configuration

7d88616443c FeatureFlags: Show Auto-BT while driving setting

6f1959a11e6 Base: fix facelock crash when lock screen is disabled

be6187dc4f1 Cache pin algorithms in PinSet

8862952bed3 Cache the global proxy to avoid fetching it for every request

289d785fe84 Cache KeyStoreService

e08a8735aa0 (Point) Only calculate sin and cos once

7ebde0e6219 SystemUI: Animate switching keyguard indications

aace3bcd97a Treat default value that wasn't found as empty value

f7923cf9e09 Reverse notification menu animation on cancel

afcd2c8af0d Support UnifiedNlp (microG)

a5fcffc5d8e base: persist screenshot type in settings

a26d452e9a7 Toast icon switch [1/2]

06d840c07f2 ToastIcon: Update padding properly for 8.1

e8fae673698 Show icon of package associated with Toast

c47652e0d53 Fix for google backup and restore

274e2bd29ca Performance: Memory Optimizations.

* packages/apps/Settings/

a9af4ca4f6 search/suggestions: Allow use of Google SettingsIntelligence

326e7ddb40 search: Impliment external searching

9016f5b496 Settings: Sim status and IMEI info are wrong if only sim2 inserted

01ad4d7392 Revert "deviceInfo: Fix imei dialog fc when only 1 sim is inserted"

c9f5134316 Add Dual Channel into Bluetooth Audio Channel Mode developer options menu

* vendor/aosp/

6c3df634 Build omnirecord

* vendor/oneplus/

a5b3adac Pixel power hal 2/2

6a908c25 MSM8998: Qualcomm GPU driver update (269 --> 319)

d41b0d93 msm8998: update blobs from ob17/ob19

95757e8e msm8998: add missing libs for ant+

78103dc2 dont use prebuilt anthal

* vendor/pixelstyle/

a96e433 Pixel3 Livewallpaper

f3afa45 Add default Pixel 2XL live wallpapers




* device/oneplus/msm8998-common/

b1936c4 Revert "Fix VoLTE reset after reboot"

* frameworks/base/

51232615944 Revert "Remove custom corner padding"

* frameworks/native/

20ec85489 Revert "InputDispatcher: On keypress, deliver keycode to pokeUserActivity"

* frameworks/opt/net/ims/

58ada7a Merge tag 'LA.UM.7.4.r1-03500-8x98.0' of into HEAD

* frameworks/opt/telephony/

c9a21f57e MSIM:Fix iccid issue during android upgrade.

f5320af97 DCTracker: fix loading of Oreo qti-telephony-common blob

7cd83b263 DcTracker: Change access modifier of isNvSubscription to protected

1f7b66eaf PhoneFactory: fix creating a cdma phone type

84066099e Telephony: Enable NV based CDMA data call.

f568dbd74 MMS: Update apnProfileID for MMS only apn.

5b35c5a09 Fix signal icon is not shown

15fd0ff45 telephony: Fix loading of non Oreo-MR1 QTI blobs

e266d1741 Merge tag 'LA.UM.7.4.r1-03500-8x98.0' of into HEAD

* packages/services/Telecomm/

22a17f83 Break qti-telephony-framework dependency II

bacd7de1 Merge tag 'LA.UM.7.4.r1-03500-8x98.0' of into HEAD

* packages/services/Telephony/

c7a5f877d ToggleLte: fix WCDMA only

d2d56c8b3 ToggleLte: multisim compatibility

c7d64d20c Restore previous network value after toggleLTE

a306dcb29 Implement toggleLte Using logic based on Ryan Hope's commits

5e7c85c8c PhoneCommon: Add description text item for each clear code

3ae236c45 IMS: Add support for STK CC feature

1c67a34c0 Quick solution for preferred_network_mode array

00fcac30f Add permission to change WiFi hotspot settings

e28a7c5ea Unify calling account display and selection

75ed1aee8 Check before removing preference

d606974d7 Break qti-telephony-framework dependency

f4b37595b TeleService: If you want to remove a pref you should set the key

490762c24 CallFeatureSettings: Only show video quality if QTI package installed

ecc2f4948 Revert "Add support to launch call barring"

eb78917b1 Revert "XDivert changes for MSIM"

60b084313 Add some org.codeaurora.* to protected broadcasts

7f0bfb364 Merge tag 'LA.UM.7.4.r1-03500-8x98.0' of into HEAD

* system/core/

5f4071ca7 LockscreenCharging: squashed (2/3)




* frameworks/opt/telephony/

5d8740542 Introduce TelephonyExtUtils

* packages/apps/Settings/

d190682214 Revert "Settings: Switch to Google's Settings search provider"

eb0c1797eb Fix Battery settings FC

* packages/apps/Updates/

c53a180 Automatic translation import

* packages/providers/DownloadProvider/

59ac41e Automatic translation import

* vendor/gapps/

ff51e62 Don't include Chrome when minimal apps flag is defined




* build/make/

e4625eee0 Revert "build: Allow devices to provide prebuilt vbmeta image"

a5c25e1c8 Revert "build: Allow building disabled vbmeta images in signing process"

68ca5d84a Revert "Build: Make dex2oat boot image error abort explicit"

* frameworks/base/

a7681cb608a MSIM: Get network operator name of default data sub.

3263641688d SystemUI: Fixed traffic icon show in SUB1 while sending MMS on SUB2

3ac2fbf80e1 SystemUI: Fix NPE

421b1c880f5 SystemUI: Sort subscriptions for SPN

2869172ec85 Overscroll: modified velocitytracker

fe4ef983fcf Keyguard: Remove carrier text for disabled SIMs

061a40b30b7 Add ICCID into CarrierIdentifier

a9d9dfeca8c Add config to disable CDMA call forward/waiting

d768f053bb7 BT: Send info if call is CS type from telecomm service to BT apps.

6e958621db1 Telecom: Add support for call timer reset on CDMA MO call

714ae8f8219 IMS: Propagate RTT capability of the called party to UI

fb21fb634a7 Use proper coded alphabet when a contact is written into EF_ADN of USIM.

b2cdc7f4b22 IMS: Conference URI support.

29fc282e37e IMS: Add CALL_TYPE for audio and video inactive

d74c5c323f7 Pass correct parameters to API sendMultipartTextMessage

a841a5ffb3b IMS: Initialize provisioning status to unknown.

e238b8f4d77 Fix Possible Deadlock with getFeatureState

03a4200bebd FR49835: ImsMultiEndPoint - Sip Notify Change

97756bad314 FR49835: ImsMultiEndPoint - Sip Notify Change

107a17f56eb IMS: Support Robocall Feature For MT VOLTE Calls

5446f568a7f IMS: Support for Implicit Call Rejection

9f183c7cbfa IMS: Propagate call session property changed message

76b1d103630 Emergency SMS carrier config flag

f9e944fa938 IMS: Adding support for TIR/TIP permanent provisioning

a4c5e7ae8c5 Avoid WiFi to Cellular silent redial when roaming

9049ca0d646 Telephony: Add DisconnectCause values for clear code

272ba500816 SEEMP: framework instrumentation and AppProtect features

349159b2f80 IMS: Add flag to control reset UT capability

5544b1ff156 IMS: Add UT interface to query CF setting for service class.

fd0308e3a9b SMS: Parsing of CDMA MMS notification carried by SMS

a5ffe36eb16 Telephony: Add 7bit Ascii support for long message

88cbf637b38 IMS-VT: Add config to control holding a video call

7559ace1766 Telephony: Get SIM card capacity count of SMS

ec53ef5caac Telephony: Introduce a base class for ISMS.aidl.

* packages/apps/Settings/

96e65dfff1 SimSettings: Use TelephonyExtUtils helper methods

510dcea765 SimSettings: Fix preferred calls sim not being disabled

fdbab6f6e3 SimSettings: Fix potential NPE

e533850881 SimSettings: Handle NoClassDefFoundError on devices without telephony-ext

2b5535f9a9 MSIM: Fix user set DDS sub in hotswap cases.

82faef619a SimSettings: Improve dialogs

d6be00950f SimSettings: Correctly disable sim switch without SIM card

c2497e37ab SimSettings: Port manual provisioning support

6b6c9aeba9 Hotspot: Add overlay whether to disable dual band support

e1dfbd66d5 fuelgauge: Fix possible memory leaks

b9c7ce52ca fuelgauge: Implement Early Warnings

71567056be fuelgauge: Use Enhanced Battery Prediction from Turbo

e054132e78 fuelgage: Implement isTypeService

* packages/apps/Updates/

b49e6db Automatic translation import

* packages/providers/DownloadProvider/

4b1c52d Automatic translation import




* build/soong/

a7c2b466 soong: Add java sources overlay support

* frameworks/native/

622dc340a PowerManager.h: Define USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG values

a4dcc8459 InputDispatcher: On keypress, deliver keycode to pokeUserActivity

* hardware/custom/keydisabler/

9b5ec66 Refactor

* kernel/oneplus/msm8998/

3732791584af Merge branch '8.1.0-unified' into 8.1.0-unified-treble

25c384e80ffa RedFlare-Kernel-v1.23

1f2a4f22cc63 Merge branch 'oneplus/QC8998_O_8.1' of into 8.1.0-unified

* vendor/aosp/

a2fd208f vendor: Cleanup soong config

274dc4e6 vendor/aosp: Add support for java source overlays

c03d4eee vendor: Build keydisabler package




* build/make/

389c4ebba core: Disable vendor restrictions

26e11b9aa build: Automatically replace old-style kernel header includes with new header lib

66a8edcc0 no matter what build type we dont want to see anything but Build_ID

f255b7a19 Build custom audio files [1/2]

f7c358a5c build: Fix changelog generation logic

01793f80a build: Add our props to ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES

4cb064e08 Don't build useless html viewer




* frameworks/opt/telephony/

6310b7697 telephony: Squashed support for simactivation feature

617f09e9b Also activate default UICC apps once after SIM presence.

ffff8e216 Activate default UICC application if not done automatically.

* packages/apps/SettingsIntelligence/

6d0afc5 Use CUSTOM_FINGERPRINT to reindexing

cb958b6 SettingsIntelligence: Match Settings style

* vendor/pixelstyle/

102c0f0 Update WallpaperPickerGooglePrebuilt to 1.3.169416333

85a19ae NexusWallpapersStubPrebuilt2017: Add Pixel 3 Wallpapers

86f53c1 Nuke WallpapersUsTwo

71155cf Update Google Actions Services to 1.1.216357984

38b2c9d Update default wallpaper

69258b8 Update PixelLauncher from pixel 3

6c8944c vendor: Exclude all custom overlays from RRO




* bionic/

59b932779 bionic: Fix more mutex breakage

* frameworks/av/

96d8074d6 Allow FaceUnlock in background

* hardware/interfaces/

7db75186 Camed HAL extension: Added support in HIDL for Extended FD.

* kernel/oneplus/msm8998/

4a81def0de21 Merge 4.4.161 into oneplus/QC8998_O_8.1

b001adea66f0 Linux 4.4.161

3a07d58f20c8 ebtables: arpreply: Add the standard target sanity check

367222df9176 ath10k: fix scan crash due to incorrect length calculation

eee1af4e268e tcp: add tcp_ooo_try_coalesce() helper

be288481479c tcp: call tcp_drop() from tcp_data_queue_ofo()

352b66932a23 tcp: free batches of packets in tcp_prune_ofo_queue()

e747775172a2 tcp: fix a stale ooo_last_skb after a replace

4666b6e2b27d tcp: use an RB tree for ooo receive queue

ec7055c62714 tcp: increment sk_drops for dropped rx packets

c4c844549025 ubifs: Check for name being NULL while mounting

38ea605f919c ucma: fix a use-after-free in ucma_resolve_ip()

b4dd80c33338 ARC: clone syscall to setp r25 as thread pointer

0cbf366a6988 powerpc/fadump: Return error when fadump registration fails

023fdb64ee8d ath10k: fix use-after-free in ath10k_wmi_cmd_send_nowait

75fe5488b22f cgroup: Fix deadlock in cpu hotplug path

fb751efb29d0 ext4: always verify the magic number in xattr blocks

26f9ef6cebbe of: unittest: Disable interrupt node tests for old world MAC systems

d70a6783f730 USB: serial: simple: add Motorola Tetra MTP6550 id

ed8649a4691b xhci: Add missing CAS workaround for Intel Sunrise Point xHCI

dce708809daa dm cache: fix resize crash if user doesn't reload cache table

1516d9fa636f PM / core: Clear the direct_complete flag on errors

24479b9d2d03 mac80211: fix setting IEEE80211_KEY_FLAG_RX_MGMT for AP mode keys

5527ae62617e PCI: Reprogram bridge prefetch registers on resume

e8dc08a109cb x86/vdso: Fix vDSO syscall fallback asm constraint regression

5961c3d0064f x86/vdso: Fix asm constraints on vDSO syscall fallbacks

937b51457b5f fbdev/omapfb: fix omapfb_memory_read infoleak

c6f1725b9cbd mm/vmstat.c: skip NR_TLB_REMOTE_FLUSH* properly

* system/netd/

480cffb netd: Allow devices to force-add directly-connected routes




* build/soong/

ff9ec33a soong sbox: Add option to allow copying all generated output

* external/tinycompress/

ba5b93e tinycompress: Use generated kernel headers

* frameworks/base/

419eb19bab2 SystemUI: Add Smart Pixels tile

d491a25be40 SystemUI: Add Gaming mode tile

* hardware/interfaces/

b0513999 wifi: Add logic to create secondary interface for STA mode too.

c9597850 wifi: Add provision to create/remove dynamic interface(s).

dd44006e wifi: Fetch softap interface name for creating ap_iface operations.

* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8974/

8716833b6 Add -Wno-error to compile with global -Werror.

* hardware/qcom/audio/default/

62b37f5c audio: Use generated kernel headers

* hardware/qcom/media/

07262b66 media: Use generated kernel headers

* vendor/aosp/

bdeef264 vendor: Move some kernel definitions to BoardConfigKernel

88a77a8c vendor/aosp: Remove headers generation

c679901a vendor: Dynamically generate kernel headers using custom generator

d19c5ccc vendor/aosp: Add soong generator module type

986ec311 kernel: Correct CROSS_COMPILE_ARM32 toolchain

cc669701 vendor: losrepopick: Handle aosp repos

39801357 repopick: Fix path handling on some repos

e745ad5e vendor: losrepopick: Fix branch and remote

153fed5d vendor: Add original lineage repopick

310bbd50 vendor: Fix soong variables

424068f4 omni: overlay: enable VoLTE for some French carriers

7882d74b omni: overlay: enable volte for 262 01/06

2e1bf7de vendor: carrierconfig: enable volte for (222/10)

ebd17487 CarrierConfig: enalbe volte for O2/UK

309d9c16 RJIO: Change Roaming protocal to IPV4V6.

8f6624d9 apns: update RJIO APNs

74446714 extract_utils: Fix output dex file name generated by vdexExtractor

306a3835 extract_utils: add CDEX support via compact_dex_converter

* vendor/qcom/opensource/cryptfs_hw/

0a54def cryptfs_hw: Use generated kernel headers




* frameworks/base/

c499ac0586b QS: Add Expanded Desktop QS Tile

* hardware/qcom/bt-caf/

d3ec78d libbt-vendor: Add missing vendor prefix to a bluetooth.status prop

eb1fbd2 Load bluetooth firmwares from /vendor

0194bad libbt-vendor: Fix BLUETOOTH_MAC_ADDR_BOOT_PROPERTY definition

718576d Add missing headers to libbt-vendor

36ed80a Remove hardcoded LOCAL_MODULE_PATHS from vendor components. (bt)

cd889f4 libbt-qcom: Allow reading BT address from property

1931f99 libbt: Fix case where SoC type is not set

907f4f9 Apply the Cherokee's mechanism of stopping hci_filter to ROME

f75772d BT: Moving chipset version parameters' initialization out of ALOG

5f507b1 Add vendor-specific message types for FM.

3d7a7a5 Don't build libbt-hidlclient for OSS builds

* hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8996/

9e4e937f3 sdm: core: Add flag to use old gpu composition handling

* hardware/qcom/power/

e12c8f1 Add 'vendor.' prefix to a vendor daemon name

f3dfa4c Remove vendor.lineage.power references

* kernel/oneplus/msm8998/

395494e7943b Merge branch '8.1.0-unified' into 8.1.0-unified-treble

7e279cbd5a8f RedFlare-Kernel-v1.22

3d23af877590 Merge branch 'oneplus/QC8998_O_8.1' of into 8.1.0-unified

04a657bc02f9 Merge 4.4.160 into oneplus/QC8998_O_8.1

* system/core/

e9654ad9d healthd: cover devices that have voltage_max file with value of 0

Envoyé depuis mon Matra 2082

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Oui, le thème noir fonctionne, l'autonomie est meilleure que la CNP, bref mis à part la caméra, je la trouve mieux que la CNP.

Envoyé depuis mon Matra 2082

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Mise a jour de la Pixen :


Download ROM here

Recommended Firmware OB19

Recommended TWRP


* Volte fully works without hax and annoying sim select pop-up

* STA-AP implementation- Wi-Fi and Hotspot can be used together

* Merge OB19 blobs

* Update GPU driver

* Pixel power hal for better EAS, performance and battery

* Faster Fingerprint unlock- Trust me it beats OOS

* Toast icon toggle

* Pixel Babbar animation toggle

* Support UnifiedNlp (microG)

* Add omnirecord tile

* Better battery management with Turbo fuelgauge

* Added back status bar padding customisation

* Screenshot enhancements

* Update Pixel launcher to Pixel 3

* Redflare 1.23+

* Linux 4.4.161

Many things I don't remember.. Check change log below




* device/oneplus/msm8998-common/

b218d0c Pixel powerhal

2756efc Set path for proper handling of hals

* frameworks/base/

cc6bcfae21f base: SystemUI: add OmniRecord based qs tile

584b1103ee6 GlobalScreenshot: Fix screenshot not saved with some languages

14b56d25f65 Screenshot: Append app name after screenshot date.

0df96532221 Screenshot: append app name to filename

f8f5736af1a BatteryMeterView: Forced show percent in PowerSave

a2d44bbeb77 Prevent NFE in SystemUI when parsing invalid int

30a7b276aa8 Fix UsbDeviceManager null object reference

7a15f98506c Wifi: Check for WiFiService's existence before its access

83fa6f6f4e1 base: SettingsProvider: cleanup leftover logspill

7f29de3f3a1 UserManagerService: Use NITROGEN_FINGERPRINT to signal upgrades

e632db117bf SystemUI: use fp MODE_UNLOCK when pulsing or aod

5f02807e1ef Reload Pixel Home Animation without reboot

335f84de87e Pixel Navbar animation toggle [1/2]

3f1178cd7af [sQUASHED] Add Dual Channel into Bluetooth Audio Channel Mode developer options menu Add CHANNEL_MODE_DUAL_CHANNEL constant Allow SBC as HD audio codec in Bluetooth device configuration

7d88616443c FeatureFlags: Show Auto-BT while driving setting

6f1959a11e6 Base: fix facelock crash when lock screen is disabled

be6187dc4f1 Cache pin algorithms in PinSet

8862952bed3 Cache the global proxy to avoid fetching it for every request

289d785fe84 Cache KeyStoreService

e08a8735aa0 (Point) Only calculate sin and cos once

7ebde0e6219 SystemUI: Animate switching keyguard indications

aace3bcd97a Treat default value that wasn't found as empty value

f7923cf9e09 Reverse notification menu animation on cancel

afcd2c8af0d Support UnifiedNlp (microG)

a5fcffc5d8e base: persist screenshot type in settings

a26d452e9a7 Toast icon switch [1/2]

06d840c07f2 ToastIcon: Update padding properly for 8.1

e8fae673698 Show icon of package associated with Toast

c47652e0d53 Fix for google backup and restore

274e2bd29ca Performance: Memory Optimizations.

* packages/apps/Settings/

a9af4ca4f6 search/suggestions: Allow use of Google SettingsIntelligence

326e7ddb40 search: Impliment external searching

9016f5b496 Settings: Sim status and IMEI info are wrong if only sim2 inserted

01ad4d7392 Revert "deviceInfo: Fix imei dialog fc when only 1 sim is inserted"

c9f5134316 Add Dual Channel into Bluetooth Audio Channel Mode developer options menu

* vendor/aosp/

6c3df634 Build omnirecord

* vendor/oneplus/

a5b3adac Pixel power hal 2/2

6a908c25 MSM8998: Qualcomm GPU driver update (269 --> 319)

d41b0d93 msm8998: update blobs from ob17/ob19

95757e8e msm8998: add missing libs for ant+

78103dc2 dont use prebuilt anthal

* vendor/pixelstyle/

a96e433 Pixel3 Livewallpaper

f3afa45 Add default Pixel 2XL live wallpapers




* device/oneplus/msm8998-common/

b1936c4 Revert "Fix VoLTE reset after reboot"

* frameworks/base/

51232615944 Revert "Remove custom corner padding"

* frameworks/native/

20ec85489 Revert "InputDispatcher: On keypress, deliver keycode to pokeUserActivity"

* frameworks/opt/net/ims/

58ada7a Merge tag 'LA.UM.7.4.r1-03500-8x98.0' of into HEAD

* frameworks/opt/telephony/

c9a21f57e MSIM:Fix iccid issue during android upgrade.

f5320af97 DCTracker: fix loading of Oreo qti-telephony-common blob

7cd83b263 DcTracker: Change access modifier of isNvSubscription to protected

1f7b66eaf PhoneFactory: fix creating a cdma phone type

84066099e Telephony: Enable NV based CDMA data call.

f568dbd74 MMS: Update apnProfileID for MMS only apn.

5b35c5a09 Fix signal icon is not shown

15fd0ff45 telephony: Fix loading of non Oreo-MR1 QTI blobs

e266d1741 Merge tag 'LA.UM.7.4.r1-03500-8x98.0' of into HEAD

* packages/services/Telecomm/

22a17f83 Break qti-telephony-framework dependency II

bacd7de1 Merge tag 'LA.UM.7.4.r1-03500-8x98.0' of into HEAD

* packages/services/Telephony/

c7a5f877d ToggleLte: fix WCDMA only

d2d56c8b3 ToggleLte: multisim compatibility

c7d64d20c Restore previous network value after toggleLTE

a306dcb29 Implement toggleLte Using logic based on Ryan Hope's commits

5e7c85c8c PhoneCommon: Add description text item for each clear code

3ae236c45 IMS: Add support for STK CC feature

1c67a34c0 Quick solution for preferred_network_mode array

00fcac30f Add permission to change WiFi hotspot settings

e28a7c5ea Unify calling account display and selection

75ed1aee8 Check before removing preference

d606974d7 Break qti-telephony-framework dependency

f4b37595b TeleService: If you want to remove a pref you should set the key

490762c24 CallFeatureSettings: Only show video quality if QTI package installed

ecc2f4948 Revert "Add support to launch call barring"

eb78917b1 Revert "XDivert changes for MSIM"

60b084313 Add some org.codeaurora.* to protected broadcasts

7f0bfb364 Merge tag 'LA.UM.7.4.r1-03500-8x98.0' of into HEAD

* system/core/

5f4071ca7 LockscreenCharging: squashed (2/3)




* frameworks/opt/telephony/

5d8740542 Introduce TelephonyExtUtils

* packages/apps/Settings/

d190682214 Revert "Settings: Switch to Google's Settings search provider"

eb0c1797eb Fix Battery settings FC

* packages/apps/Updates/

c53a180 Automatic translation import

* packages/providers/DownloadProvider/

59ac41e Automatic translation import

* vendor/gapps/

ff51e62 Don't include Chrome when minimal apps flag is defined




* build/make/

e4625eee0 Revert "build: Allow devices to provide prebuilt vbmeta image"

a5c25e1c8 Revert "build: Allow building disabled vbmeta images in signing process"

68ca5d84a Revert "Build: Make dex2oat boot image error abort explicit"

* frameworks/base/

a7681cb608a MSIM: Get network operator name of default data sub.

3263641688d SystemUI: Fixed traffic icon show in SUB1 while sending MMS on SUB2

3ac2fbf80e1 SystemUI: Fix NPE

421b1c880f5 SystemUI: Sort subscriptions for SPN

2869172ec85 Overscroll: modified velocitytracker

fe4ef983fcf Keyguard: Remove carrier text for disabled SIMs

061a40b30b7 Add ICCID into CarrierIdentifier

a9d9dfeca8c Add config to disable CDMA call forward/waiting

d768f053bb7 BT: Send info if call is CS type from telecomm service to BT apps.

6e958621db1 Telecom: Add support for call timer reset on CDMA MO call

714ae8f8219 IMS: Propagate RTT capability of the called party to UI

fb21fb634a7 Use proper coded alphabet when a contact is written into EF_ADN of USIM.

b2cdc7f4b22 IMS: Conference URI support.

29fc282e37e IMS: Add CALL_TYPE for audio and video inactive

d74c5c323f7 Pass correct parameters to API sendMultipartTextMessage

a841a5ffb3b IMS: Initialize provisioning status to unknown.

e238b8f4d77 Fix Possible Deadlock with getFeatureState

03a4200bebd FR49835: ImsMultiEndPoint - Sip Notify Change

97756bad314 FR49835: ImsMultiEndPoint - Sip Notify Change

107a17f56eb IMS: Support Robocall Feature For MT VOLTE Calls

5446f568a7f IMS: Support for Implicit Call Rejection

9f183c7cbfa IMS: Propagate call session property changed message

76b1d103630 Emergency SMS carrier config flag

f9e944fa938 IMS: Adding support for TIR/TIP permanent provisioning

a4c5e7ae8c5 Avoid WiFi to Cellular silent redial when roaming

9049ca0d646 Telephony: Add DisconnectCause values for clear code

272ba500816 SEEMP: framework instrumentation and AppProtect features

349159b2f80 IMS: Add flag to control reset UT capability

5544b1ff156 IMS: Add UT interface to query CF setting for service class.

fd0308e3a9b SMS: Parsing of CDMA MMS notification carried by SMS

a5ffe36eb16 Telephony: Add 7bit Ascii support for long message

88cbf637b38 IMS-VT: Add config to control holding a video call

7559ace1766 Telephony: Get SIM card capacity count of SMS

ec53ef5caac Telephony: Introduce a base class for ISMS.aidl.

* packages/apps/Settings/

96e65dfff1 SimSettings: Use TelephonyExtUtils helper methods

510dcea765 SimSettings: Fix preferred calls sim not being disabled

fdbab6f6e3 SimSettings: Fix potential NPE

e533850881 SimSettings: Handle NoClassDefFoundError on devices without telephony-ext

2b5535f9a9 MSIM: Fix user set DDS sub in hotswap cases.

82faef619a SimSettings: Improve dialogs

d6be00950f SimSettings: Correctly disable sim switch without SIM card

c2497e37ab SimSettings: Port manual provisioning support

6b6c9aeba9 Hotspot: Add overlay whether to disable dual band support

e1dfbd66d5 fuelgauge: Fix possible memory leaks

b9c7ce52ca fuelgauge: Implement Early Warnings

71567056be fuelgauge: Use Enhanced Battery Prediction from Turbo

e054132e78 fuelgage: Implement isTypeService

* packages/apps/Updates/

b49e6db Automatic translation import

* packages/providers/DownloadProvider/

4b1c52d Automatic translation import




* build/soong/

a7c2b466 soong: Add java sources overlay support

* frameworks/native/

622dc340a PowerManager.h: Define USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG values

a4dcc8459 InputDispatcher: On keypress, deliver keycode to pokeUserActivity

* hardware/custom/keydisabler/

9b5ec66 Refactor

* kernel/oneplus/msm8998/

3732791584af Merge branch '8.1.0-unified' into 8.1.0-unified-treble

25c384e80ffa RedFlare-Kernel-v1.23

1f2a4f22cc63 Merge branch 'oneplus/QC8998_O_8.1' of into 8.1.0-unified

* vendor/aosp/

a2fd208f vendor: Cleanup soong config

274dc4e6 vendor/aosp: Add support for java source overlays

c03d4eee vendor: Build keydisabler package




* build/make/

389c4ebba core: Disable vendor restrictions

26e11b9aa build: Automatically replace old-style kernel header includes with new header lib

66a8edcc0 no matter what build type we dont want to see anything but Build_ID

f255b7a19 Build custom audio files [1/2]

f7c358a5c build: Fix changelog generation logic

01793f80a build: Add our props to ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES

4cb064e08 Don't build useless html viewer




* frameworks/opt/telephony/

6310b7697 telephony: Squashed support for simactivation feature

617f09e9b Also activate default UICC apps once after SIM presence.

ffff8e216 Activate default UICC application if not done automatically.

* packages/apps/SettingsIntelligence/

6d0afc5 Use CUSTOM_FINGERPRINT to reindexing

cb958b6 SettingsIntelligence: Match Settings style

* vendor/pixelstyle/

102c0f0 Update WallpaperPickerGooglePrebuilt to 1.3.169416333

85a19ae NexusWallpapersStubPrebuilt2017: Add Pixel 3 Wallpapers

86f53c1 Nuke WallpapersUsTwo

71155cf Update Google Actions Services to 1.1.216357984

38b2c9d Update default wallpaper

69258b8 Update PixelLauncher from pixel 3

6c8944c vendor: Exclude all custom overlays from RRO




* bionic/

59b932779 bionic: Fix more mutex breakage

* frameworks/av/

96d8074d6 Allow FaceUnlock in background

* hardware/interfaces/

7db75186 Camed HAL extension: Added support in HIDL for Extended FD.

* kernel/oneplus/msm8998/

4a81def0de21 Merge 4.4.161 into oneplus/QC8998_O_8.1

b001adea66f0 Linux 4.4.161

3a07d58f20c8 ebtables: arpreply: Add the standard target sanity check

367222df9176 ath10k: fix scan crash due to incorrect length calculation

eee1af4e268e tcp: add tcp_ooo_try_coalesce() helper

be288481479c tcp: call tcp_drop() from tcp_data_queue_ofo()

352b66932a23 tcp: free batches of packets in tcp_prune_ofo_queue()

e747775172a2 tcp: fix a stale ooo_last_skb after a replace

4666b6e2b27d tcp: use an RB tree for ooo receive queue

ec7055c62714 tcp: increment sk_drops for dropped rx packets

c4c844549025 ubifs: Check for name being NULL while mounting

38ea605f919c ucma: fix a use-after-free in ucma_resolve_ip()

b4dd80c33338 ARC: clone syscall to setp r25 as thread pointer

0cbf366a6988 powerpc/fadump: Return error when fadump registration fails

023fdb64ee8d ath10k: fix use-after-free in ath10k_wmi_cmd_send_nowait

75fe5488b22f cgroup: Fix deadlock in cpu hotplug path

fb751efb29d0 ext4: always verify the magic number in xattr blocks

26f9ef6cebbe of: unittest: Disable interrupt node tests for old world MAC systems

d70a6783f730 USB: serial: simple: add Motorola Tetra MTP6550 id

ed8649a4691b xhci: Add missing CAS workaround for Intel Sunrise Point xHCI

dce708809daa dm cache: fix resize crash if user doesn't reload cache table

1516d9fa636f PM / core: Clear the direct_complete flag on errors

24479b9d2d03 mac80211: fix setting IEEE80211_KEY_FLAG_RX_MGMT for AP mode keys

5527ae62617e PCI: Reprogram bridge prefetch registers on resume

e8dc08a109cb x86/vdso: Fix vDSO syscall fallback asm constraint regression

5961c3d0064f x86/vdso: Fix asm constraints on vDSO syscall fallbacks

937b51457b5f fbdev/omapfb: fix omapfb_memory_read infoleak

c6f1725b9cbd mm/vmstat.c: skip NR_TLB_REMOTE_FLUSH* properly

* system/netd/

480cffb netd: Allow devices to force-add directly-connected routes




* build/soong/

ff9ec33a soong sbox: Add option to allow copying all generated output

* external/tinycompress/

ba5b93e tinycompress: Use generated kernel headers

* frameworks/base/

419eb19bab2 SystemUI: Add Smart Pixels tile

d491a25be40 SystemUI: Add Gaming mode tile

* hardware/interfaces/

b0513999 wifi: Add logic to create secondary interface for STA mode too.

c9597850 wifi: Add provision to create/remove dynamic interface(s).

dd44006e wifi: Fetch softap interface name for creating ap_iface operations.

* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8974/

8716833b6 Add -Wno-error to compile with global -Werror.

* hardware/qcom/audio/default/

62b37f5c audio: Use generated kernel headers

* hardware/qcom/media/

07262b66 media: Use generated kernel headers

* vendor/aosp/

bdeef264 vendor: Move some kernel definitions to BoardConfigKernel

88a77a8c vendor/aosp: Remove headers generation

c679901a vendor: Dynamically generate kernel headers using custom generator

d19c5ccc vendor/aosp: Add soong generator module type

986ec311 kernel: Correct CROSS_COMPILE_ARM32 toolchain

cc669701 vendor: losrepopick: Handle aosp repos

39801357 repopick: Fix path handling on some repos

e745ad5e vendor: losrepopick: Fix branch and remote

153fed5d vendor: Add original lineage repopick

310bbd50 vendor: Fix soong variables

424068f4 omni: overlay: enable VoLTE for some French carriers

7882d74b omni: overlay: enable volte for 262 01/06

2e1bf7de vendor: carrierconfig: enable volte for (222/10)

ebd17487 CarrierConfig: enalbe volte for O2/UK

309d9c16 RJIO: Change Roaming protocal to IPV4V6.

8f6624d9 apns: update RJIO APNs

74446714 extract_utils: Fix output dex file name generated by vdexExtractor

306a3835 extract_utils: add CDEX support via compact_dex_converter

* vendor/qcom/opensource/cryptfs_hw/

0a54def cryptfs_hw: Use generated kernel headers




* frameworks/base/

c499ac0586b QS: Add Expanded Desktop QS Tile

* hardware/qcom/bt-caf/

d3ec78d libbt-vendor: Add missing vendor prefix to a bluetooth.status prop

eb1fbd2 Load bluetooth firmwares from /vendor

0194bad libbt-vendor: Fix BLUETOOTH_MAC_ADDR_BOOT_PROPERTY definition

718576d Add missing headers to libbt-vendor

36ed80a Remove hardcoded LOCAL_MODULE_PATHS from vendor components. (bt)

cd889f4 libbt-qcom: Allow reading BT address from property

1931f99 libbt: Fix case where SoC type is not set

907f4f9 Apply the Cherokee's mechanism of stopping hci_filter to ROME

f75772d BT: Moving chipset version parameters' initialization out of ALOG

5f507b1 Add vendor-specific message types for FM.

3d7a7a5 Don't build libbt-hidlclient for OSS builds

* hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8996/

9e4e937f3 sdm: core: Add flag to use old gpu composition handling

* hardware/qcom/power/

e12c8f1 Add 'vendor.' prefix to a vendor daemon name

f3dfa4c Remove vendor.lineage.power references

* kernel/oneplus/msm8998/

395494e7943b Merge branch '8.1.0-unified' into 8.1.0-unified-treble

7e279cbd5a8f RedFlare-Kernel-v1.22

3d23af877590 Merge branch 'oneplus/QC8998_O_8.1' of into 8.1.0-unified

04a657bc02f9 Merge 4.4.160 into oneplus/QC8998_O_8.1

* system/core/

e9654ad9d healthd: cover devices that have voltage_max file with value of 0

Envoyé depuis mon Matra 2082

Merci mon petit gars !
Downloadage !

Envoyé de mon ONEPLUS A5000 en utilisant Tapatalk

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Et Gcam Andronova dans tout ça ?

Sent from my ONEPLUS A5000 using Forum mobile app

C'est la caméra installée par défaut sur la Pixen, qui donne de très bons résultats en faible luminosité, si réglée comme il faut (voir mon post sur le sujet dans la section).
Par rapport a la caméra oos, un poil en dessous niveau fonctions.

Envoyé depuis mon Matra 2082

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Ben moi aujourd'hui j'ai fait mon premier marathon ! 4h13, mais les 10 derniers kms ont été assez douloureux 😬

J'étais avec mon téléphone bien sur, sinon je me permettrai pas de l'indiquer ici 😅

Toujours aussi content de la dernière Pixen, elle tourne super bien :)


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Ben moi aujourd'hui j'ai fait mon premier marathon ! 4h13, mais les 10 derniers kms ont été assez douloureux
J'étais avec mon téléphone bien sur, sinon je me permettrai pas de l'indiquer ici
Toujours aussi content de la dernière Pixen, elle tourne super bien
Toutes mes félicitations pour ta performance !

Sent from my ONEPLUS A5000 using Forum mobile app

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Ben moi aujourd'hui j'ai fait mon premier marathon ! 4h13, mais les 10 derniers kms ont été assez douloureux
J'étais avec mon téléphone bien sur, sinon je me permettrai pas de l'indiquer ici
Toujours aussi content de la dernière Pixen, elle tourne super bien
Bravo pour le marathon, c'est une épreuve qui force l'admiration !
J'ai fait un ekiden la semaine dernière, 5 bornes sur les 42.195 !

RedFlare ou retour à Krieg?
Moi je veux me faire une idée mais je pense revenir à Krieg.

Envoyé de mon ONEPLUS A5000 en utilisant Tapatalk

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Redflare (stock) de mon côté, rien a lui reprocher donc pas besoin de changer ;)

Envoyé depuis mon Matra 2082

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Oui je vais voir.
En fait c'est un constat de l'autonomie avec Waze qui me fait penser à changer.
La veille en CNP + Krieg, j'ai eu le sentiment d'avoir un bien meilleur résultat qu'hier avec PixEn stock mais je n'ai pas comparé dans les règles.

Envoyé de mon ONEPLUS A5000 en utilisant Tapatalk

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Pour éviter d'avoir des problèmes comme moi à l'avenir concernant un downgrade custom Pie à Oreo stock (et peut-être custom) et que vous êtes cryptés, la seule solution pour ne pas avoir de problème de cryptage de TWRP c'est le format data pure et simple. En effet, les TWRP proposés par Codeworks et Blu Spark ne sont pas compatibles Pie cryptés. Avant d'aller sur Pie, pensez bien à décrypter.

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Sauf si vous êtes décryptés.


Je dis ça parce que même étant sous Pixen je suis quand-même revenu sous OOS (À vrai dire ça me convient amplement OOS) et que j'ai eu le même soucis que lorsque j'etais sous CNP avec TWRP qui me disait que le code de verrouillage était faux, malgré que j'avais supprimé les codes avant flash.


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yes j avais eu le meme soucis entre custom et retour a OOS, j ai perdu toutes mes donnée interne, ca me donne plus trop envie de bouger de rom pour le moment

OOS fait le taf, c est fluide, certes peu de personnalisation mais au final ca me dérange pas plus que ça 


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Ben moi toujours sous Pixen, rien a dire, rapide, stable, autonomie correcte, aucun souci jusqu'à maintenant :)

Sinon 5.1.6 stable dispo, pas grand chose dans le changelog, comme toutes les dernières Oos sortie pour le Op5 ...

Envoyé depuis mon Matra 2082

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Il y a 2 heures, Minux a dit :

Ben moi toujours sous Pixen, rien a dire, rapide, stable, autonomie correcte, aucun souci jusqu'à maintenant :)

Sinon 5.1.6 stable dispo, pas grand chose dans le changelog, comme toutes les dernières Oos sortie pour le Op5 ...

Envoyé depuis mon Matra 2082

j allais mettre la capture mais tu as déja donner l info , bon aller je donne quand meme le changelog meme si celui ci est complétement inutile, la stable stagne énormément depuis 3 mois 

Lâimage contient peut-être : texte

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j allais mettre la capture mais tu as déja donner l info , bon aller je donne quand meme le changelog meme si celui ci est complétement inutile, la stable stagne énormément depuis 3 mois 

Tu l'as flashé ? Il y a la nouvelle interface ?

Sent from my ONEPLUS A5000 using Forum mobile app

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